
  • 网络MOOC(Massive Open Online Courses);Open CourseWare
  1. 本研究以教育技术专业的本科生为研究对象,主要研究大学生网络公开课的使用现状及需求。

    This research , mainly on the needs and the usage of the open courseware in the universities , has surveyed undergraduates whose major are Educational Technology .

  2. 目前网络公开课提供的课程大部分都是传统课堂教学过程的数字版本,博客作家丹•布汀将其称为“在web2.0的世界学习1.0的产品”。

    The current MOOC offerings are mostly digital versions of conventional pedagogies – what blogger Dan Butin has called " Learning 1.0 products in a Web 2.0 world " .

  3. MOOC(网络公开课)是高等教育相关缩写词汇中的新成员,也可能是所有词汇中最具影响力的一个。

    MOOCs ( Massive Open Online Courses ) are the latest addition to the acronym-bound lexicon1 of higher education , and quite possibly the most significant of them all .

  4. 网络公开课代表网络教育的新一代,可以通过网络免费获取,接收到学生数目巨大。

    They represent a new generation of online education , freely accessible on the internet and geared towards very large student numbers .

  5. 在网络公开课发展的早期阶段,预言其对高等教育提供者的影响还为时尚早。

    At this early stage of the MOOC revolution , it is premature3 to predict the impacts on conventional higher education providers .

  6. 通过网络公开课获取的知识没有理由不被认可,尤其是在确保质量的前提下,学位授予机构的市场已经开放。

    There is no inherent reason why MOOC-acquired learning cannot be accredited7 and recognized , especially as the market for degree-awarding powers opens up , subject perhaps to appropriate quality assurance arrangements .

  7. 不论网络公开课的崛起是否真的会达到如此夸张的阶段,有一点可以肯定的是全球体系内正在发生一些重要的事情,并引发了对高等教育本质和将来的一些疑问。

    Whether or not the rise of MOOCs will prove to warrant such hyperbole , there is no doubt that something very important is happening in the global system , raising profound questions about the very nature and future of higher education .

  8. ScottAnderson在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学教哲学,他说网络公开课优劣面兼备。

    Scott Anderson teaches philosophy at the University of British Columbia in Canada .

  9. 近些年来,大型网络公开课(MassiveOpenOnlineCourses,简称Mooc)数量大幅增长。

    The past few years have seen an exponential increase in the number of Moocs ( massive open online courses ) .

  10. 部分答案在于,随着商业知识日益商品化和大型网络公开课(massiveopenonlinecourses,简称Moocs)的兴起,商学院之间的竞争也在加剧。

    Part of the answer lies in increased competition because of the growing availability of commoditised business knowledge and the rise of massive open online courses ( Moocs ) .

  11. 比如,被称为“大型网络公开课”(MassiveOpenOnlineCourses,简称“慕课”(Mooc))的可下载视频,如今已成为向所有互联网用户提供学习机会的工具。

    Downloadable videos , known as Moocs ( massive open online courses ) , for example , are now a tool for delivering learning to anyone with Internet access .

  12. 接下来是网络公开课,具有讽刺意味的是,斯坦福和麻省理工学院(mit)等顶尖院校在这一领域处于领先地位。

    Then there are the MOOCS the massive open online courses in which , ironically , top universities such as Stanford and MIT are leading the way .

  13. 以M开头的缩写词MOOC:大规模网络公开课。

    It starts with an M. MOOC : massive open online courses .

  14. Anderson说,上网络公开课的学生数量增多,意味着学生和老师之间的沟通减少了。

    Mr. Anderson says increased numbers of students in MOOCs can mean less communication between them and teachers . He says two ways to deal with this are by adding more teachers and setting up online discussion groups .

  15. 在各方竞相通过大型网络公开课(MassiveOpenOnlineCourses,简称Mooc)形式将免费内容放到线上之后,一些知名商学院开发了基于网络的课程,将在线授课与校内上课或者复制那种讲座讨论的虚拟互动结合起来。

    After the rush to put free content online through massive open online courses ( Moocs ) , a number of leading business schools have developed web-based programmes that blend online teaching with meetings on campus or virtual interactions that replicate the discussions that can take place in lecture halls .

  16. 上周,我们谈了大规模的网络公开课,也叫MOOCs,数万人、甚至更多的人能同时上课,只要有台电脑和网络,全世界各个角落都可上网络公开课。

    Last week , we talked about Massive Open Online Courses , also called MOOCs . Tens of thousands , or even more , people can take these classes all at once . You can be anywhere in the world to take a MOOC . All you need is a computer and a network connection .

  17. 大众化网络公开课将成为重要的收入来源。

    Massive open online courses will become important revenue streams . '

  18. 我们还可以授权这些网络公开课面向其他的大学,

    We can also license these MOOC courses to other universities ,

  19. 它也能解决大规模网络公开课在其商业方面的实际问题。

    It can also solve a practical problem of MOOCs , the business aspect .

  20. 名校教授大型网络公开课(又被称为慕课)你可能已经很熟悉了。

    You may be familiar with massive open online courses ( MOOCs ) delivered by professors from prestigious universities .

  21. 在接下来的讨论中,我会将话题集中在网络公开课的另一面。

    Now , in this discussion today , I 'm going to focus on a different aspect of MOOCs .

  22. 以问卷调查的形式,分析和总结网络公开课视频资源的应用现状。

    The form of a questionnaire survey analyzed and summarized the application status of the network open class video resources .

  23. 这些网络公开课内容广泛,从历史、政治、科学到伦理道德,无所不有。

    These open courses cover a wide range of subjects , from history to politics and from science to ethics .

  24. 缺乏互动与交流:网络公开课的一大缺点便是无法与教授直接交流。

    Lack of interaction : One of the disadvantages of open courses is that you cannot communicate with the professor .

  25. 所以今天,我想以一个不一样的视角讨论网络公开课的另一面。

    So today , I want to discuss a different aspect , the other side of MOOCs , take a different perspective .

  26. 教授这一网络公开课的教授都来自美国加州欧文分校,包括物理学、公共健康学以及社会科学的教授。

    The professors of the course are all from UC Irvine and include professors of physics , public health , and social sciences .

  27. 由圣塔克拉拉大学马库拉应用伦理学研究中心提供的,第一届免费无入学门坎大型网络公开课将于11月4日正式开课。

    The first unlimited-enrollment massive open online course ( MOOC ) offered for free by the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University started Nov. 4 , 2013 .

  28. 网络公开课是传统的远程教育的一个补充,多年来,许多大学提供部分或全部在线的课程,这些课程包括计算机科学、工程或机械,那么,网络公开课能提供像艺术和人类之类的学科吗?

    MOOCs add to a tradition of what is known as distance learning . For years , many colleges have offered classes that are taught partly or mostly online . MOOCs are available in subjects like computer science , engineering or mechanics . Can MOOCs in subjects like arts or the be as effective ?

  29. 福克斯广播公司记者柯雷顿莫里斯亦声称这场发布会的焦点将是iTunesU(网络名校公开课)和可能的教科书项目。

    Also , Clayton Morris of Fox News , claims that the event will focus on iTunes U and possible textbooks .

  30. 因此,该研究可以为后续国内大范围的网络视频公开课内容建设提供借鉴和指导。

    Therefore , this research can provide reference and guidance for subsequent domestic online video open class content construction of a big range .