
  • 网络conditional offer;Conditional Admission
  1. 约克大学有条件录取通知书;

    Conditional offer of the University of york ;

  2. 我们不发有条件录取,主要是因为我们没有设置英语强化项目。

    We don 't give out conditional offers , mainly because we don 't have set an intensive English program .

  3. 和特拉华大学的几乎所有中国学生一样,范逸苏是被有条件录取的就是说,他得顺利念完一个英语项目,才可以开始修读大学课程。

    Like nearly all the Chinese students at Delaware , Mr. Fan was conditionally admitted that is , he can begin taking university classes once he successfully completes an English program .

  4. 她曾看到一些有条件录取的学生会在暑假之后,在满分为120分的托福考试中把成绩提高了30到40分,而他们的英语口语能力却并没有明显提高。

    She has seen conditionally admitted students increase their Toefl scores by 30 or 40 points , out of a possible 120 , after a summer break , despite no significant improvement in their ability to speak English .

  5. 我申请了传媒与文化解析专业的研究生并获得了有条件的录取通知书。

    I have applied for the MA programme of Media and Cultural Analysis ans got the conditional offer .