
yǒu xiào shù zì
  • significant digits
  1. 本文叙述了嵌入式可选有效数字位敷高精度DK&BASIC解释系统(简称DKB系统)中的加减法子程序工作原理。

    This paper is due to describe the principle how to realize the addition and subtraction sub - program for mountable mode and multiple precision DK & BASIC interpretive system which has many selectable significant digits .

  2. 函数运算有效数字位数的确定

    On Determining the Figure of A Function Calculation of Significant Digits

  3. 接下来,输入一个有效数字并点击Validate。

    Next , enter a valid number and press Validate .

  4. PASCO数字化物理实验中测量结果的有效数字

    Measure Valid Numerals in PASCO Digital Physics Experiment

  5. 该文讨论了叶绿素含量测定中玻璃器皿误差、仪器误差以及采用Arnon公式计算所带来的误差,推导了用4位有效数字表示的Arnon公式。

    Three errors in measuring chlorophyll content , i. e. , glassware error , instrument error and calculation error by Arnon formula were discused in this paper .

  6. 例如,若要将某个变量声明为整数类型(从而始终将其标识为一个有效数字),可以使用:$declare-imyint。

    For example , to declare a variable as an integer type ( and therefore to always be identified as a valid number ), use : $ declare-i myint .

  7. 目的建立诊断轻微肝性脑病(MHE)的有效数字连接试验(NCT)-A、数码符号试验(DST)等简易智能测试的正常范围。

    Objective To establish the normal parameters of psychometric measures such as the number connection tests A ( NCT-A ) and digit symbol tests ( DST ) in assessment of minimal hepatic en - cephalopathy ( MHE ) .

  8. 本文叙述了嵌入式高精度可选有效数字位数DK-BASIC解释系统(简称DKB)换码程序中的拼浮点数子程序的工作原理。

    This paper involves the principle of floating-point and putting together number subroutines in the escape program for mountable mode in high accuracy DK-BASIC interpretive system , which has many selectable significant digits .

  9. 环境监测测量结果有效数字位数应用中常见问题的探讨

    Study on the number system of significant figures in environmental monitoring

  10. 中药检验中的有效数字及数据处理

    Significant Digit and Data Handling in Test on Traditional Chinese Medicine

  11. 间接测量值的有效数字问题析疑

    Analysis of the Problem Concerning the Effective Figures in Indirect Measurement

  12. 有效数字乘除法运算规则的修改

    Modification of the calculating rules of effective number multiplying and dividing

  13. 农科论文中有效数字位数的准确表达

    Reasonable expression of digit numbers of significant digits in agricultural papers

  14. 有效数字在工科大学物理实验中的应用探讨

    The exploration of significant digits in engineering physical experiment of College

  15. 回归方程中待估参数有效数字位的选取准则

    Criterion of selecting significant figure of estimating parameter in regression equation

  16. 显示秒的小数部分的五个最高有效数字。

    Displays the five most significant digits of the seconds fraction .

  17. 微机化仪表中测量结果有效数字的处理

    Significant digit processing of measuring result in the computerized instrument

  18. 误差限与有效数字的关系

    The relation (?) Relationship Between Error Bounds and Effective Numerals

  19. 浅议物理实验中有效数字的概念

    Discussions on the concept of significant digits in physics experiment

  20. 有效数字的定义及其在数据处理中的应用

    The definition and application in data treatment of significant figure

  21. 从直接测量中探讨有效数字的一般定义

    Inquiry of General Difinition about Significant Figure Through Direct Measurement

  22. 物理实验中有效数字的确定原则及作用探讨

    Dealing Principle and Usages of Significant Figure in Physics Experiments

  23. 讨论了《中国药典》中存在的有效数字问题。

    The problems of effective digits in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia are discussed .

  24. 分光计实验中误差和有效数字的运算问题

    Problems of error and effective numeral in the spectrometer experiment

  25. 电阻箱电阻值有效数字的确定

    Determination of the Significant Figures of an Indicated Value of a Resistance Box

  26. 在分析化学实验中树立正确的有效数字概念

    Setting up the Significant Digit Concept in Analytical Chemistry

  27. 关于原始读数有效数字问题的研究

    Study on the Significant Digits of Original Recording Data

  28. 字符串包含非数字字符。请输入一个有效数字。

    String contains non-numeric character ( s ) . Please enter a valid number .

  29. 有效数字在电阻测量中的几点分析

    Analyses on Effective Digit in Measuring Electrical Resistance

  30. 收件人没有加密电子邮件的有效数字标识。

    The recipient does not have a valid digital ID for encrypting e-mail messages .