
  • 网络harmful component
  1. 试验结果表明,烟气中的部分有害组分与浆状吸收剂进行反应生成盐类化合物、水和CO2,被吸附的有害组分被液相中的ClO2强制氧化成CO2和H2O。

    The test results show that some toxic components in flue gas react with the slurry absorbent and produce salt compound , H 2O and CO 2 . Absorbed components are oxidized by ClO 2 in liquid phase , and reaction products are CO 2 and H 2O .

  2. 沥青中潜在的有害组分环境污染研究综述

    Present Research Situation of Potential Harmful Compounds in Asphalt to Environment

  3. 矿石有害组分含量低,易选性好。

    The harmful components content in ore is very low , easy to dress .

  4. 煤层气组分浓度异常蕴含着丰富的地球化学成因信息,某些有害组分的异常浓度往往会对矿工人身健康造成影响。

    The concentration anomaly of CBM components contains abundant geochemical genesis information ; while anomalous concentration of some harmful components will impact miner 's health .

  5. 为降低成本,合理利用资源,本文对其中的有害组分亚磷酸根和硫酸根离子进行了选择性去除,而镍、钨、钴和次亚磷酸根离子、有机酸则被有效地保留下来了。

    In order to cutting down the cost and making full use of resources , the harmful phosphite ions and sulfate ions are removed , and the useful ingredients nickel , tungsten , cobalt , hypophosphite and organic acid ions are reserved significantly .

  6. 认为地质构造上的封闭性、强还原/弱碱性/富含有机质的水文地球化学环境、地下水运动滞缓是盆地地下水中多种原生有害组分富集的基本条件。

    The results show that the primary harmful components would be concentrated under the following conditions : the geological structure is enclosed , the environment of strong reducing / alkalescent / full of organic matter in groundwater and groundwater seepage velocity is slow .

  7. 大气降尘颗粒物的成分是环境监测的重要对象,大气颗粒物的危害程度与自身有害组分的含量、颗粒微形貌、粒度大小及所吸附的有害物质等物理特性密切相关。

    The composites of atmospheric dust particles are the important target for environmental monitoring . Harmful levels of atmospheric particles is closely related to physical properties , such as their contents of harmful components , micro-particle morphology , particle size and the absorption of harmful substances .

  8. 基于最少的已知的药理,毒理或生理的活性的原料药或它的最有害的组分来确定。

    Limits can be established based on the minimum known pharmacological , toxicological , or physiological activity of the API or its most deleterious component .

  9. 本文研究一种绿色环保型的镁合金阳极氧化电解液配方及其工艺。该配方不含铬酸盐及其它对环境和人类健康有害的组分,却能提高镁合金的耐蚀性。

    A new environmental protection type process has been developed after lots of experiments . The anodic electrolyte contains none of chromate and other poisonous ingredient to the magnesium alloys .

  10. 大气颗粒物上富集的有毒和有害的组分,不仅对环境空气质量,而且对生态环境和人体健康会造成很大的威胁,需要采取措施防治。

    The toxic and harmful components rich in atmospheric particulates pose a serious threat to environment and air quality , the ecological environment and human health , so it is necessary to take measures for prevention .

  11. 局部钒高,可达有用伴生组分品位,有害元素磷主要赋存于磷灰石中,其他有用有害组分均较低。

    Local area has a high grade of V and is enough to reach the useful associated components grade . The harmful elements of P mainly occur in the apatite .