
  • 网络Organic product;organic food;organic produce
  1. 一旦进入欧盟国内,有机产品就可以进行自有贸易。

    Once inside the eu , the organic product can be traded freely .

  2. 禁止收获的有机产品暴露在辐射中。

    It is completely prohibited to expose the organic product to irradiation after harvest .

  3. 多数超级市场都经销一系列有机产品。

    Most supermarkets sell a range of organic products .

  4. “必选买有机产品(AlwaysBuyOrganic)”的食品。草莓、油桃和美国出产的苹果均同时名列上述两份“黑名单”之中。如果你考虑购买有机食品,不妨把这几样放在购物清单的首要位置。

    Both lists include strawberries , nectarines and American-grown apples . If you 're considering buying organic , you might put these items at the top of your list .

  5. 以国际互连网Internet作为通信手段,人们可以在计算机网络上建立自己的形象、宣传自己的有机产品和服务,同时进行在线的商业贸易以及通过网络来进行结算。

    By the communication of Internet , any people can create his identification , can propaganda his product and service , to do the trade and accounting online at the same time .

  6. 本文对二甲基甲酰胺产品的pH值测定过程进行探讨,对影响测定的因素进行分析,对正确测定有机产品pH值有理论指导意义和实用价值。

    This article approaches pH value measurement for dimethylformamide , It also analyses the factors influencing the measurement . This is of theoretical guidance significance and practical value .

  7. 丙烯腈(Acrylonitrile,ACN)是一种重要的化工生产原料,单体用作合成各种有机产品。

    Acrylonitrile ( ACN ) is an important intermediary for the synthesis of a variety of industrial organic products .

  8. 创立于2012年中期的Teabox,还效仿销售葡萄酒、剃须刀片、化妆品和有机产品的网站的成功做法,推出了一套提供个性化选择的订购模式。

    Teabox , which started in mid-2012 , is introducing a subscription model offering personalized tea selections , replicating similar successes of online sites selling wine , razor blades , cosmetics and organic products .

  9. ITN记者菲尔·史密斯:店里陈列了大量成排的看起来新鲜美昧的食品,但英国食品标准局的新研究可能会让每年花21亿英镑在有机产品市场的消费者很不是滋味。

    PHIL REAY SMITH , ITN REPORTER : The stores offer an array of fresh and delicious looking food , but shoppers who fund the E2.1 billion annual market in organic produce3 might find the Food Standard Agency 's new study leaves a nasty taste in the mouth .

  10. 市场还有有机产品区。

    Other areas in the market include the organic produce area .

  11. 中国有机产品监管制度的实践和完善

    Enhancement and Practice on Supervision Regime of Organic Products in China

  12. 该网站主营价格低廉的天然有机产品。

    It focuses on natural and organic items at affordable prices .

  13. 有机产品的消费者需要种子和产品保持不被基因工程污染。

    Organic consumers want seeds and products to remain unpolluted by GE .

  14. 商店报告说有机产品的销量急剧增长。

    Shops are reporting a sharp rise in sales of organic produce .

  15. 经过综合鉴定的营养丰富,含有能量的有机产品系列。

    Synthesis Certified Organic , Nutrient Rich , Energy Imbued Product Range .

  16. 对有机产品需求的增长在10年前是无法预见的。

    The increased demand for organic produce was not foreseeable ten years ago .

  17. 你应该开始用有机产品。

    You should really start going for organic .

  18. 有机产品在哪里卖得好?

    Where are organic products selling well ?

  19. 你们的食物也并不包含爱,即使它是有机产品。

    Your food source also does not contain love , even if it is organic .

  20. 法国有机产品发展的多元化

    Diversification of organic products development in France

  21. 认证费用高,有机产品的质优价未优等问题。

    The authentication fee is high .

  22. 由有机产品的特征所决定,有机农业对制度有着较高的要求。

    The organic agriculture ' higher requests to the system are determined by characteristic of organic product .

  23. 在一篇相关报道中,加利福尼亚的研究者指出那些有机产品更有益于身体健康。

    On a related note , Californian researchers reported that organic produce does offer greater health benefits .

  24. 我们矢志为顾客以具吸引力价格提供有别于常规农产品之已认证的有机产品。

    Our mission is to provide customers with alterative organic choices against conventional produces at an attractive rate .

  25. 感谢收看“怎样鉴别有机产品是不是营销伎俩”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching How To Know When Calling A Product Organic Isn 't Just A Marketing Trick .

  26. 选择有机产品,确保没有使用合成肥料,杀虫剂或转基因技术。

    Choose organic to ensure the product bans the use of synthetic fertilizers , pesticides , and genetic engineering .

  27. 这个区域出售的蔬果在种植期间没有使用杀虫剂和化肥,这种产品就称之为有机产品。

    Fruit and vegetables in this area are grown without any insecticides or chemical fertilizers and are called organic .

  28. 进口:芝麻籽,鸡蛋粉,豆奶(豆浆)粉,有机产品,巧克力派,糖果。

    HyongBongKoh Im : Sesame Seed , Egg Powder , Soymilk Powder , Organic Products , Choco Pie , Confectioneries .

  29. 结果,由于很多人都相信有机产品是健康的,更多的产品对有机标签展开竞争。

    As a result , so is competition to label more products organic because many people believe they are healthier .

  30. 正当主要的标示运动支持者结成团体-例如有机产品消费者组织,食物皿煮现在行动!,

    While the most visible proponents of labeling are groups , like the Organic Consumers Organization , Food Democracy Now ! ,