
  • 网络International relations;International Studies;science of international relations
  1. 本文作者为伦敦国王学院(King'sCollegeLondon)2013届“里奥?布兰科”国际关系学教授(the2013RioBrancoChairinInternationalRelations)、里约热内卢“热图利奥?瓦尔加斯基金会”(Funda??oGetulioVargas)副教授

    Matias Spektor is the 2013 Rio Branco Chair in International Relations at King 's College London , and an associate professor at Funda ? ? o Getulio Vargas in Rio de Janeiro

  2. 国际关系学、区域研究与国际政治经济学&关于使用IPE批评理论研究中国的问题

    International Relations , Area Studies , and International Political Economy : Rethinking the Study of China 's International Relations

  3. “这对中国来说是一个新问题,中国在这个问题上,在外交政策方面正在两条战线上作战,”香港浸会大学政治及国际关系学系主任高敬文(jeanpierrecabestan)表示。

    " This is a new problem for China , which is now fighting on two fronts in its foreign policy on this issue , " said Jean-Pierre Cabestan , head of government and international studies at Hong Kong Baptist University .

  4. 西方国际关系学:知识谱系与理论发展

    International Relations in the West : Genealogy and Theoretical Development

  5. 论国家需要&从国际关系学的视角

    On National Needs & From the Visual Angle of International Relations Theory

  6. 2009年是国际关系学在中国30年。

    2009 is the 30th anniversary of international relations introduced into China .

  7. 本文从历史学与国际关系学相结合的角度,客观评价了朝贡贸易制度的积极作用和不足之处。

    The author tries to objectively comment on its active and negative effects .

  8. 过渡中的中国国际关系学

    IR Studies in China : A Discipline in Transition

  9. 论中国国际关系学的特征

    The Characteristics of China 's Studies of International Relations

  10. 国内国际关系学界存在着实证研究和非实证研究两类研究取向孰是孰非的争论。

    There has been a debate on positivism studies among Chinese IR scholars .

  11. 但是我学的是国际关系学。

    I am here to study International relation .

  12. 冲突、张力与有关合作的期待&女性主义与国际关系学三大主流学说

    Clashes , Tensions , and Expectations of Cooperation : Feminism and Three Mainstream Theories

  13. 中国国际关系学:简要评估

    IR Studies in China : A Briefing

  14. 论国际关系学的特点及其科学性问题&兼评中国国际关系学的现状与前景

    International Relations : its features , scientific nature , and a review of Chinese research

  15. 中国国际关系学的一种审视:对学科分支领域的快速扫描(上)

    Reflections on International Studies in China : A General Review of the Sub-fields ( I );

  16. 位于首尔的高丽大学的一位国际关系学教授金先生说,布什总统那个时候访问韩国是不妥当的。

    Byong-Ki Kim of Korea University in Seoul says it was the wrong time for a presidential visit .

  17. 国外研究多将交互应用于社会心理学、国际关系学和人类学。

    Researches on reciprocity abroad have been done in the fields of social psychology , international relations and anthropology .

  18. 从国际关系学角度看,它是全球化时代反帝反霸反美斗争的一种新形式。

    In terms of international relations , it is a new kind of struggle against imperialism , hegemonism and USA.

  19. 这一理论已被应用于社会学、国际关系学、伦理学以及教育学的各门学科。

    The theory has been applied in many fields , including sociology , international relationships , ethics and various subjects in education .

  20. “这显然标志着日本的屈服,”京都大学国际关系学教授藤原浩说。

    " It certainly appears that Japan gave in ," said Hiroshi Nakanishi , a professor of international relations at Kyoto University .

  21. 当代日本外交及其政策分析,一直是我国国际关系学界研究的重点与热点。

    The study of contemporary Japan 's diplomacy has been one focus of the international relation study in China for many years .

  22. 现在国际关系学领域对中日关系的研究,主要表现为两个特征:第一是侧重两国间政治关系的研究。

    The current research on Sino-Japanese relations in the international relations realm mainly contains two characteristics : one is on the political relations .

  23. 规范被广泛地应用于法学、社会学、国际关系学等社会科学的诸多领域。

    The concept of norms is widely used in the social sciences , from law and ethics to social psychology and international relations .

  24. 均势理论是西方国际关系学界现实主义流派的两大支柱之一。

    The theory of balance of power is one of the two major pillars of Realism in the Western school of international relations .

  25. 纵观国际关系学的发展历史,美国的现实主义受到了结构理论和历史社会学、批判理论的挑战;

    From the historical evolution of IR studies , the challenges to US realism came from structural theory , historical sociology and critical theory ;

  26. 张萎萎是日内瓦学校的外交和国际关系学教授,现在在清华和复旦做访问学者。

    Zhang Wei-Wei is a professor at the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations and visiting professor at Tsinghua and Fudan Universities in China .

  27. 本文从具体的研究领域和问题入手,对最近十余年中国国际关系学的学科发展做了一个比较全面的透视。

    This paper offers a thorough review of the development of international studies in China over the past decade in terms of specific research areas and topics .

  28. 本文运用国际关系学中角色与个性的概念,考察了戴维·布鲁斯当选为美国驻中国联络处主任的原因。

    This thesis examines the reasons why Bruce was chosen as the first American Chief Liaison Officer in China , with the concepts of role and personality .

  29. 政治及国际关系学系副教授陈峰博士,凭一篇有关中国工会的研究论文,获伦敦大学东方和非。

    The China Quarterly is a leading and authoritative international journal on China studies published by the University of London 's School of Oriental and African Studies .

  30. 顾问导师为政治及国际关系学系戴高礼教授、新闻系副教授孔文添先生和学生事务处署理辅导长吴丽娴博士。

    Advisors to the two delegations are Professor Michael DeGolyer of the Department of Government and International Studies , Associate Professor Timothy Hamlett of the Department of Journalism , and Dr.