
  • 网络National Essential Drug System;national essential medicine system;NEDS
  1. 借鉴印度德里、澳大利亚等国实施国家基本药物制度的成功经验,提出相应的解决对策。

    She proposes that we can take the successful experiences of Delhi in India and Australia in implementation of national essential medicine system for reference and take corresponding measures in our country .

  2. 政府主导建立国家基本药物制度机制研究

    Studying on the Mechanism of Developing the Government-Led National System for Basic Pharmaceuticals

  3. 阐述国家基本药物制度在我国医疗体制改革中的重要性。

    The importance of national essential drugs system in the medical system reform was elaborated .

  4. 试论新医改形势下我国国家基本药物制度的建设

    Discussion on Construction of National Essential Drug Policy under the Circumstances of New Health Reform

  5. 一是在基层全面实施国家基本药物制度。

    First , we will fully implement the national system for basic drugs at the primary level .

  6. 浅谈建立国家基本药物制度保证群众基本用药

    The Establishment of National System of Essential Drug , To Ensure the Public Basic Demand for Drug

  7. 结合新医改,落实国家基本药物制度,消除以药养医现象。

    Secondly , in light of the new health reform , national essential drug systems should be implemented for eliminating the phenomenon of sustaining medicine with drug .

  8. 新医改出台基本药物制度,本文对新医改背景下国家基本药物制度进行思考,为完善国家基本药物制度提供借鉴。

    Under the background of the new medical reform system , the author thinks of the national essential medicine systems in order to provide reference to improve it .

  9. 目的:评价成都市基层医疗机构基本药物可获得性及国家基本药物制度初步实施状况。

    Objective : To evaluate the availability of national essential medicines and the preliminary implementation of national essential medicines system ( NEMS ) in the primary medical institutions in Chengdu .

  10. 国家基本药物制度在政府办基层医疗卫生机构实现全覆盖,基本药物安全性提高、价格下降。

    We implemented the national system for basic drugs in all community-level medical and health care institutions run by the government , and basic drugs became safer and more affordable .

  11. 目的探讨和研究国家基本药物制度推行初期阶段的效果和影响,对今后政策的调整和发展有着重要意义。

    Objective : Discussing and researching the effect and the influence of initial stage on the national system for basic drugs implementation have important meaning to adjust and develop the future policy .

  12. 随着国家基本药物制度的不断推进,大力宣传基本药物目录,监督基层医疗机构全面实施基本药物制度成为医疗改革的重要工作。

    With developing of the national basic pharmaceutical system , Vigorously promoting the basic pharmaceutical list and supervising the the primary medical institutions tend to be the important work of health care reform .

  13. 因此,如何降低药价、如何规范用药已成为政府面临的重要问题,这也在一定程度上催生了建立国家基本药物制度的设想。

    Therefore , how to bring down drug prices and standardize using drugs becomes an important problem facing the government . It also leads to propose the concept of establishing essential medicine system to some extent .

  14. 全省所有政府举办的乡镇卫生院、社区卫生服务中心和承担基本公共卫生服务的村卫生室都纳入了国家基本药物制度的范围并实现零差率销售。

    The centers of community health service and the village health rooms bearing the basic public health service into the range of the implementation of national essential drug system and realize zero error rate sales work .

  15. 第三章主要分析国家基本药物制度对于我国医药企业的影响,对国家基本药物制度的发展趋势进行了预测,同时,提出了影响的具体状况。

    The third chapter analyzed the impact of national basic pharmaceuticals system for the pharmaceutical enterprises in China , and predicted the development trend of that system ; Meantime , This chapter also proposed the specific conditions of the impact .

  16. 国家实施基本药物制度的根本目的是为了提高基本药物的可及性、可负担性和使用合理性,进而减轻患者的看病负担。

    The implementation of essential medicine system is to improve the accessibility , affordability and rationality of essential medicines and lessen the cost burden .

  17. 结果:通过介绍使广大医药工作者能更好地理解和贯彻执行国家基本药物,并促进我国国家基本药物制度的推广和实施。

    Result : Through the introduction , medical and pharmaceutical staffs can better understand and implement the national essential drugs .

  18. 近年来,国家相关部门要求建立健全药品供应保障体系,建立国家基本药物制度,规范药品生产流通,大力发展药品现代物流。

    In recent years , the suggestion of relevant medical management departments is to establish and improve the drug supply security system , establish national essential drug system , rectify and standardize the order of production and circulation , and develop modern medical logistics .