
  1. 本论文重点论述我国国有独资商业银行加入WTO以后,发展趋势及采取的对策。

    This paper mostly discusses the trend of development and countermeasures of the nation owned single proprietorship bank of commerce of our country after we joined the WTO .

  2. 中国加入WTO后,外资银行与国有独资商业银行竞争的重点仍是以国际贸易结算业务为核心的外汇业务,而非人民币业务。

    Third , after China joining WTO , the competition between state-owned banks and foreign-owned banks will still focus on foreign exchange business whose kernel is foreign trade settlement , not on RMB business .

  3. A公司成立于2006年12月,是一家由C市政府出资设立的国有独资公司,以电力、天然气和煤炭为核心业务,并向新能源领域积极拓展的大型能源企业。

    A company is established by C city government in December , 2006 and is a large energy enterprise . Its core businesses are electric power , natural gas and coal . It is actively expanding toward new energy field .

  4. 随着中国加入WTO,金融全面开放已进入倒计时,面对正在发生剧烈变革的外部金融环境,国有独资商业银行的改革显得更加迫切。

    With China 's entry into the WTO , it is the countdown to the full opening of Chinese money market to the outside . Facing with the dramatic change of the external financial environment , the reform of solely state-owned banks seems to be more urgent .

  5. 国有独资公司是我国国有企业改革的产物和法律形式。

    Wholly state-owned company comes form reformation of wholly state-owned enterprise .

  6. 对于我国国有独资公司来说,外部的监督力量薄弱。

    To our country state-owned company , external supervision is weak .

  7. 国有独资保险公司激励、约束制度;

    The inspiring and balancing system in state-owned insurance companies .

  8. 国有独资商业银行充实资本金的可行性研究

    A Feasibility Study on Increasing Capital of State-owned Commercial Bank

  9. 国有独资公司治理结构的局限性及对策

    Limitation and Countermeasure of Country 's Independent Corporation Governing Structure

  10. 国有独资商业银行如何实行规范的股份制?

    How to practice normal shareholding system for the state-run commercial bank ?

  11. 引入国际战略投资者,改变目前国有独资的格局。

    Inducting international strategic investor , changing present ownership only by SASAC .

  12. 国有独资公司外派监事制度研究

    A Research on External Supervisor System of Wholly State-owned Company

  13. 关于国有独资公司设立监事会的几点思考

    Considerations on the Establishment of Board of Supervisors in Solely State-Owned Companies

  14. 国有独资公司派出监事会制度的法律分析

    Legal Analysis on Supervisory Board System of Wholly State-owned Company

  15. 第二节论述了我国国有独资商业银行公司治理结构的模式选择。

    Secondly , the choice of SOCBs ' governance model is discussed .

  16. 如何建立健全国有独资公司的法人治理结构

    How to build and perfect the corporate governance of sole state-funded corporations

  17. 国有独资商业银行不良资产比例过高

    High ratio of non-performing loans of the state commercial Banks

  18. 国有独资商业银行资本充足率问题研究

    Reflection on how to insure state-owned commercial banks ? capital adequacy ratio

  19. 我国国有独资商业银行的契约关系与治理结构研究

    Research on the Contract Relationship and Mechanism of Governance of Chinese State-owned Bank

  20. 国有独资银行治理结构

    The Governance Structure of State-Owned Sole - Proprietorship Banks

  21. 论国有独资商业银行内部经营管理体系的七大缺陷

    Seven Defects of Internal Operation and Management System for State-owned Proprietary Commercial Banks

  22. 国有独资商业银行股份制改革路径研究

    Research on the Joint Stock System Reform Route of Wholly State-funded Commercial Bank

  23. 国有独资公司股东授权经营法律制度研究

    Research on the Authorized Operation Legal System of Solely State-Owned Company 's Shareholder

  24. 私人兼并和收购的国有独资企业,是什么结果?

    Private mergers and acquisitions of state-owned enterprises , what are the results ?

  25. 论我国国有独资公司外部董事制度

    Discussion on Outside Director System in Exclusively State-owned Companies

  26. 实行公司制是国有独资商业银行改革的必然趋势。

    It is an essential trend to put the Corporation System into practice .

  27. 第二章,国有独资公司产权结构下的法人治理结构。

    Chapter 2 , corporate governance under solely state-owned company 's property rights .

  28. 国有独资公司制度设计的价值分析

    Value Analysis on Institutional Design of State Proprietary Corporation

  29. 国有独资公司发挥工会监督制约作用的思考

    Consideration on development of supervision and restrain by labor union on state-owned corportations

  30. 规模无效意味着国有独资银行存在规模偏好;而配置无效意味着国有独资银行存在费用偏好。

    Scale inefficiency means scale preference , while allocation inefficiency means cost preference .