
tiě huán
  • hoop;iron hoop
铁环 [tiě huán]
  • [iron hoop] 一种玩具,是用细铁条制成的环,玩的时候用特别的铁钩推着向前滚动

  • 滚铁环

铁环[tiě huán]
  1. 游戏目的是让铁环长时间滚动,或者做各种杂耍动作。

    The aim of the game is to keep the hoop upright for long periods of time , or to do various tricks .

  2. 应用PLC设计电解铝组装车间铁环压脱机的控制系统。

    The control system of thimble stripper machine in electrolysis aluminum anode assembling workshop is designed with application of PLC .

  3. 经试验,认为Cu-Nb-Sn球铁环具有较高的综合机械性能。

    Test proves that Cu-Nb-Sn nodular cast iron piston ring possesses higher composite mechanical property .

  4. 拴狗的铁环是小的。

    The links of the dog 's chain are small .

  5. 怎么啦,当然是那个擦灯、擦铁环的人啰。

    Why , whoever rubs the lamp or the ring .

  6. 镀镍低碳钢圆头机器螺丝绕扎钢丝绳头用的长圆形铁环

    Nickel-plated mild steel round head machine screw wire line thimble

  7. 孩子们在沿街滚铁环。

    The boys are bowling their hoops along the road .

  8. 载铁环烷酸-异辛醇-煤油体系异相水热反萃

    Study on heterogeneous hydrothermal stripping from iron-loaded naphthenic acid-alcohol-Kerosene

  9. 男孩子们在街上滚铁环。

    The boys rolled their hoops down the street .

  10. 对面屋子里脸色红润的孩子们滚着铁环跑过去。

    The rosy children opposite run past with hoops .

  11. 做马蹄铁游戏时用的开放的铁环。

    An open ring of iron used in playing the game of horseshoes .

  12. 拿着铁环、风筝和弹子的男孩子们。

    Boys holding hoops , kites , and marbles .

  13. 用于自由电子激光器的铁环波荡器

    An iron-ring wiggler used in a free-electron laser

  14. 半小时班级学习和练习铁环功夫手。

    A half hour class to learn and practise a type of sticking hands .

  15. 消除球铁环双端面聚集孔洞缺陷的途径

    Elimination Ways of Dense Blow-Holes Defect on the Double Side Face of Ductile Iron Ring

  16. 执圈游戏中使用的铁环或绳圈。

    A ring of iron or circle of rope used in the game of quoits .

  17. 孩子正在滚铁环。

    The child was rolling a hoop .

  18. 拿出皮球,拿出铁环

    Bring the hoop and bring the ball

  19. 铁环沿人行道滚动。

    The hoop rolled along the pavement .

  20. 我撞上了教练,撞上单杠,撞上农科学生,撞上摆动着的铁环。

    I bumped into professors , horizontal bars , agricultural students , and swinging iron rings .

  21. 追球手手持鬼飞球把它扔进三个中的一个铁环。

    The Chasers handle the Quaffle and try to put it through one of those three hoops .

  22. 墙上装着两个铁环,横里相距两英尺左右。

    In its surface were two iron staples , distant from each other about two feet , horizontally .

  23. 他收起铁环,球拍也被放到了一边,这些东西已经没用了,不再能带来快乐。

    He put his hoop away , and his bat ; there was no joy in them any more .

  24. 很多国家依然在使用铁块、铁棒、铁环,而不是钱。

    Iron , in lumps , bars or rings , is still used in many countries instead of money .

  25. 这套装束被看作是海边的装束。收紧的上裙由一个铁环衬裙支撑,让这个装束的后背部分非常有特点。

    This dress is described as a'seaside costume ' . A gathered'overskirt'supported on a'crinolette'makes the back the most important feature .

  26. 拉手由橡胶环套接锯条或由铁环活动套接锯条构成。

    The handhold is formed by sheathing a rubber ring or movably sheathing an iron ring onto the saw blade .

  27. 他们得听从擦灯、擦铁环的人的指挥,他怎么说,他们就得怎么干。

    They belong to whoever rubs the lamp or the ring , and they 've got to do whatever he says .

  28. 在大石所呆的地方出现了一个圆形的空间,中间有一块四方形的石板,上面有一个铁环。

    On the spot it had occupied was a circular space , exposing an iron ring let into a square flag-stone .

  29. 一种游戏其中铁环或马蹄铁被扔向地上的一个目标希望围绕它一圈。

    A game in which quoits or horseshoes are thrown at a stake in the ground in the hope of encircling it .

  30. 玩家将小球升到半空后,他们需要尽量让这个摇摇晃晃的小球穿过铁环、玩具塔和其他障碍物。

    Once a player has the ball in the air they need to try to weave it through hoops , towers and other obstacles .