
tiě qí
  • cavalry;armored horses;crack cavalry
铁骑 [tiě qí]
  • [armored horses;crack cavalry] [古]∶披铁甲的战马,借指精锐的骑兵

  • 铁骑突出刀枪鸣。--唐. 白居易《琵琶行(并序)》

  • 如刀剑铁骑。--清. 黄宗羲《柳敬亭传》

铁骑[tiě qí]
  1. 他著名的铁骑军和新模范军击败了国王。

    His famous " Ironside " cavalry and New Model Army defeated the king .

  2. 当斯巴达克的铁骑穿越亚平宁半岛,为自由而战的时候,骑士精神开始诞生。

    When the cavalry across the Apennines Peninsula feature , fighting for freedom , the spirit of Knight inception .

  3. 影片的制作人韦恩斯坦(HarveyWeinstein)把这对动作明星组合称为“梦之队”,并表示,新片《卧虎藏龙2:铁骑银瓶》(CrouchingTigerHiddenDragonII—TheGreenDestiny)将由传奇动作指导袁和平担任导演。

    Producer Harvey Weinstein described the action duo as a " dream team " and said the new film , " Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon II ─

  4. 这部续集是根据已故中国作家王度庐的小说《铁骑银瓶》(IronKnight,SilverVase)改编的,《铁骑银瓶》与《卧虎藏龙》都是“鹤——铁五部曲”中的作品。

    The sequel is based on the novel " Iron Knight , Silver Vase , " by the late Chinese writer Wang Dulu , part of the " Crane-Iron Pentalogy " series that also included " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon . "

  5. 我不在时你必须代我坐那把铁骑子.

    You 'll have to sit on the throne while I 'm away .

  6. 铁骑军丝毫没有成功,由于他们并没有突破中部防线。

    The cuirassiers had not succeeded , since the centre was not broken through .

  7. 公元前480年,波斯王薛西斯率数十万铁骑攻向希腊。

    In480 BC , the Persian king Xerxes sends his massive army to conquer Greece .

  8. 炮弹在铁骑队伍中打出了一些空洞,铁骑也在方阵中冲开了一些缺口。

    The cannon-balls ploughed furrows in these cuirassiers ; the cuirassiers made breaches in the squares .

  9. 收入的匮乏逼迫着你必须尽快决定让你的铁骑践踏哪一方土地。

    With income low , you must decide quickly on where to expand with your horsemen .

  10. 将会存在采矿铁骑吗?

    Will there be mining fighters ?

  11. 当蒙古铁骑横扫欧亚的时候,1259年蒙古王子蒙哥可汗却兵败钓鱼城。

    Outside the city , Fishing Town marks where the Mongol prince Mongke Khan was defeated in1259 .

  12. 从北到南,联邦政府获得了大平原数百万英亩印第安人用作传统猎场的土地,用来为工业铁骑开辟道路

    Across the Great Plains.The federal government acquires millions of acres of the Native Americans ' traditional hunting ground to make way for the iron horse .

  13. 一般类型:早期专业部队由于蒙古铁骑入侵,伏尔加流域的塔塔尔部落只得辗转迁徙至立陶宛,在那里寻找新的家园。

    Having lost their homelands to the Mongol Horde , these Volga Tartars have made their way to Lithuania , where they now look to establish a new society .

  14. 突然,惨不忍睹,在英军的左端,我军的右端,铁骑纵队前锋的战马,在震撼山岳的呐喊声中全都直立起来了。

    All at once , a tragic incident ; on the English left , on our right , the head of the column of cuirassiers reared up with a frightful clamor .

  15. 这条谱系的源头,便是蒙古人的黄金时代,是以铁骑狂飙改变了世界历史进程的成吉思汗与草原史诗。

    The fountainhead of this pedigree was the golden age of Mongolian , were Genghis Khan who had changed the progress of world history with whirlwind cavalry and the epic of grassland .

  16. 两名铁骑匪洗劫一小镇的酒吧,横行无忌,扬言会对报警者大开杀戒。西部牛仔表演的演员约翰英勇无惧,用一支没有上弹的枪将两名骑匪制服。

    A small , remote desert town is turned upside down when two bikers from the Iron Bandits gang show up at a local bar , rough up the patrons and rob the place .

  17. 那是铁骑军的一个军官,并且是一个等级颇高的军官,一条很宽的金肩章从铁甲里露出来,那军官已经丢了铁盔。

    He was a cuirassier , an officer , and even an officer of considerable rank ; a large gold epaulette peeped from beneath the cuirass ; this officer no longer possessed a helmet .