
  • 网络KURDISTAN;Kordestan
  1. 哈拉穿着库尔德斯坦常见的漂亮束腰上衣和马裤。

    Hallah wears the stylish tunic and pantaloons common in Kurdistan .

  2. 与此同时,HeritageOil将与在库尔德斯坦油田作业的土耳其Genel合并。

    Heritage Oil is meanwhile merging with Turkey 's Genel in Kurdistan .

  3. 这家在伦敦和多伦多上市的公司,除了掌握西非的海上资源外,还在伊拉克库尔德斯坦拥有石油资产,靠近Emerald在叙利亚东北邻近叙、伊(拉克)边境的石油资产。

    The London and Toronto-listed company , as well as controlling resources off west Africa , also has oil assets in Iraqi Kurdistan close to Emerald 's in north-east Syria on the Iraq border .

  4. 今年6月,该公司曾就一项可能的收购或资产交易,与活跃在西非和库尔德斯坦地区的Addax石油公司(AddaxPetroleum)展开过谈判,但在竞购中输给了中石化(Sinopec)。

    In June , Knoc had talks with Addax Petroleum , a company active in west Africa and the Kurdistan region , about a possible takeover or asset deal , but lost out to Sinopec .

  5. 他与库尔德人地区政府总统MassoudBarzani之间的关系越来越糟了(Barzani领导着KDP,联合管理伊拉克库尔德斯坦地区的两个相互敌对的政党之一)。

    He and Massoud Barzani , president of the Kurdistan Regional Government , who heads the KDP , one of two rival parties that jointly run Iraqi Kurdistan , are increasingly rude to each other .

  6. 6月1日,两方政府的代表宣布正式启动库尔德斯坦地区的石油出口,似乎打破了僵局。最初的每天10万桶石油有三家公司开始生产,其中包括Addax。另外还有土耳其的GenelEnergy。

    On June 1 representatives from both governments declared the official start of oil exports from Kurdistan , seemingly resolving the impasse , and Addax was one of three companies , including Turkey 's Genel Energy , that started producing the first 100,000 barrels of oil a day .

  7. 挪威石油公司DNO今日即将宣布,将开始在伊拉克北部的库尔德斯坦地区开采少量原油。这象征性地标志着,在经过了35年的国家管制后,外国公司正重新回归伊拉克。

    DNO , a Norwegian oil company , will today announce that it will begin producing a small amount of oil from the northern Iraqi region of Kurdistan , marking a symbolic return of foreign companies to Iraq after 35 years of state control .

  8. 我们刚才已经听到了来自艾迪斯布里的尊敬的议员的有力证词,她引用了这段话。我也愿意为大家朗读一段来自库尔德斯坦地方政府驻伦敦高级专员KarwanJamalTahir上周所说的话:

    Now we heard very powerful testimony from the honourable member for Eddisbury earlier when she quoted that passage , and I just want to read what Karwan Jamal Tahir , the Kurdistan regional government high representative in London , said last week and I quote : ,

  9. 土耳其进入伊拉克的库尔德斯坦清剿库尔德工人党的行动导致局面日益紧张。

    Tensions are growing over Turkey 's raid into Iraqi Kurdistan to root out the PKK .

  10. 我们来到这里是因为这是库尔德斯坦而这些都是我们的人民,”他说道。

    We came here because this is Kurdistan and these are our people , " he said .

  11. 同样繁荣的还有库尔德斯坦,那里每天24小时电力供应。

    The same is true of Kurdistan , which is also booming ; it even enjoys power 24 hours a day .

  12. 在库尔德斯坦和伊拉克,我们今天正为此付出代价;如果不加阻止的话,屠杀范围将扩大。

    We in Kurdistan and Iraq are paying that price today ; and , if it is not stopped , the carnage will spread .

  13. 由于中石化进入伊拉克北部石油资源丰富、且处于半自治状态的库尔德斯坦,巴格达誓言阻止该公司染指辖下石油资源。

    Baghdad has vowed to block Sinopec from its oil resources because of its entry into Kurdistan , the oil-rich semi-autonomous region in northern Iraq .

  14. 库尔德斯坦需要来自西方的全面回应,其中包括紧急人道主义和军事援助、以及消除阻碍我们经济的障碍。

    Kurdistan needs a holistic response from the west that includes immediate humanitarian and military aid , and the removal of obstacles to our economy .

  15. 它可以使合同条款更具吸引力,使之更符合南部地区签约的石油公司的利益,这样做或许能阻止西方资金流向库尔德斯坦。

    It could sweeten the terms of its contracts with the oil firms in the south . That might staunch the flow of western capital to Kurdistan .

  16. 国际社会必须帮助库尔德斯坦政府解决大量难民涌入的问题,现在难民总数已达到近200万人。在一些地区,难民的数量超过了当地人。

    The international community must help the Kurdistan government with the flood of refugees , now numbering almost 2m . In some areas , refugees outnumber locals .

  17. 七月,道达尔、雪佛龙和俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司都与库尔德斯坦政地方府签订了合同,这很可能会扼杀它们将来在伊拉克南部签订新合同的机会。

    In July total , Chevron and Gazprom all signed contracts with the Kurdistan Regional Government , potentially dooming their chances of winning future business in the south .

  18. 互联网用户很快在全球发起了寻找这个男孩的计划,伊拉克的一档电视节目最先宣布这个小男孩儿是来自伊拉克的库尔德斯坦地区。

    Internet users quickly launched a global search to identify the youngster , and an Iraqi television program initially claimed that the boy was from Kurdistan in Iraq .

  19. 他们认为,向着那个目标前进的第一步,就是有一支国家足球队。12支比赛球队中,有伊拉克北部的自治区库尔德斯坦,格鲁吉亚境内的两个分离地区阿布哈兹和南奥塞梯,还有位于苏丹的达尔富尔。

    And one of the first steps toward that , they believe , is having a national soccer team.The 12-team tournament included Iraqi Kurdistan , a self-governing region in the north of Iraq ; Abkhazia and South Ossetia , both separatist states within Georgia ; and Darfur , from Sudan .