
  1. 2020年,中国航天科技集团有限公司共执行了34次火箭发射任务,其中长征五号系列火箭将中国新一代载人飞船试验船和中国首个独立研制的火星探测器送入太空,还完成了具有里程碑意义的嫦娥五号月球采样返回任务。

    In 2020 , CASC conducted 34 rocket flights , including three by Long March 5-series rockets that carried into space the prototype of China 's next-generation manned spacecraft , the country 's first independent Mars probe and the landmark Chang'e 5 lunar mission .

  2. 今年宇航发射将破40次中国航天科技集团有限公司1月4日在北京召开2021年度型号工作会。会议指出,2021年中国航天科技集团计划安排40余次宇航发射任务,其中包括载人航天空间站工程。

    China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp says it plans to launch more than 40 missions this year , including some for the nation 's space station program , according to a report read at the State-owned conglomerate 's annual space programs meeting on Monday in Beijing .