
  • 网络national university science park
  1. 国家大学科技园入园机制研究

    Research on Ingress - Mechanism of National University Science Park

  2. 国家大学科技园的功能定位

    The Functional Orientation of the National University Science Park

  3. 学校建有国家大学科技园有53个研究所(中心),8个国家级研究基地、12个省部级研究基地,是全国b所首批建立国家技术转移中心的高校之一。

    Million-Talents in the 21 st Cen The university has a Science and Technology Zone which includes 53 academic institutes , 8 national academic bases and t 2 provincial research bases . ECUST is among one of the six universities that are authorized as the rational technology transference centers .

  4. 国家大学科技园的区位与选址研究

    The Research of Site Selection of National Science Research Park

  5. 国家大学科技园的兴起有其历史必然性。

    There is a historical inevitability in rising of national university science park .

  6. 国家大学科技园运作模式及机制之分析

    Analysis on Operation Pattern and Mechanism of National University Sci & Tech Park

  7. 地方政府在国家大学科技园发展中的角色分析

    The Analysis on the Role of Local Government in the Development of National University Science Park

  8. 国家大学科技园管理运行模式及策略研究

    Research on the Mode and Tactics of the Operation and Management of the National University Science Park

  9. 国家大学科技园的功能分为基本功能、一般功能和特殊功能。

    The functions of the national university science park are divided into basic function , general function and special function .

  10. 如何建立创新体系的国家大学科技园管理机制,是摆在国家大学科技园管理者面前的全新课题。

    How to build up a new managing system is a fresh subject for the managers of the Technological Garden of Natronal Universities .

  11. 最后,本文结合福建省的实际情况,为正处于启动建设阶段的福州地区国家大学科技园提出了更具针对性和可操作性的战略对策。

    And combing with the current situation in Fujian , the article puts forward much practical strategic methods for nation-based University Science Park in Fuzhou .

  12. 国家大学科技园是结合了高校、企业、政府三方面的优势,以加强产学研合作为目的的区域创新系统。

    National University Science Park combines the advantages of university , corporation and government ; in fact , it is an regional innovational system in order to strengthen the combination of industry , education and research .

  13. 哈尔滨工程大学科技园是依托哈尔滨工程大学而建立的国家大学科技园,承担着推动科技创新,培育创新创业人才,服务社会和经济发展的使命和重任。

    Harbin Engineering University Science Park is a national science park , which is relied on Harbin Engineering University . It undertakes the mission and responsibility of promoting innovation and technology , fostering innovation and entrepreneurship and serving the society and economic development .

  14. 由此一来,中国的国家级大学科技园总数将达到80个。作为中小型高科技企业的孵化器,这些大学科技园中大多数的企业由学校的老师和学生创办。

    The parks act as'incubators'for small and medium-sized high-tech companies , many of which are set up by universities or students .

  15. 阐述国家建设大学科技园的目的,分析建设大学科技园的优势与劣势,为高校建设有特色的大学科技园提供对策;

    It describes objectives of establishing S T university park , analyzes the advantage and disadvantage of establishing S T university park and puts forward some measures for high institutions to establishing such park with distinguishing features .

  16. 哈工大科技园是我国首批22所国家级大学科技园之一,其主要职能是科研成果转化、科技企业孵化、创新创业人才培养。

    H. I. T National University Science Park is one of the first 22 national-level university science park in our country , which main function is transformation of scientific findings , hatching of scien-tech enterprises , and training of innovation personnel .

  17. 另外还拥有一个国家甲级建筑设计研究院、一个国家大学科技园、一个国家工程数学课程教学基地和一个国家大学生文化素质教育基地。

    In addition there are 1 national first-grade architecture design and research institute , 1 national science park , 1 national teaching base of engineering mathematic course , 1 national cultural diathesis education base for university students .

  18. 有4个国家重点学科,3个上海市重点学科,同时设有国家重点实验室、国家工程技术研究中心教育部重点实验室、教育部工程研究中心,国家大学科技园。

    it has 4 state key disciplines , 3 Shanghai municipal key disciplines , a batch of state and ministry key laboratories , national and ministry engineering research centers . The National University Science Park of Donghua has just been established .