
shè huì cān yù
  • social participation;communal participation
  1. 坚持政府主导,发挥社会参与作用,把城郊旅游做大做强;

    Government leading shall play the key role of communal participation ;

  2. 其中,社会参与情况很差,而在健康、教育方面较好;其次,文章对贫困地区农村家庭教育状况进行了分析。

    Among them , the communal participation situation is very bad , but better in health and education ; Secondly , the article has analysed the rural home education state of poverty-stricken area .

  3. 拓展帮扶领域,健全帮扶机制,优化帮扶方式,加强产业合作、资源互补、劳务对接、人才交流,动员全社会参与,形成区域协调发展、协同发展、共同发展的良好局面。

    We should expand the fields for paired assistance , improve related mechanisms and common regional development .

  4. 而对照组仅工作表现和社会参与明显高于服药前(P均<0.05)。

    Whereas only work performance and social participation were obviously elevated after treatment in control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  5. 关于东乡族妇女社会参与现状问题思考

    Reflecting on the Status Quo of Dongxiang Women 's Social Involvement

  6. 培养学生的社会参与意识和能力;

    Cultivating consciousness and ability of social participation of pupils ;

  7. 老年人的社会参与对于积极老龄化的建设具有重要意义。

    The seniors'social participation has an important meaning for active aging construction .

  8. 少数民族老年群体社会参与问题的研究评述

    An Overview of the Studies on Minority-Ethnic Senior Citizens ' Social Participation

  9. 社会参与在鲁迅文学活动价值生成中的意义

    Significance of Social Participation in Lu Xun 's Literary Activities

  10. 多部门合作与社会参与艾滋病项目设计与执行现状分析

    Analysis on program design and implementation of multi-sectoral and social participation projects

  11. 古罗马妇女的社会参与意识

    Women 's awareness of social participation in ancient Rome

  12. 腹膜透析患者社会参与状况及影响因素调查

    Study on the social participation of patients on peritoneal dialysis and influencing factors

  13. 理工科研究生社会参与行为的实证研究

    An empirical research on engineering graduates ' social participation

  14. 提高决策透明度鼓励社会参与。

    Increase transparency of policy making encourage public participation .

  15. 主要包括政府主导、社会参与、农民自为三方面入手。

    Mainly includes the government-led , social participation , farmers from three aspects .

  16. 最后,社会参与的视角。

    The last section is about society involvement .

  17. 女性继续教育&实现多方位社会参与的重要途径

    Continuing education for women ── An important way to realize the multi-dimensional social participation

  18. 再论老年人口的社会参与

    Review on the Aged Participation in Social Activities

  19. 加强了私立部门和民间社会参与的国际伙伴关系。

    Stronger international partnerships , with engagement of the private sector and civil society .

  20. 社会参与:学术生命之源&浅谈王灵智教授

    Social Participation is the Life of Research

  21. 动员全社会参与危机救治,增强社会认同;

    Mobilizing all the society to participate in curing crisis to improve the social identification ;

  22. 主要有日常照料需求、医疗保健需求、精神慰藉需求和社会参与需求。

    Daily care needs , health care needs , spiritual comfort needs and social participation needs .

  23. 犯罪控制与社会参与&构建和谐社会背景下的思考

    Crime Control and Social Participation

  24. 人们在隔离期间还想努力保持社会参与度,公众科学为你提供一个独特的机会。

    As people try to maintain social engagement during self-isolation , citizen science offers a unique opportunity .

  25. 社会参与制度将会有效发挥社会公众的参与性,为建立和完善我国旅游资源法律制度提供智力与动力支持,并发挥法律监督作用。

    The establishment and perfection of the legislation of tourism resources in China is a gradual process .

  26. 当今,青年的责任意识具体表现为爱国意识、社会参与意识和自强爱学意识。

    Now , the responsibility consciousness of youth embodies in the consciousness of patriotism , social participation and self-development .

  27. 科学理性与社会参与:论20世纪上半叶科学家与中国社会的互动

    The Interaction between Chinese Scientists and Society During the First Half of the 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  28. 发展养老机构坚持政府投入和社会参与相结合的原则。

    The principle of combining government 's investment with social participation shall be adopted with persistence in developing old-age care institutions .

  29. 这些指标包括临终关怀质量、经济负担能力、医疗环境和社会参与度。

    The measures include the the quality of palliative care , affordability , the health care environment , and community engagement .

  30. 我们要充分发挥政府引领、机构主导、社会参与的作用,促进机构养老服务满意度的提高。

    We should give full play to the government guidance , institutions , social participation , to promote the institutional care satisfaction .