
  • 网络PHS;public health service
  1. 近年来,禽流感、手足口病、甲型H1N1等病毒的爆发和流行使我国公共卫生服务经受严峻的考验,整个社会开始前所未有的关注公共卫生服务问题。

    In recent years , it is challenge for public health services to our country that avian flu , influenza A virus H1N1 and other pandemic outbreak . All the society has paid great attentions to the public health services .

  2. 我国城镇基本公共卫生服务均等化研究

    Research on China 's Urban Equalization of Basic Public Health Services

  3. 重视社区居民参与是发展CHS的核心观念,赢得社区居民的认可、信任以及广泛的支持与参与是推动CHS发展的关键,大力拓展社区公共卫生服务项目是CHS发展的战略方向。

    Paying attention to participation of the community residents is the key for CHS development , obtaining the approval , trust and support of the residents .

  4. 通过专家咨询和PRA法确定了与湖北省农村地区政府承受能力相适应的基本公共卫生服务项目,并对各级政府负担现状和能力进行了分析。

    This article is to set down the rural basic public health items based on the government burden ability of Hubei by expert reference and PRA . It analyzes the actuality and the ability of the governments burden .

  5. 研究当前的社区医疗服务的情况,结合国家基本公共卫生服务规范,采用基于J2EE平台的SSH架构技术开发实现了一套社区医疗服务信息管理系统,符合新医改的要求。

    This paper studies community medical service . Combined with basic public health service specification , using the popular technology architecture SSH based J2EE ; we developed a community health service information management system . The system meets the requirements of the new medical reform . 3 .

  6. 农村公共卫生服务的供给与筹资

    The Supply and Capital Rais in g of Rural Medical Care

  7. 政府为农民购买公共卫生服务的探讨

    Discussion about Government 's Purchase of Public Health Service for farmers

  8. 进城农民工公共卫生服务的思考

    The Consideration of Public Health Service of Migrant Workers in Cities

  9. 第三章,公共卫生服务体系规划。

    The third chapter ison the planning of public health system .

  10. 基本公共卫生服务均等化指标体系研究

    Indices of the equality of essential public health services in China

  11. 城市社区公共卫生服务项目分类研究

    Research on the classification of urban community public health service programs

  12. 公共卫生服务范围和能力得到明显提升。

    The scope and capacity of public health services has improved significantly .

  13. 浅析公共卫生服务券的公平和效率

    Discussion on Equity and Efficiency of Public Health Service Ticket

  14. 2006年四川省城市社区公共卫生服务现状分析

    Current Situation of Community Public Health Service in Sichuan Province

  15. 区域公共卫生服务经费需求测算方法研究

    Study on Measuring Method for Regional Fund Demand of Public Health Service

  16. 妇幼保健公共卫生服务项目成本测算研究

    The study on MCH public health service item cost accounting

  17. 基于公共卫生服务公平性的信息选择机理探究

    Study on Information Selection Mechanism Based on Fairness of Public Health Services

  18. 城市社区公共卫生服务与贫困人口医疗救助研究

    Study on Urban Community Public Health Service and Medicaid for the Poor

  19. 财政支持与我国农村公共卫生服务的发展

    Financial Support and the Development of Rural Public Health Service

  20. 公共卫生服务系统绩效的影响因素分析及模型构建

    Factors That Impact Public Health System and Model of Public Health System

  21. 什么是基本公共卫生服务均等化?

    What is the equalization of basic public health services ?

  22. 农村公共卫生服务包的筹资与提供策略

    Financing and Provision Strategy of Rural Public Health Service Package

  23. 我国公共卫生服务体系支付方式的界定和分析

    Definition and Analysis of Payment System for Public Health Institutions in China

  24. 城市社区公共卫生服务优先项目的筛选方法和补偿机制研究

    Research on Selection and Compensation Mechanism of Community Public Health Service Underlying Items

  25. 我国公共卫生服务系统运行机制及优化建议

    Operating Mechanism and Optimization Suggestion of Public Health System

  26. 构建西部民族地区农村新型公共卫生服务体系

    A new public health service system in ethnic minority areas of Western China

  27. 论社会公共卫生服务与政府职责

    Discuss the society health service and responsibility of government

  28. 致使其公共卫生服务职能不能很好的发挥。

    The public health service functions do not play .

  29. 加强基本公共卫生服务建设。

    To enhance basic public health services . 5 .

  30. 新农村公共卫生服务体系构建中的政府职责

    Government 's Responsibility in the Construction of New Rural Public Health Service System