
  • 网络public art;Art in Public;Art Public
  1. 我是公共艺术的狂热信徒。

    I 'm a passionate believer in public art

  2. 其他设施:丹佛国际机场因其公共艺术收藏而自豪,包括“开放的窗户”(OpenWindows)——一个通过移动探测摄像头驱动的互动灯塔(靠近B51口)。

    Other amenities : DIA is proud of its public art collection , which includes " Open Windows , " an interactive light tower triggered by a motion-detection camera ( near gate B51 ) .

  3. 深圳公共艺术广场是Urbanus的都市造园系列之二,作为城市策略它将公共艺术设施置放到混杂密集的城市街区之中,通过重塑基地表层地形创造了一个富于想象力的城市公共空间。

    Shenzhen Public Art Plaza , as Urban Landscape Series 2 designed by Urbanus Architecture and Design , managed to create an imaginative urban public space in a dense and chaotic urban area by reshaping its land and surface .

  4. 城市环境·公共艺术·绿色生态

    The urban Environment · the Public Art · the Green Ecology

  5. 构建普通高校公共艺术教育的和谐机制

    Constructing a harmonious mechanism of art education in colleges and universities

  6. 从文化的角度谈公共艺术与自然生态

    Talk about Public Art and Natural Ecology from a Cultural Perspective

  7. 珠三角城市文化与公共艺术的审美思考

    Aesthetic Thought on Culture and Public Art in Zhujiang Delta

  8. 公共艺术生存和发展的当代背景

    Contemporary Background for the Survival and Development of Public Art

  9. 当代重庆城区公共艺术解读

    Comprehension of Contemporary Public Art in City Area in Chongqing

  10. 对高校公共艺术教育质量评价方案的研究

    Quality Evaluation Scheme Research on Public Art Education in Colleges and Universities

  11. 公共艺术形态下的城市导识设计探析

    Brief Discussion for Urban Sign Design in Public Art Forms

  12. 第三部分新疆普通高校公共艺术教育的管理机制。

    The third part of the Xinjiang Public Art education college management .

  13. 略论公共艺术发展的制约因素

    Brief Discussion on the Restrictive Factors of Public Art Development

  14. 介入与融合&现代陶艺的公共艺术观

    Intervention and Combination & the public art concept of modern China art

  15. 对公众的了解是公共艺术的最佳切入点。

    The public understanding of public art is the best starting point .

  16. 我国现代城市街道公共艺术研究

    The Research on Public Art of Modern City Street in Our Country

  17. 英国艺术界讨论公共艺术的地位问题

    Debate on the Position of the Public Art in Britain

  18. 当代公共艺术与陶瓷制作课

    The Present Public Art and the Ceramic Making Classes

  19. 深圳公共艺术广场&都市造园系列之二

    Shenzhen Public Art Plaza : Urban Landscape Series 2

  20. 中国城市的公共艺术与文化空间

    The Chinese City 's Public Art and Culture Space

  21. 城市的性格与表情&城市公共艺术的现状

    Present State of Urban Public Art & Character and Expression of a City

  22. 中国经济的进步为公共艺术的发展拓展了空间。

    With the development of economy , Chinese public art has extended space .

  23. 公共艺术教育课程中蒙古族音乐教育内容较少。

    There are few elective courses on Mongolian music .

  24. 城市文化视野中的公共艺术

    The Public Art in the Perspective of Urban Culture

  25. 管窥·浅议&西雅图公共艺术随感

    Glimpse and Opinions , the Public Art in Seattle

  26. 理工科大学公共艺术教育研究

    A Study of Public Art Education in ST Universities

  27. 雕塑在城市公共艺术中空间特征

    The Space Features of Sculpture in city public Art

  28. 城市公共艺术规划的探索与实践&以攀枝花市为例的研究

    Exploring and Practice of Public Art Planning & Case Study on Panzhihua City

  29. 拓展陶艺在城市公共艺术设计中的应用

    Expanding Application of Pottery Art to Municipal Public Design

  30. 请听艾米和詹森讨论他们所在城市中的公共艺术。

    Hear Amy and Jason talk about the public art in their city .