
  • 网络Public literature;printed publication
  1. 国际公开文献所反映的电磁脉冲(EMP)研究动态

    Developing tendency of electromagnetic pulse ( EMP ) reflected by international open publications

  2. 本文参考了国内外研究质子交换膜燃料电池的经验,利用公开文献和本所的实验数据,建立了PEMFC电堆的动态参数模型。

    Based on PEMFC experimental and published data , we developed a PEMFC stack dynamic parameter model .

  3. DRM即数字版权管理技术的出现,给以公开文献为基础的传统信息检索模式带来了一定的挑战。

    The technology of digital rights management potentially threats the traditional information retrieval model based on completely unprotected documents .

  4. 正是基于这样一种背景,在综合国内外公开文献的基础上,我们提出了基于电力线载波传输和CEBUS现场总线的智能二线阀系统的概念,并对其相关关键技术进行了基础研究。

    Under such background , we propose a new intelligent two-wire valve system based on power-line carrier communication and CEBUS .

  5. 本文在综合国内外公开文献的基础上,对行程传感液压缸的核心技术&行程测量技术进行了研究。

    Based on published documents , the key technique of stroke sensing cylinder-measurement system is researched .

  6. 据公开文献报道,电磁脉冲装置的有效作用半径可达数百米或更远。

    Open literature sources indicate that effective radii of " hundreds of meters or more " are possible .

  7. 但是,对扁平绕带式压力容器在爆炸冲击载荷作用下动力特性问题研究的公开文献报道几乎没有。

    But , there are few papers about dynamic characteristics of pressure vessels with flat-wound steel ribbon subjected to explosion loading .

  8. 侧面波对近程声场有重要贡献,已发表的公开文献中仅对侧面波声场作近似估计,本文指出这些对侧面波声场的预报误差均较大。

    Lateral wave contributes greatly to near distance acoustic field , which is only estimated approximatively in open literature and these have great errors .

  9. 国外较早进行了这方面的研究,并取得了成功,国内的研究起步较晚,现已取得了较大的进展,但由于其技术的敏感性和复杂性,公开文献很少。

    Domestic research on GPS simulator is later than overseas research , but it has made progress . Because of the sensitivity of the technology and complexity , there are few open literatures .

  10. 目前在公开文献上已经有数百种重组蛋白的纯化工艺研究报道,利用数据挖掘技术可以有效的获得纯化工艺和蛋白质性质的关联关系。

    At present , there are hundreds of recombinant protein purification technology research reports in the open literature , that we can find the association between purification process and the properties of protein by data mining technology effectively .

  11. 计算结果表明,该模型与已公开文献中的实验结果吻合良好,同时充分考虑了圆管结构及工质物性特点,尤其是低温流体的特殊性质对液泛发生的影响。

    The results are in good agreement with the experimental data in the open literatures , and the effects of the tube and fluid parameters , especially the specific characteristics of the cryogenic fluids are taken into account .

  12. 另一方面,由于攻击技术的敏感性,在公开文献资料上较少涉及,因此造成了系统地对缓冲区溢出攻击研究的困难,从而对缓冲区溢出攻击的防御也未能提出行之有效的解决办法。

    On the other hand , due to the sensitivity of attack technology , it is less involved in the open literature , resulting in studying on the buffer overflow attacks difficultly , and thus the defense research also failed to introduce effective solution .

  13. 混合的基于角色访问控制-域型增强(RBAC-DTE)访问控制模型因其不同层次的保护机制近年来颇受关注,但是尚未见到公开的文献讨论混合RBAC-DTE策略中的多角色管理问题。

    The hybrid Role Based Access Control-Domain and Type Enforcement ( RBAC-DTE ) access control model has recently been given much attention due to its different level of protect mechanisms . But no published literature has discussed administration of multiple roles in the hybrid RBAC-DTE policy .

  14. 块体几何形态分析是块体理论工程应用的重要环节,而国内外有关的研究在公开的文献中较为少见。

    Block geometrical morphological analysis is essential in application of block theory to rock engineering .

  15. 有关射流对撞的流动结构研究目前尚未有公开的文献技导,本文在这方面做了一些初步的实验研究。

    There is no research work about the flowing structure of two jets collision reported in the public documents at present .

  16. 目前大部分公开的文献主要集中在静止图像水印技术的研究方面,而视频水印技术的发展相对滞后。

    Currently , most open literatures on watermarking focus on static image watermarking technology , but nowadays this trend seems to be changing .

  17. 竞争情报获取的非文献方法是指不通过公开的文献信息源,而是通过实地调查等更为直接的方法去获取情报。

    In this article , non-document method refers to the method of obtaining intelligence through direct ways such as no-the-spot investigation rather than document .

  18. 多被动传感器跟踪系统实际上是一个非线性系统,目前其研究主要集中于单机动目标的跟踪,而多目标被动跟踪研究在公开的文献中较少,而且都以固定观测站为研究前提。

    While the current research focuses on tracking the single maneuvering target based on the stationary observation stations , the multiple targets tracking problems are less studied .

  19. 通过公开发表文献收集库区钩体病发病资料、鼠密度动态资料;库区气象资料和农业耕地资料摘自1997~2007年长江三峡工程生态与环境监测公报。

    Through the published documents , we collected the Leptospirosis incidence and the rodent dynamic information in the Three Gorge area , and extracted the information about weather , agriculture , and etc from the environmental and ecological monitoring bulletins of the Three Gorges area between 1997 and 2007 .

  20. 方法根据我们的手术病例并总结国内公开发表的文献中TVT相关并发症的资料。

    Methods To summarize the data of the TVT relative complications from literatures published at home and abroad and our operatiative cases .

  21. 方法依据近期国外公开发表的文献与专利,对TPGS的研究应用及理化性质与安全性,进行分类、归纳和整理。

    Methods Based on the recently published papers and patents , the research work on the application of TPGS was classified and summarized .

  22. 本论文的创新点有:1.预处理工段:在公开发表的文献中,浸出黄磷电尘灰中镓,硫酸用量在(50g硫酸/50g电尘)以上。

    Pretreatment stage : In the published literature , The consumption of sulfate is more than ( 50g sulfuric acid / 50g flue dust ) for leaching gallium in flue dust .

  23. 本文引进形状改变比能的概念,对平面裂纹起裂扩展问题进行了讨论,给出一个与路径无关的J积分,通过I型裂纹的应用,其结果与现行公开发表的文献或手册结果一致。

    J integral of the deviator strain energy per unit volume is introduced in this paper . The problem of plane-crack critical growth is discussed and a path-independent line integral J is given . Mode I stress intensity factors of cracked beams are obtained using the approach .

  24. 玻璃酸钠在我国上市后公开发表的文献分析

    Literature Analysis on Sodium Hyaluronate After Entering the Market

  25. 关于单通道接收机测向算法的研究,公开发表的文献很少。

    The study on the measurement method to single-channel receiver is rarely published .

  26. 关于盐溶液与空气之间相平衡的实验数据尚未有公开报道的文献。

    The experiment data of the salt solution and air equilibrium have not been reported in the literature .

  27. 许多公开发表的文献没有能正确地反映出这种差异而导致错误。

    Failing reflect such differences correctly has resulted in numerous mistakes in published results in the open literature .

  28. 从公开发表的文献中获取头孢他啶、头孢吡肟、哌拉西林/他唑巴坦、头孢哌酮/舒巴坦、亚胺培南、美罗培南及比阿培南的药动学参数。

    Pharmacokinetic parameters for ceftazidime , cefepime , piperacillin-tazobactam , cefoperazone-sulbactam , imipenem , meropenem and biapenem were obtained from a published study .

  29. 方法依据国内外刊物公开发表的文献,对有关以纳米颗粒作为基因递送载体进行基因治疗的研究进行分类、归纳与整理。

    Methods Based on the publicly literature , the research work on genic therapy , which use nanoparticles as carrier , was classified and summarized .

  30. 但从公开发表的文献看,至今实船摇荡的时域预报仍限于10秒以内,严重制约了其应用。

    But the data available shows that the prediction length of real ship motion is sill less than 10 seconds which limits its application seriously .