
sōu suó yǐn qínɡ
  • search engine;searcher
  1. 本文的研究重点是基于分类语义的搜索引擎系统的WEB语义分析执行机制的研究。

    The research is focused on studying the control mechanism of the WEB information search engine service based on the semantic classification .

  2. 以Google为代表的搜索引擎和以Yahoo!

    The search engine delegated by Google and the web catalogue delegated by Yahoo !

  3. 我试着用搜索引擎检索,但找不到任何相关信息。

    I tried googling but couldn 't find anything relevant .

  4. 你可以把最近见过的某人键入搜索引擎,看看在互联网上能查到什么相关信息。

    You can google someone you 've recently met to see what information is available about them on the Internet .

  5. 很少有人愿意在没有搜索引擎和快递的世界里生活。

    Few want to live without search engines or a quick delivery .

  6. 研究显示,“银发上网族”会花费大量的时间使用搜索引擎和逛网店。

    Research shows that the silver surfers are spending a majority of their time using search engines and online shopping sites .

  7. Web搜索引擎:检索技术、存在问题及改进办法

    Web Search Engine : Search Techniques ? Problem and Improving Methods

  8. Internet搜索引擎索引数据库的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Search Engine Index Database in a Internet

  9. 大部分Web搜索引擎都使用逆序索引。

    Most Web search engines use an inverted index .

  10. Web数据挖掘和个性化搜索引擎研究

    Research on the Web Mining and Personalized Search Engine

  11. 基于智能Agent的中文元搜索引擎模型研究

    Research of the Chinese Meta-Search Engine Model Based on Intelligent Agent

  12. Internet英文搜索引擎评析

    Evaluation and Analysis of English Search Engines on Internet

  13. 下一代Web搜索引擎探讨

    Investigation on the Next Generation Web Search Engines

  14. 基于XML的大容量搜索引擎技术探讨

    The Discuss of the Technology in Large Content XML Search Engine

  15. Web搜索引擎的现状分析

    Analysis of current web search engine

  16. 一个Web社区搜索引擎系统

    Web Community Search Engine System

  17. 随着Web资源的不断丰富,更多的用户试图通过搜索引擎查询信息。

    With continuous enrichment of web resources , more users try to query information through search engine .

  18. Internet上的英文搜索引擎

    English Search Engine on Internet

  19. 搜索引擎和虚拟图书馆均是组织和利用Internet信息资源的重要方式。

    Both search engine and virtual library are important ways to organize and utilize internet information resources .

  20. 基于XML的组件搜索引擎技术

    Based on XML Search Engine for Software Components

  21. Internet的搜索引擎

    The Internet Search Engine

  22. 为搜索引擎爬网程序提供入口点,以使爬网程序轻松地跟踪您的Web页面内的链接。

    Provides an entry point for the search engine crawler to easily follow the links within your Web pages .

  23. 一种基于Agent的分布式搜索引擎

    An Agent-based Distributed Search Engine

  24. Internet网络环境搜索引擎主要由三部分组成:搜索器、索引数据库和用户界面。

    Network search engine of a Internet consists of three parts : searcher , index Database and user interface .

  25. 除提高搜索引擎自身的检索能力之外,Web作弊已成为搜索引擎面临的一个重大挑战。

    Besides advancing their retrieval ability , one of the greatest challenges that search engines have to face is web spam .

  26. 通过实验验证,确定了面向元搜索引擎的Web页面排序优化算法的优越性。

    Through the experiment , this dissertation determines the superiority of optimization algorithm of Web pages ranking for meta search engine .

  27. Google率先打造新一代搜索引擎

    Google Takes the Lead in Building New Search Engine

  28. Google公司于2004年11月中旬推出了学术搜索引擎googlescholar。

    In mid-November 2004 , Google launched its scholarly search engine-Google Scholar .

  29. 如今,大多数人都使用Google搜索引擎开始他们的搜索。

    These days , most people begin their search using the Google search engine .

  30. 基于P2P的高效搜索引擎的研究

    Research on an Efficient Search Engine Based on the Peer to Peer