
  • 网络Degree Awarding Unit;Authorizable organization
  1. 研究生学位授予单位的区域分布,反应了整体研究生教育的地区分布情况。

    Distribution of degree authorization department reflects the overall status geographical distribution of post-graduate education .

  2. 学位授予单位依法对达到一定学术水平或者专业技术水平的人员授予相应的学位,颁发学位证书。

    Institutions entitled to grant academic degrees shall grant to persons who have attained the required academic or professional or technical level corresponding academic degrees and issue to them degree certificates in accordance with law .

  3. 1981年成为国家教育部批准的第一批硕士学位授予单位,1985年成为博士学位授予单位;,1996年12月学校通过国家“211工程”预审,正式跨人国家21世纪重点建设的百所大学的行列。

    In 1981 and was authorized to grant doctorate degrees in 1985.in December 1995 , BUT passed the state Project 211 " preliminary examination and became one of the hundred universities receiving preferential support from the state .

  4. 《河北理工学院学报》有比较高的学术影响力,被2004年、2005年67所研究生学位授予单位的191篇博硕论文引用;

    《 Journal of Hebei Polytechnic University 》 has a great influence in the academic circle . During 2004 and 2005,191 essays were cited from the journal into doctor 's and master 's degree dissertations in 67 institutes .

  5. 草案指出,学位申请人在学位授予单位学习期间存在学术不端、作伪造假等行为的,学位评定委员会可以作出不授予其学位的决定。

    Institutions of higher education that award degrees can deprive a student of a degree if the applicant is involved in academic misconduct , forgery , and other violations during his or her academic years , according to a draft law that has been released to solicit public opinion by the Ministry of Education .

  6. 学位评定委员会组成人员名单,由学位授予单位提出,报主管部门批淮。

    A list of members of the academic degree evaluation committee shall be submitted by the degree-conferring unit to the competent department for approval .

  7. 而学位授权学科、专业点的评估又是学位与研究生教育评估的重要内容,是促进各学位授予单位加强学科点建设,提高学位授予质量的有力保障。

    In the evaluation of ADGE , evaluation of authorized disciplines and specialities conferring an academic degree is the most important , which can accelerate the authorized units conferring an academic degree to strengthen its discipline construction and improve quality of the conferring academic degrees .