
  1. 有四个系统调用可以用于从连接接收数据:read、readv、recvfrom和recvmsg。

    There are four system calls that can be used to receive data from a connection : read , readv , recvfrom , and recvmsg .

  2. 6个饲草生产系统中,除RS和RVS系统之外,其余四个系统的干物质产量都在30t/hm~2以上,其中产量最高的TS系统干物质产量达36.7t/hm~2。

    The forage systems , except RS and RVS , all gave an annual total forage yield over 30 t DM per hectare , with the highest from TS which was 36.7 t DM per hectare .

  3. 323协议的系统组成、基本协议以及终端的结构,阐述了H.323的四个系统组成部分的功能以及它们之间的关系。

    This paper describes mainly about the systematic construction of H.323 contract , including its basic contracts and terminal constructions , elaborates its four systematic sections , their functions and relationships of each other , and modifies the systematic construction , calling model and the criterions of H.323 constract .

  4. 使人口、资源、环境、经济四个系统间协同合作,相互适应,以一种合理的比例关系发展,区域PREE系统才能够保持总体可持续性。

    In order to keep the Regional PREE system sustainable , we should make the four systems such as populace , resource , environment and economics corporate with each other , grow in an adaptable proportion .

  5. 发动机的第四个系统是点火系统。

    The engine requires a fourth system , the ignition system .

  6. 分别对这四个系统进行了详细研究说明。

    To these four system respectively the detailed research shows .

  7. 前面几节讨论了需要调优的四个系统领域。

    The previous sections covered four broad areas where a system needs tuning .

  8. 共有四个系统,有时候我也在里面迷路。

    There 're four systems of them , and sometimes I get lost inside .

  9. 在此仿真背景下,作者还提出了四个系统性能评价参数。

    Under this background , author proposes four criteria parameter to measure system performance .

  10. 政府要在这四个系统的建设中起主导作用。

    The government should play a predominant part in the establishment of these four systems .

  11. 然后我们将具体介绍铁系超导体中四个系统的研究现状。

    After that we will show a perspective of the four systems in iron based superconductor .

  12. 大部分实例运行在途中下面的四个系统中(作者的子网)。

    Most of the examples are run on the lower four systems in this figure ( the author 's subnet ) .

  13. 本文介绍了杜阮味精厂工资管理等四个系统的设计及功能。

    In this Paper , the design and function of four softwares of microcomputer management system of Duruan Monosodium glutamate factory are introduced .

  14. 利用集团理论在贪婪算法的基础上提出了四个系统级故障诊断中的概率诊断算法。每个算法均基于各自不同的贪婪准则;

    Based on greedy algorithm and grouping theory , four probabilistic diagnosis algorithms are presented , and each algorithm has different greedy criterion .

  15. 本文依据制度的要素组成从城市社区福利制度的理论、组织、设备、规范四个系统对社区福利进行了制度建构。

    In this article it is divided into four types , according to system essential factor : theory , organization , equipment , norm .

  16. 注意:为满足未来的概要文件要求,第四个系统-零件供应商系统可以容易地扩展样本应用程序的体系结构。

    Note : A fourth system , the Part Supplier System , can easily extend the architecture of the sample application to address future profile requirements .

  17. 两北师大继续教育学院远程教学平台主要由四个系统组成:网络教学系统、网络教学管理系统、教学资源管理系统和网络课程开发工具。

    This platform mainly consists of four systems : the net teaching system , the net teaching management system , the teaching resource management system and the network course development tool .

  18. 以生命体验&生命灵魂为基础,以情思为核心,以体验、情思、传达、接受四个系统为体系建构生命体验诗学。

    On the foundation of life experience and soul , perception is the core of literature . The poetic system of life experience has four subsystems & experience , perception , expression , and reception .

  19. 通过调整资金在果品生产、蔬菜生产、沼气池、养猪四个系统的分配,可将系统的经济收益提高26%。

    The economic modeling was created to optimize the investment structure among the subsystems of fruit production , vegetable cultivation , biogas digester and the breeding , which can enhance the income of the ecosystem by 26 % .

  20. 数学素质的内涵结构分为四个系统:一是数学知识基础系统;二是数学思想导向系统;

    The structural connotation of mathematical diathesis includes the following four systems , which are basic system of the mathematical knowledge , the system of mathematical thinking guidelines , the personal characters of mathematical thinking and the system of mathematical competence .

  21. 对现代远程教育系统的软件结构研究结果表明:它由网络课程开发工具、网络教学支持系统、网络教务管理系统和教学资源管理系统四个系统组成。

    The result of study of the software structure to the distance education system shows : It is made up of the network course developing instrument , the network teaching support system , the network educational administration administrative system and the teaching resource administrative system , four systems .

  22. 文章针对多Agent系统的性能进行了模拟分析,定义了系统的稳定性、系统负载的均衡性、系统数据的可恢复性、系统效率四个反映系统性能的指标,并进行了初步定性分析。

    The present paper aims at the performance of Multi-Agent System , defines four indices as stability ? balance of load ? renewable of data ?

  23. 从对电网的适应能力、满足负载要求的常规输出指标、输出能力和可靠性、智能管理和通信功能等四个方面系统分析了EPS的性能指标。

    The performance index of the EPS was analyzed including the ability to adapt the power network of the city , the general output performance index meeting the load requirement , the loading capability and reliability , intelligence management and communication .

  24. 四个操作系统启动硬盘的安装

    Installation of Starting Hard Disk by Four Operation Systems

  25. 脑的四个功能系统学说

    Theory of Four Functional Systems of the Brain

  26. 第一节将从国际法、利益、行为、灵活性四个方面系统地比较跨国公司与国家行为体的区别。

    The differences between them are systematically compared from law of nations , interest , behavior and agility .

  27. 第二个问题问其他四个投票系统,你会选择,如果新西兰决定改变从基质金属蛋白酶。

    The second question asks which of four other voting systems you would choose if New Zealand decides to change from MMP .

  28. 本文从劳动的本质、劳动的分类、劳动的历史发展和趋势以及劳动的意义四个方面系统地论述了马克思主义的劳动范畴及其劳动理论。

    This article analyses systematically about the categories and labor theories of its essence , historical developments , developing trend and its significance .

  29. 该系统具备行车制动、辅助制动、停车制动及排气制动四个制动系统。

    It includes four systems such as : service brake system , auxiliary brake system , parking brake system , and exhaust gas brake system .

  30. 它面向系统功能的结构由经营管理、过程自动化、安全经济运行、计算机网络和数据库支撑环境共四个分系统构成。

    The framework oriented system function consists of four independent systems : prosecution management , process automation , safe economic running , computer network and database .