- tetrahedral configuration

The concept central chirality , which is founded on the van 't Hoff 's hypothesis of tetrahedral configuration of carbon atom , has been widely used until now .
In this compound , the tin atom has distorted tetrahedral configuration .
In the typical tetrahedral geometry , the coordination bond length formed from between B and N on the pyridyl is the most longest .
X ray single crystal diffraction analyses showed that 1 exhibits distorted tetrahedron , and in this structure the metal mercury atom is complexed by two nitrogen atoms from two bpea ligands and two iodide atoms .
The application of the theory of hybridized orbital helps us to know that sp3 hybridization is the formation of tetrahedron .
Initial and equilibrium octahedral configurations have different additional coordination , the coordination involving phenyl ortho-hydrogen is more stable than that involving terminal hydrogen of R group . The stability of tetrahedronal configuration is lower , the configurational transformation is primarily dependent on the size of R group s.
The Hybridized Orbital of Tetrahedron
The structural analyses of the crystals show that complex 1 belongs to tetrahedron configuration , complex 2 belongs to planar-square configuration .
The usual coordination geometries of CuI center are line , planar trigon or tetrahedron with the coordination number from 2 to 4 .