
fēn shù xiàn
  • Fractional line;minimum passing score;grade cut-off point ;borderline
  1. 每个级别的最低分数线(MPS)是由CFA协会理事会每年在考试后确定的。

    The minimum passing score ( MPS ) for each level of the exam is determined by the CFA Institute Board of Governors each year after the administration of the exams .

  2. 有些院系可能需要比最低分数线更高的分数。

    Some departments may have higher scores than the minimum .

  3. 不论是最低分数线还是考生的个人分数都不会被透露。

    Neither the MPS nor individual candidate scores have ever been released .

  4. 教育公平:就高考分数线的地区差异而论

    Education Equity : As For as the Region Difference of Higher Education Entrance Marks

  5. 不划分及格分数线。

    There is no pass or fail mark .

  6. 虽然我的数学只比分数线低了一分。

    Although my math exam result was only one point below the required score .

  7. 总的来说,研究生分数线要求托福分数至少在575分。

    In general , the graduate division requires a TOEFL score of at least 575 .

  8. 探讨了标准参照测验合格分数线的划分方法。

    Finally , the article discusses how to set the qualified score in criteria-reference test .

  9. 每年的分数线是不一样的。

    Annual fractional line is different .

  10. 与招收高分考生相比,设定较高的分数线是一件更棘手的事情。

    Compared with recruiting top scorers , setting a high cutoff score is a trickier business .

  11. 到了周三的下午,他们俩都为本地区刚发布的录取分数线感到振奋。

    By Wednesday evening , both were buoyed by news of the cutoff scores for their district .

  12. 谁能告诉我这几年在职研究生的国家录取分数线吗?

    A few years this can tell me the country of on-the-job graduate student admits fractional line ?

  13. 1998年时,只有98名毛坦厂中学的学生达到了本科院校录取的最低分数线。

    In 1998 , only 98 Maotanchang students achieved the minimum gaokao score needed to enter a university .

  14. 高等学校和中等专业学校招收新生的时候,对少数民族考生适当放宽录取分数线。

    When enrolling new students , colleges and vocational secondary schools appropriately relax admission standards for minority examinees .

  15. 确定单科录取分数线的程序设计概率方法建模预测分数线

    The computer programming of the matriculation standard determining according to the single course score Building-model of Statistics to Forecasting Entry-level

  16. 单科成绩和总成绩都过了国家统一的分数线,才能参加复试。

    Only branch grade and total achievement crossed the fractional line with unitary state , ability attends a second-round exam .

  17. 政府也许想资助大学招录英才,或者为分数线边缘的考生提供贷款、助学金或补救性教学。

    The government may want to subsidise that search or subsidise loans and bursaries or provide remedial teaching for borderline candidates .

  18. 几乎所有的东西都由结果来衡量,如金牌、分数线、年收入等等。

    Almost everything is valued by its results such as the gold medal , the admission score , the yearly income target , etc.

  19. 去年,他只考了417分,离该校的最低录取分数线相去甚远。

    Last year , he only managed 417 points , which is far from the minimum passing marks for admission to the university .

  20. 随着三月末考研国家线的发布,各大院校也将在短时间内公布自主分数线。

    With national benchmark scores for postgraduate admission having been released late last month , scores for each graduate school will soon follow .

  21. 清华大学在安徽省招收理科生的最低分数线是641分,徐鹏高出两分。

    Tsinghua 's minimum score for students from Anhui province taking the science exam was 641 . He made it by just two points .

  22. 由于山东省的申请人数,温州肯恩大学把山东的分数线提高了20分。

    Wenzhou Kean University raised the scores for applicants from the eastern province of Shandong , where many students were applying , by 20 points .

  23. 今年,中国政法大学将男生录取分数线设为588分,比女生低了44分。

    This year , China University of Political Science and Law had an admission score of 588 for men - 44 points below that for women .

  24. 学校要想得到政府资助,必须要达到一定的分数线,可是大家都忽视了这样一个事实:那些分数相对较低的学校可能才是真正需要这种帮助的。

    Schools must have adequate test scores in order to receive government funding , despite the fact that schools with lower scores are the ones that need the help most .

  25. 完整的学科能力表现标准体系包括四个方面:表现描述、表现水平划分、作业实例及评注、分数线。

    The complete subject performance standard systems system includes four aspects : the performance description , the division of the level of performance , operating of examples and commentary and scores .

  26. 我国高职院校录取分数线低,生源素质较差,自卑心理普遍,学习动力缺乏,人际交往能力不成熟。

    Students of higher vocational school are generally characterized by lower entry marks , poorer personal qualities , lack of motivation in studies , insufficient interpersonal skills , and immature psychology .

  27. 内容主要包括我国现行司法考试制度的管理机制、报名资格、考卷内容、考试过程、考试时间和及格分数线等六个方面。

    And the context consists of six areas about our current judicial examination system , such as : management , registration qualification , exam content , process , time and passing scores .

  28. 换而言之,每所大学在每个省份都有一定的招生名额,所以他们的目标是以高于竞争对手的分数线来完成招生指标。

    In other words , every university has a quota in each province , so the goal is to fulfill the recruitment quota with a higher cutoff score than your competitors ' .

  29. 医学专业的录取分数线较低。在大多数西方国家,医生这个职业意味着体面、高薪以及父母的认可——父母都喜欢炫耀说,“我的孩子是医生”。

    In most western countries , medicine is a profession that guarantees prestige , high salaries - and the approval of parents who love to brag about " my child the doctor . "

  30. 朱教授解释说,分数线的最大意义其实只是用作学校之间参考,对于同一个学校而言,对于考生而言,意义是不大的。

    Professor Zhu explanation says , the greatest sense of fractional line just uses as actually consult between the school , to same the school , to examinee , the meaning is not big .