
  • 网络segmentation;fractionation;fractionation method;fraction method
  1. 提出了按变形区分曲面进行工具网格划分的方法,分析得出针对后边梁的具体计算时间步长和单点约束方式,提出了数值模拟回弹分析的分段法。

    Propose the method of dividing grids of tools according to the distinguish surfaces of deformation zone . Through analysis , the method of concrete calculating time step and single point constraint according to behind beam is obtained , and put forward the segmentation method of numerical simulation on springback .

  2. 采用分段法估算Allan方差中的各噪声系数

    Estimation of Various Noise Factors from Allan Variance by Subsection Method

  3. 该分段法把ICA分成7段:C1,颈段;

    The new classification of the ICA has the following seven segments : C1 , cervical ;

  4. 给出一种基于Haar小波积分运算矩阵求解常微分方程的改进方法,称之为区间分段法。

    Based on Haar wavelets operational matrix of integration , an improved method is obtained which is called piecewise method for solving ODE .

  5. 结论UCG胎儿顺序分段法是诊断胎儿CHD较完善、可靠的方法,可明显提高胎儿CHD诊断的敏感性,已成为产前筛选CHD和指导干预的重要方法。

    Conclusions The sequential segmental approach is a consummate and reliable method for diagnosing fetal CHD . It can improve sensitivity for detecting CHD and segmental anomaly . It has become an important method for prenatal screening CHD and guiding interventional treatment .

  6. 分离过程的分段法优化设计的研究

    Study on Segmented Optimal Design Method for the Separation Process

  7. 既有线无站台柱雨棚钢结构分段法施工技术

    On steel structure piecewise method construction technology of existing no-station pole canopy

  8. 顺序分段法在胎儿心脏超声诊断中的应用

    Application of Fractional Examination Method in Fetal Echocardiographic Diagnosis

  9. 最优分段法在静探试验数据处理中的应用

    Application of optimum grouping method in processing data of static cone penetration TESE

  10. 本文对频域分段法做了理论分析同时完成在5类线信道上的仿真实现。

    This article made the theoretical analysis to this method and complete simulation .

  11. 用网络分段法计算管式炉辐射室的传热

    Calculating heat transfer in a radiant section by zone network mothod of tubular heaters

  12. 分段法在极限和积分中的应用

    Application of Piecewise Method in Limits and Integrals

  13. 箱梁约束扭转计算的有限分段法及其应用

    Analysis of Warping Torsion of Box Girders by Finite Segment Method and Its Applications

  14. 分段法确定无粘性超粒径粗粒土最大干密度

    Confirming the maximum dry density of oversized coarse grained soil by using subsection method

  15. 彩色多普勒超声心动图顺序分段法诊断胎儿先天性心脏病的研究

    Diagnosis of Fetal Congenital Heart Diseases with the Sequential Segmental Approach Using Color Doppler Echocardiography

  16. 基于动态线性回归的&阶导数分段法在螺纹检测数据处理中的应用

    Application of First Differential Grouping Method Based on the Dynamic Linear Regression in Thread Testing

  17. 泵站水锤计算中的自动分段法

    An auto-segment method in water hammer calculation

  18. 目的介绍一种应用分段法硅胶填充术矫治轻度驼峰鼻的手术方法。

    Objective To introduce a staged corrective rhinoplasty for mild hump nose using divided silicone implant .

  19. 利用时序分段法对单个火花放电从形成到消失整个过程的机制进行研究,进一步探讨微弧氧化过程中的火花演化和膜层形成机理。

    The mechanism of a single spark discharge process was researched by use of the sub-timing method .

  20. 应用分段法时,需要计算每个流段的平均水力坡度,由于平均水力坡度的计算十分繁琐,计算工作量大。

    When we employ stage-method , it is necessary to calculate average hydraulic grade in every flow stage .

  21. 本文用分段法求解多阶段地下水管理模型。

    Solution procedures for the multi-Period ground-water management model use of the stepwise approach was studied in this paper .

  22. 方法:对118例尿道炎后慢性前列腺炎患者的尿和前列腺液按Meares&Stamey分段法培养;

    Methods : Urine and EPS were cultured according to Meares & Stamey 's fractionation methods in 118 post-urethritis chronic prostatitis .

  23. 为解决新安电厂凝汽器带负荷不停机清洗的问题,提出了降负荷凝汽器分段法不停机清洗的方案。

    A chemical cleaning method for condenser during operation is put forward with staged cleaning under part load operation of condenser .

  24. 水质分段法优化河流监测断面及其在水功能区达标监测中的应用

    The measure of water quality subsection in optimizing river monitoring section planes and applying to achieving standard monitoring in water function area

  25. 基于按风速分段法反演风速的研究,提出了一种海洋环境噪声估计风速的修正方法。

    Based on study of multi-section wind inversion , a modified method is proposed for evaluation of wind speed by ocean ambient noise .

  26. 用分段法与链表法的二维布尔运算识别运动链拓朴结构的邻接链表法

    The Boolean Operation for 2D Figure with Segment-based Method and Linked-list Method Identification of Isomorphism of Kinematic Chains Using Link 's Adjacent Chain Table

  27. 从杨森曾采用的平衡条件和常系数假定出发,本文用分段法推导裤型漏斗直壁和曲壁的贮料压力计算公式。

    This paper derives the pressure formula of granular for trouser-shape funnel from equilibrium condition and assumption with constant coefficient ever adopted by Janssen .

  28. 笔者介绍,在缺乏计算程序和动力学数据的条件下,利用不同的工厂设计数据采用宏观总包法,或用实验室中单釜实验数据采用微观分段法解决反应入口温度的定值问题。

    Without calculation program and dynamic data , the inlet temperature is defined by macro - analysis method using design data of various plant or micro - analysis method using experimental data .

  29. 本文以简支的斜交薄壁单室箱梁为对象,采用有限分段法,分析了扭转与弯曲的耦合效应,并作了有机玻璃模型在扭转荷载作用时的试验。

    In this paper , the finite segment method is adopted to analyze the coupling effect of torsion and flexure in the thin-walled skew box girders . A model is tested to justify the method .

  30. 阐述了检查化学实验装置气密性的基本原理和一般步骤,并结合实例介绍了检查装置气密性常用的加热法、注水法、鼓气法、抽气法和分段法等。

    The author sets forth the basic principle and general steps about checking device air tightness of chemistry experiment , and combines instants introducing usual inspecting methods , calefaction , water injection , air blowing ; air exhausting and subsection etc.