
  • 网络Document information;bibliographic information;literature;information
  1. 基于Internet网络文献信息检索研究

    A Study of the Search of Network Document Information on Internet

  2. 基于GIS的文献信息管理应用研究

    The Application Research on the Document Information Management Based on the Geographic Information System

  3. 文献信息检索与PUSH、PULL技术

    Information Searches and PUSH 、 PULL Technology

  4. 充分利用加入WTO的有利因素,健全和完善我国的有关法律,尽力把实施知识产权保护的负面影响减小到最低程度,使文献信息资源共享得以真正实现。

    The author points out that we should perfect the related laws and reduce the negative influence of implementing intellectual property right protection to make the resource sharing become true .

  5. 图书馆受到Internet的巨大冲击、不再是文献信息服务的唯一提供者,数字图书馆如何才能挽回失去的老用户,吸引新用户?

    Conventional libraries have been subjected to great impact from Internet and isn 't the only provider of information and literature . How can digital libraries pull back lost old users and attract new users ?

  6. CALIS中商业数据库文献信息熵化问题研究

    Research on the Entropy of Database Products in the CALIS

  7. 本文在研究已有个性化信息服务知识的基础上针对江苏省工程技术文献信息中心信息服务系统提出并实现了基于Web挖掘的多Agent个性化信息服务系统。

    We have researched the knowledge of personality information service , and then proposed and implement multi-agent personality information system , which is based on web mining , for Jiangsu Engineering Technology Literature Information Center information service system .

  8. Internet上蕴藏着丰富的食品信息资源,本文详细介绍了利用搜索引擎、各种数据库、专业网站以及学科导航系统等工具检索食品科技电子文献信息的途径和方法。

    There are rich food science information resources on internet . This paper introduces ways to search food science and technology electronic literature information using search-engine , kinds of database , professional net address and Subject Navigation System on internet .

  9. 着重介绍了基于ASP技术、B/S模式文献信息检索课程教学平台的开发思路、资源组织及技术架构等方面的问题。

    Introduced emphatically based on the ASP technology , B / S pattern literature information retrieval curriculum teaching aspect and so on platform development mentality , resources organization and technical overhead construction question .

  10. 通过对《贵州农业科学》自创刊以来的知识文献信息进行分析,利用TRS全文数据库平台建立了其全文数据库检索系统。

    The full text database computer system was formed by TRS , based on the analysis of the knowledge and literature information from the foundation of Guizhou Agricultural Sciences .

  11. 围绕NSTL&IPv6文献信息服务平台的实现,从网络平台、网络服务、应用服务三个方面介绍了相关的IPv6关键技术。

    The implementation of NSTL - IPv6 information service platform is presented in this article . In the meantime , the author introduces the key technology of IPv6 from aspects of the network platform , network services and application services .

  12. 利用Multi-MARC实现文献信息管理系统对知识组织系统的支持

    Implementing the Supporting to KOS in Document Information Management System Based on Multi-MARC

  13. 美国OCLC公司是世界最大的文献信息服务机构之一,其所提供的80个数据库内容覆盖社会科学、自然科学各学科领域,且一半有原文。

    American OCLC company is one of the worlds biggest constitutions of document information service and contents of eighty databases offered by the company cover every subject area from social sciences to natural science , furthermore , half of them have the original .

  14. 提出基于本体的知识组织方式的中国艾滋病信息门户(CAIP)建设方案,对艾滋病领域的文献信息、项目信息、机构信息、专家信息进行组织整合并提供便捷的关联检索功能。

    This paper provides a scheme of CAIP adopting knowledge organization based on Ontology . CAIP will organize the information of literature , project , institute and experts in the field of AIDS and provide the strong related retrieval function .

  15. 论合并高校文献信息资源的整合

    On Integration of Reference Information Resources of Combined Higher Education Institution

  16. 标准文献信息资源的搜集和标准信息服务

    The collection of standard information resource and the standard information service

  17. 青海省高校文献信息资源共建共享的探讨

    Exploration of Bibliographic Information Resource Sharing in Universities in Qinghai Province

  18. 高校合并后图书馆的文献信息资源共享

    Literature resource sharing of libraries after mergence of colleges and universities

  19. 提升人文社会科学文献信息服务水平

    Improving Documentation and Information Service Level in Humanities and Social Sciences

  20. 文献信息资源共享从传统型向现代型的转化

    Transformation of the traditional Document Information Resource Sharing into the Modernization

  21. 亚运文献信息资源的整合与构建

    Integration and Construction of Documents and Information Resources on Asian Games

  22. 读者期刊文献信息需求的调查与分析

    Analysis of Readers ' Needs for Documentary Information in University Library

  23. 构建大同市文献信息资源服务平台的思考

    Thinking about Constructing the Information Resource Sharing Platform in Datong City

  24. 现代图书馆文献信息资源开发研究

    Study of Exploiture and Utilization of Literature Information Resource in Library

  25. 关于21世纪文献信息资源共享的思考

    On the Shared Recourses of Library Information in the 21st Century

  26. 文献信息服务量化的数学模型及其评价

    Mathematical Model for Quantized Documentary Information Service and Its Evaluation

  27. 关于文献信息服务进入现代角色的思考

    Thoughts about documents ' information service 's entry to the modern times

  28. 对文献信息服务态度升华的探讨

    Exploration on the Sublimation of Service Attitude of Document Information

  29. 图书馆信息资源共享区的结构与功能研究&以江苏省高校图书馆文献信息保障体系为例

    A Study on the Stuctures and Functions of Library Information Resources Community

  30. 做到:文献信息量最大,使用又最为方便。

    It has large volume of information and good usage .