
  • 网络College System;collegiate system;collegiate
  1. 牛津、剑桥大学学院制研究:1249年-1636年

    On the Collegiate System of Oxford University and Cambridge University : 1249-1636

  2. 一些新的大学已试用学院制。

    Some new universities have attempted to adopt a collegiate system .

  3. 关于公立高校独立学院制的若干理论问题

    Some Theoretical Questions on Individual School System of Public Universities

  4. 学院制改革与高校内部教学科研机构重组

    School-based System and Reorganization of Academic Institutions in Higher Education

  5. 学院制下的教学管理机制与效能

    The Mechanism for Teaching Administration Under the College System and Its Efficiency

  6. 高校学院制管理问题探析

    Analysis on the Problem of Institute System Management in University

  7. 自主理财:学院制实体化运作的权力基础

    Autonomous financing : basis of power for real operation of college system

  8. 高等学校的学院制与学院制改革问题

    The Reform of " School-based System " for Higher Education

  9. 试论高等院校学院制管理模式的构建

    On Establishing Management Model of College System At Universities

  10. 高校学院制实体化运作探讨

    Probe into Entity of College - System in University

  11. 我国大学学院制的现状及理论分析

    The Present Situation and Theoretical Analysis of the School System in Chinese Universities

  12. 合并院校学院制管理模式中的权限问题研究

    Studies on Problems of Rights Limitations in the Under-College-System Management Model of Amalgamated Universities

  13. 唯此,学院制改革才能得到顺利地推进。

    In this way , the university system reform will be successfully carried out .

  14. 基于学院制大学理财模式的选择

    College financing pattern Choosing based on school-oriented system

  15. 这学院制仍然是一个巨大的力量。

    The colleges will remain a huge strength .

  16. 大学学院制组织模式:多视角考察

    Research on the Connotation of the College System & Organization Mode from Three Visual Angles

  17. 我国大学实行学院制是高等教育体制改革的必然选择。

    The school system management is the inevitable choice of reforming higher education system in our country .

  18. 在学院制改革的过程中,放权是一个重要问题。

    The decentralization of the power in the reform of the school system is an essential matter .

  19. 学院制管理体制改革后必须有相适应的教学质量监控与保障体系。

    It is necessary for universities to create teaching quality assurance and control system under college system .

  20. 地方合并高校推行学院制的动因及建构原则

    On Causes and Construction Principles of the Local Merged University 's Carrying out the Reform of Institute System

  21. 学院制改革是当前高校内部管理体制改革研究领域的热点课题,人们从不同的侧面在对学院制进行研究。

    The college system reform is the hot topic in the current study of inner management system for universities .

  22. 学院制管理模式下,更有必要对校院两级的财务权限加以界定,以明确各自的权、责、利。

    Under the institute system management pattern , it is necessary to limit the two levels of financial powers .

  23. 学院制改革过程中遇到的一系列问题,严重阻碍了我国高校的发展。

    The problem emerging in the reform of college system , impeded the development of our colleges and universities .

  24. 二是各大学发展的不同历史阶段所形成的学院制模式均有着不同的时代特色;

    Secondly , there are many different era characteristics in college supervising models in different universities in their development .

  25. 不断追求学科发展的目标是实施学院制的根本目的。

    And the continuous pursuit of the objective and realm of disciplinary development is the essential target of college system .

  26. 导师制作为牛津大学的教学传统和核心特征是以其学院制为基础的。

    As the teaching tradition and critical character of Oxford , the tutorial system is based on its college system .

  27. 高校实行学院制改革后,学院办公室的职能及所承担的任务大大增加了。

    After the reform of college system in university , the function of college office is becoming larger and larger .

  28. 建立学院制是高校内部管理体制改革和学科建设发展的一种思路。

    Establishing the college system is an approach for the management system reform inside the university and the development of discipline construction .

  29. 新中国成立之后,跟着50年代院系大范围调整以后,学院制也随之撤消。

    After the founding of new China , in the1950s , when large-scale , adjustment restructuring of colleges , college system was abolished .

  30. 构建适应大学学院制体制的教学管理新机制,对于深化大学教学管理体制改革至关重要。

    Building the new mechanism for teaching administration adaptable to the college system is of critical importance to deepening the reform of teaching administration .