
  1. logistic多因素回归分析得到性别、学习压力、人际关系、健康状况、恋爱状况与大学生抑郁产生有关。

    Gender , study stress , interpersonal relationship , health status , and affectional status were correlated with depression by multivariate logistic regression analysis .

  2. 而在工作环境是否粉尘、化学药剂、是否有极大温差变化、平日工作及学习压力、每日接触空调时间、运动习惯及每日睡眠时间项目,两组间存在显著差异性(P<0.01)。

    ( P < 0.05 ) Two groups contain distinctive difference when there are dust , chemical liquid , extreme temperature difference , working and learning pressure , long time of exposing to air conditioners , poor exercise habits and fewer daily sleeping hours in working environment .

  3. 环境、情绪、学习压力等因素与SSRS总分相关显著(P<0.01)。

    There was significant correlation between environment , emotion and school work and scales of SSRS ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  4. 方法采用学生健康调查问卷(SHIQ)对280名中小学生做抽样调查,采用SPSS统计包进行男女生比较和学习压力与多项心身健康的线性回归分析。

    Methods About 280 primary and secondary school students were tested by Student Health Questionnaire ( SHQ ), and data was analyzed using SPSS .

  5. 结论影响大学生逆商(AQ)的外部因素有:家庭(家庭教育方式)、学校(人际关系、老师表扬、学习压力来源)和社会(就业前景)三方面。

    Conclusion The outside factors that influence the AQ of the college students were the family ( teaching methods ), the school ( the relationship between peoples , the praise of the teacher ,) and the society ( the future of employment ) .

  6. 像是学习压力或是学习压力?

    With " like , academic pressure "? Or academic pressure ?

  7. 大学生学习压力及其调控策略初探

    Tentative research on learning pressure of college students and controlling measures

  8. 作为学生个体,在学习压力面前,不同的学生会有不同的感受。

    As individual student , different students sense study pressure differently .

  9. 护生学习压力源及相关因素的调查分析

    The learning stresses and the relevant factors among nursing students

  10. 现在的高中生学习压力很大。

    Nowadays , high school students are under great pressure .

  11. 高中生学习压力与学习倦怠之间存在显著的正相关。

    Senior high students ' study pressure is significantly correlated to learning burnout .

  12. 药学专业学生学习压力及学习状况的调查与思考

    Research and consideration on learning pressure and status in university students major in pharmacy

  13. 不仅仅提及到学习压力,就业危机,乃至生活本身。

    Not to mention the study pressures , job problems , even life itself .

  14. 他们一定因为巨大的学习压力喝了酒。

    They must have had a drink due to the enormous stress of studying .

  15. 学生课业负担重,学习压力大。

    The schoolwork for students is heavy-laden and the pressure of learning is so great .

  16. 两类学校的学生在学习压力因子上存在显著差异。

    The students in the two kinds of schools show obvious differences in study pressure factors .

  17. 第一个学期的学习压力已经够大了,就不要再选修那些繁重的课程来加重自己的负担。

    The first semester is stressful enough . Don 't make it worse by taking intense course .

  18. 学习压力三年级最高,学习紧张与焦虑程度四年级最低。

    Junior students feel the heaviest learning pressure and learning anxiety , while the senior the lowest .

  19. 学习压力大等因素影响着运动员训练的积极性,同时不少高校存在着运动员选材困难。

    Learning pressure affects the training of athletes while many universities have difficulties in athletes selecting . 4 .

  20. 简单说,情况已经开始改善,因为学校已经被要求减轻学习压力。

    In short , things have begun to improve since schools were called on to reduce learning load .

  21. 你认为小孩是不是什么事情都应该听家长的?小学生的学习压力怎么样?

    Do you think there 's too much pressure on school students nowadays to do well at school ?

  22. 高中生较易发生的是学习压力感、情绪波动性、焦虑等层面的心理健康问题。

    The more easily induced problems were those on the aspects of learning pressure , emotion fluctuation and anxiety .

  23. 由于学习压力过大等问题,有许多学生对学习失去兴趣,学习目标不明确,心情郁闷

    Because learning stress issues , many students lose interest in learning , learning goals are not clear , depressed

  24. 目的探讨中学生学习压力源、学习倦怠与睡眠质量之间的关系,并建立起三者间相互作用的机制模型。

    Objective To explore the relationship among learning stressors , learning burnout and sleep quality of middle school students .

  25. 不过,从学生层面来看,他们普遍倾向于学习压力相对较小的选修课类的双语课程。

    However , from the view of students , optional courses are preferred because of less pressure . 2 .

  26. 这种现象源于大学的学习压力比高中要小得多。

    This phenomenon could be because the pressure to study at university is lower than that of high school .

  27. 对于学习压力日趋加重的现代的大学生来说,适当地进行身体锻炼是具有好处的。

    Add to the growing pressure for the study of modern college students , the proper physical exercise is good .

  28. 尽管功课忙,学习压力重,学生们还是挤出时间参加各种学生活动。

    Despite heavy burden of homework and academic pressure , students still find time for great activity in student affairs .

  29. 不同学习压力承受能力高中生的家庭生态比较

    The Study on the Pressure Family Ecosystems of High School Students at Different Levels of Tolerance of Perceived Learning Stress

  30. 自信心、学习压力、学习策略、学习结果归因、学习态度、注意力及跨文化意识等。

    Internal factors mainly refer to attitude , self-esteem , learning pressure , strategies , attention , cross-culture consciousness , etc.