
  • learning efficiency;Study efficiency;Efficiency of Learning
  1. 众所周知,传统BP神经网络收敛速度慢、学习效率低。

    It is very known that the convergence speed of the conventional BP neural networks is slow and its learning efficiency low .

  2. LM优化算法其学习效率比带动量项的BP算法高一个数量级以上,值得推广应用。

    Compared with classical BP algorithm , the learning efficiency of this algorithm was higher an order of magnitude than that of BP algorithm with variable learning rate algorithm .

  3. 它们会使你学习效率低下,也会更懒惰,检查一下有哪些东西会让你分心。

    They make you less productive and lazy . Keep a check on your distractions .

  4. 并提出了一种改进的BP算法,提高了学习效率。

    An improved BP algorithm is presented and it has more efficiency than the original BP algorithm .

  5. 仿真表明基于历史经验回放技术能提高Q学习效率。4.设计了ADAMS仿真平台。

    Simulation results indicate that the Experience Replay technology can improve the efficiency of Q-learning . Fourthly , the ADAMS simulation platform is designed .

  6. 将该神经网络用于上证指数的趋势预测,仿真结果表明:该神经网络比BP神经网络具有更好的全局收敛性、更高的学习效率和预测精度。

    The neural networks is adopted to forecast Shanghai stock indexes . The result of emulation indicates that the neural networks has better global convergence and higher training efficiency and forecasting precision .

  7. 本文在第四章讨论了对BP网络设置不同阈值范围混沌信号的初始权值对其学习效率的影响。

    In the fourth chapter , we discuss the affection to the learning of BP neural network by setting initial values of the BP NN with the chaotic signals which have the variable threshold value range .

  8. 这种Agent具有很强的独立性以及较高的学习效率,能够适应于动态环境。(4)探讨了多Agent信息融合与协商在故障诊断领域中的应用。

    This kind of agent has a good flexibility and learning efficiency , and can adapt to the dynamic environment . ( 4 ) The dissertation investigates the application of multi agent information fusion and negotiation in the fields of fault diagnosis .

  9. 在用户子模块中,使用改进的ID3算法提高了整个系统的学习效率;

    In the user sub-module it uses ID3 algorithm ameliorated to improve the study efficiency of the whole system .

  10. 作为神经网络的经典模型,BP(误差逆向传播)网络也得到了快速发展和广泛的应用,但同时存在着学习效率低,收敛速度慢,难以用数字硬件实现等问题。

    As a classic NN model , Back Propagation Neural Network ( BPNN ) has also made a rapid progress and been used widely . Meanwhile , it also shows some shortcoming such as low train efficiency , slow convergence rate and difficulty on digital implementation .

  11. 这种算法能够克服EM算法容易陷入局部最大值的缺陷,对于缺省数据处理是基于后验网络的,网络结构随进化计算不断优化,得到的补充数据可信度比较高,网络学习效率高、运算性能好。

    Since data processing in HL algorithm is based on posterior networks structures and the structures of Bayesian Network are optimized with evolution computing , the HL algorithms are of higher reliability of complementary data , higher learning rate , and better operational performance .

  12. 验证结果表明,与BP网络模型比较,GA-ENN模型的学习效率和学习精度均有明显的提高,是一种有效的识别模型,为实现拉深成形过程的智能化控制奠定了基础。

    Experiments indicate that , compared with BP network model , the training efficiency and precision of GA-ENN model are obviously improved , and the model is effective . It lays the basis of real-time properties identification in intelligent control of deep drawing process .

  13. 选择科学方法,提高学习效率。

    Third , choose the scientific method , improve learning efficiency .

  14. 软技术对操作者学习效率影响的实证研究

    An empirical study on effect of soft technology on learning efficiency

  15. 训练有助于学生词汇学习效率的提高。

    The students ' performance in vocabulary learning has been improved .

  16. 压缩大学基础英语,提高语言学习效率&试论重点大学大学英语课程设置改革

    On the reform of College English curriculum design in key universities

  17. 要想收入双倍,必须三倍地提高你的学习效率。

    To double your income , triple your rate of learning .

  18. 影响外语学习效率的个性因素分析

    Analyzing the Individual Factors on Affecting the Efficiency of Learning Foreign Language

  19. 应用自我监控策略提高学生学习效率

    Applying Self-Supervision Tactics to Improve the Students ' Study Efficiency

  20. 第一个实验旨在探索通过教学方法(教法、学法、练习方法等)的改革,来提高数学技能的学习效率。

    The first experiment engaged in improving the efficiency of learning skill .

  21. 数学学习效率是从两个维度来认识的。

    Mathematics learning efficiency can be recognized from two aspects .

  22. 计算机如何使孩子的学习效率提高。

    How a computer will help educate a child quicker .

  23. 提高儿童学习效率方案的评估模型

    Evaluating Model of Improving Children 's Studying Efficiency Scheme

  24. 理解性输出与语言学习效率&一项写长法的实证研究

    Comprehensible Output and Language Learning Efficiency : An Empirical Study of the Length

  25. 在高校教室中,舒适偏冷一点的热环境更有利于学习效率的提高。

    The comfortable cold of thermal environment is more favorable to work efficiency .

  26. 提高非英语专业学生词汇学习效率的探讨与实践

    Discussions and Practice on Improving the Efficiency in Vocabulary Learning for Non-English Majors

  27. 创建最优教学过程提高学生学习效率

    Establishing Optimal Teaching Process and Improving Student-Learning Efficiency

  28. 通过在教学方法上的转变,达到提高英语学习效率之目的。

    Change teaching methods , improve learning efficiency .

  29. 改善认知活动,提高学习效率;

    Activities ameliorating cognitions and elevating learning efficiency ;

  30. 良好的个性和积极的情绪有利于大学生提高学习效率,改进学习效果。

    Good personality and positive emotion would enhance the learning efficiency and learning achievements .