
xué shù
  • science;learning;scholarship
学术 [xué shù]
  • [learning;science] 有系统的专门学问

学术[xué shù]
  1. 他们抗议说,在他们神圣不可侵犯的学术殿堂里没有商学院的位置。

    They protested that there was no place for a school of commerce in their hallowed halls of learning .

  2. 我认为他是一个最没有学术气味的人。

    I 'd say he is a man who has the least tincture of learning .

  3. 学术文章容不得奇闻逸事。

    Anecdotes have no place in an academic essay .

  4. 我这里使用的“学术”一词是贬义的。

    I 'm using the word ‘ academic ’ here in a pejorative sense .

  5. 年轻的女主人公陷入了学术界钩心斗角的罗网。

    The young heroine steps into a web of intrigue in the academic world .

  6. 他不适合做学术工作。

    He is unsuited to academic work .

  7. 这本季刊曾经是进行颇有见地的学术讨论的论坛。

    The quarterly had been a forum for sound academic debate .

  8. 全院教师大部分时间都用来从事学术研究。

    Faculty members devote most of their time to scholarly research .

  9. 学生们的兴趣大多限于学术领域。

    Students ' interests are mostly limited to the academic realm .

  10. 一些学生比其他学生更有学术才能。

    Some students have more aptitude for academic work than others .

  11. 心理学最初是自然哲学一个纯粹的学术分支。

    Psychology began as a purely academic offshoot of natural philosophy

  12. 我的目标是出版一本关于彼得·莫恩的学术著作。

    My object was to publish a scholarly work on Peter Mourne .

  13. 英国需要弥合学术界和企业界之间的技术差距。

    Britain needs to bridge the technology gap between academia and industry .

  14. 我们的很多老师也和海德堡大学保持着有益的学术联系。

    Many of our teachers also have valuable academic links with Heidelberg University

  15. 这本小说和他的学术著作截然不同。

    The novel is worlds apart from his academic writings .

  16. 这一直是学术讨论的热门话题。

    This has been the subject of intense scholarly debate

  17. 他们辉煌的学术成就被当作了典范。

    Their great academic success was paraded as paradigmatic .

  18. 那些是微妙的学术上的辩论,但不久的将来怎么办?

    Those are nice academic arguments , but what about the immediate future ?

  19. 那位作者已确定采用更为学术的方法。

    The author has settled for a more academic approach

  20. 各大学正从学术赞助转而寻求商业赞助。

    Universities are turning from academic to commercial sponsorship .

  21. 学术界与工业界有着天壤之别。

    There is a dichotomy between the academic world and the industrial world .

  22. 珍妮弗有着让人印象深刻的学术和商务背景。

    Jennifer has an impressive academic and business background .

  23. 美国是学术、艺术和政治氛围最活跃的国家。

    America is the most intellectually , artistically and politically effervescent of nations .

  24. 这所大学有良好的学术声誉。

    This college has a good academic reputation

  25. 这部学术性著作应该会引发一场关于西方对波罗的海国家政策的大辩论。

    This learned book should start a real debate on Western policy towards the Baltics .

  26. 她的学术背景无可挑剔。

    Her academic credentials are impeccable .

  27. 不同的学校有不同的教学计划,从高度学术的到普通职业教育的,不一而足。

    Different schools teach different types of syllabus , from the highly academic to the broadly vocational .

  28. 他开始在学术上超越他人。

    Academically he began to excel

  29. 这一变革是政府将逐步采用阿拉伯语作为官方学术语言政策的一部分。

    The change is part of the government 's policy of phasing in Arabic as the official academic language .

  30. 新定律获得了学术界的认可。

    The new law has gained acceptance in academic circles .