
  • 网络Pliny;Pliny the Elder;Plinius
  1. 这是一种用盐水浸泡的母羊奶酪,经过至少八个月的陈化,也被认为是历史最为悠久的意式奶酪之一:老普林尼(PlinytheElder)在两千年前,就描述过罗马乡下是如何生产这种奶酪的。

    A brine-washed ewe 's cheese aged for a minimum of eight months , it is also considered one of the oldest Italian cheeses : Pliny the Elder described its production in the Roman countryside two millenniums ago .

  2. 古罗马作家普林尼说祛病辟邪最好的东西莫过于路上捡来的废旧马蹄铁。

    Pliny says that there is no more excellent protection against illness than the castoff horseshoe found in the road .

  3. 说起中世纪时流传于欧洲的那些关于月经的传说,恐怕大部分都是生于1世纪的罗马作家——老普林尼的杰作呢。

    First-century Roman author Pliny the Elder is responsible for a great number of menstruation myths that persisted in Europe throughout the Middle Ages .

  4. 在给塔希托的两封信中,老普林尼的侄子写了有关威苏威火山大喷发的唯一的证言。

    In two letters to the historian Tacitus , the nephew of Pliny the Elder wrote the only eyewitness account of the great eruption of Vesuvius .

  5. 园池期火山喷发模式为:普林尼式喷发柱-火山碎屑流。

    The eruptive pattern of the Yuanchi phase is from Plinian column ( the Yuanchi pumice and ash fall deposits )→ pyroclastic flow ( the Bingchang pyroclastic flow deposits ) .

  6. 他们所记录的数据被老普林尼记录在了他的一本名为自然历史的书里。他们记录的数据的精确度比起现在来都毫不逊色,他们就像是被雇佣的机械一样。

    Their measurements were later recorded by Pliny the Elder in his Natural History , and they are so accurate compared to modern measurements that a mechanical device was almost certainly employed .

  7. 第二章介绍了古代文献的两大传统:普林尼传统和西塞罗-昆体良传统,梳理了现代学者对文献的整理和研究。

    Chapter 2 introduces two traditions of ancient documentation , one by the Elder Pliny and the other by Cicero-Quintilian . The thesis then lays out the studies of documentation by modern scholars .

  8. 罗马帝国初期的老普林尼的《自然史》中的地理学部分是之前地理学发展成就的忠实记录,是研究古希腊罗马地理学的一个得天独厚的窗口。

    As a record of the geographical achievements , the Natural History written by the elder Pliny lived in the early days of the Roman Empire was a unique window to study on the ancient Greek and Roman geography .