
  • 网络Planck time
  1. 在这种量子共形起伏下,任何时空的本征时间和本征长度的最小极限分别为普朗克时间t,和普朗克长度1p。

    It is shown that under the quantum conformal fluctuation the expectation values of the proper time and the proper length in any space-time are bounded at Planck time t_p and Planck Length l_prespectively .

  2. 要明白普朗克时间有多短,先要知道普朗克时间每秒包括的单位比大爆炸以来所有秒包括的单位都要多。

    To understand just how short of ' Planck Time ' is , consider this , there 're more units of ' Planck Time ' in one second than all the seconds since the Big Bang .

  3. 接下来,在又一段很短的普朗克时间内宇宙就诞生了。

    In the next few ' Planck times ' , the universe as we know it will be born .

  4. 两个普朗克时间之后,宇宙形成后差不多有一秒,这时的宇宙仍然很奇怪。

    Give a take a couple of Planck times , the universe is nearly a second old and still a very strange place .

  5. 如果看表估量一秒钟,我们可以问这一秒钟的普朗克时间是多少。

    If we look at our watches and measure one second , we can ask how many ' Planck Times ' is that .

  6. 简要介绍了普朗克于1912年提出的三个基本物理量:普朗克质量、普朗克长度和普朗克时间.它们已被列入1986和1998年基本物理常数表。

    A brief review is presented of three fundamental physical quantities derived by Max Planck in 1912 , referred to have as the Planck mass , Planck length and Planck time which had been arranged in the tables of 1986 and 1998 fundamental physical constants .