
zhé xiàn
  • fold line;broken line;polygonal line;dog-leg path
折线 [zhé xiàn]
  • [broken line] 多条线段首尾依次相接组成的曲折连线

折线[zhé xiàn]
  1. 本文提出的损伤折线比Miner损伤线更接近试验数据,疲劳寿命估算方法能用于各种加载情况。

    The damage broken line in the paper is closer to experimental data than Miner damage line and the estimation method of fatigue life can be used for various of multilevel loading .

  2. 实践证明以折线代替曲线进行支架布置方法是合理的,最终成桥相邻两块混凝土表面高差均小于2cm。

    It is concluded that the layout method using broken line instead of curve is reasonable with the altitude difference of concrete surfaces in two centimeters .

  3. 许多图形,包括条形图和折线图,有两个轴组成一个角,通常这些轴是图形的左侧和底部。

    Many graphs , including bar graphs and line graphs , have two axes that form a corner , usually these axes are the left side and the bottom of the graph .

  4. GIS中折线元及面元置信水平的随机模拟

    The Stochastic Simulation of Confidence Levels of Polygon and Area in GIS

  5. 矢量GIS中随机折线定位不确定性的可视化模型

    The Visualization Model of Positional Uncertainties for Random Polyline in Vector GIS

  6. 关于闭折线k号心的两个面积定理

    Two Theorems for area About No.k Centre in Plane Closed Folding Line

  7. 再谈平面闭折线的k号心的性质

    Again on the Features of No k Centre in Plane Closed Folding Line

  8. GIS中基于εσ模型的随机折线元位置不确定性的可视化

    The visualization of positional uncertainty for random polyline based on ε _ σ model in GIS

  9. 折线是GIS中表达线形空间实体的基本制图要素。

    The polyline is one basic cartography factor to express the lineal spatial entity in vector GIS .

  10. DCS系统折线表控制方案在氨回收塔上的应用

    Application of the Controlling Plan of DCS Broken-line Diagram in Reclaiming Tower

  11. 6例出现假骨折病人行局部薄层CT扫描后显示假骨折线较X线片更加清晰。

    Six patients who had pseudofractures underwent thin slice CT scan , which displayed pseudofracture line more clearly than plain film .

  12. Excel数据点折线图在血液学检验仪器间比对质量管理中的应用

    The Application of Excel Data Point-fold Line Chart to the Quality Control among Hematology Analyzers

  13. 采用双折线形式拟合得到配置PC钢棒预应力混凝土板短期刚度计算公式。

    Formula of the short-term stiffness of prestressed concrete slabs reinforced with PCB is fitted out based on the bilinear form .

  14. 弯折线加载的RFID标签天线研究

    Meander-line Loaded RFID Tag Antenna

  15. 应用RBAC技术实现MIS用户权限管理的统一一种拓扑保持的折线简化算法研究

    Implementing consistent users authority management with RBAC Algorithm for a Topologically Consistent Line Simplification

  16. VSP资料求层速度的射线追踪折线法

    Ray - Tracking Method of Computing Interval Velocities for VSP

  17. 为此,我们开发了一个能在国产0520微型机,以及IBMPc/XT,PC/AT上运行的通用统计图形软件,它能绘制直方图、折线图、百分比图,或条形百分比图。

    We developed a statistics graphics software that is running on 0520 microcomputer made in China , IBM pc / XT , PC / AT .

  18. 本文在文[1]的基础上,对平面闭折线的k号心的性质作了作一步探讨,得到了几个新结论。

    Based on Paper 1 , the paper makes furth study on the features of No k centre in plane closed folding line and gets some new conclusions .

  19. 本文提出了一种弯折线加载RFID标签天线,可以线性的改变天线阻抗,与RFID芯片相匹配。

    A meander-line loaded RFID tag antenna is proposed , which can adjust linearly impedance of antenna to match the RFID chip impedance .

  20. 采用ANSYS有限元程序中的三维体单元、层单元建立了9.002016PR折线花纹载重斜交轮胎的三维有限元模型;

    D finite element model for truck bias tyre ( 9.00 20 16PR ) was developed by using layer elements and solid elements of ANSYS software .

  21. 最后,本文利用C++开发出了折线卷筒智能设计系统,并用Visualc++对其进行了计算机仿真。

    Finally , this article uses C + + to develop out broken line reel intellect and designs the system , and has carried on computer simulation with Visual C + + to his .

  22. Hammerstein模型非线性环节折线表示辨识方法研究

    Research on identification method of Hammerstein system using piecewise linear expression of nonlinear part

  23. 对分层大地面上的瞬变电磁场,采用折线逼近法计算余弦变换得出Hz(t)瞬态曲线。

    The Hz ( t ) transient curves on the stratified earth surface are obtained from cosine transform calculated by broken line approximation .

  24. 第四章中首先分析曲线带锯的锯切工艺,之后我们给出了用折线逼近NURBS的理论基础并且我们给出了误差分析。

    In fourth chapter , firstly we analyze theory of curve saw working and give a theory , which approach NURBS by lines .

  25. 结果表明,弯折线偶极子天线的参数改变对天线谐振特性有较强的调节作用,适当的改变天线的参数可以获得较好的天线尺寸缩减特性,适合RFID标签天线的应用。

    The good reduced size can be achieved by properly altering its parameters ; and the meander-line dipole antenna are suitable for the application as RFID tag antenna .

  26. 根据平均增重率和饲料效率做折线法分析表明,维持中华鲟最佳生长的饲料VC含量为108.5mg/kg;

    According to broken-line analysis , the minimum dietary VC supplementation for maximum average gain rate and feed conversion rate of juvenile Chinese sturgeon was 108.5 mg / kg .

  27. 24m先张法折线配筋预应力混凝土简支梁施工技术

    Construction technology of 24 m broken-line reinforced pretension prestressed concrete simple support beam

  28. 在研究了微带型曲折线慢波结构色散特性、耦合阻抗等特性参数的分析方法基础上,利用电磁场仿真软件MAFIA和MicrowaveStudio对其进行模拟计算。

    With the electromagnetic simulation software MAFIA and Microwave Studio , method of simulating dispersion characteristics and coupling impedance of microstrip meander-line slow wave structure is described .

  29. 利用单裂纹的散射场建立了折线裂纹在SH波作用下的Cauchy型奇异积分方程。

    By using the obtained scattered field of the single crack , Cauchy type singular integral equations for the broken crack are established .

  30. 提出一种与绘制Bézier曲线方法相吻合的Bézier曲线求交算法,称为Bézier折线求交法。

    A intersection algorithm of B é zier curves is presented which agrees with the way of drawing the curves , called intersection algorithm of B é zier broken lines .