
  • 网络Learning needs;learning requirement;learner needs
  1. 教学内容的选择和教学方法的采用,都要考虑学生的学习需要(learningneeds)宋决定。

    The options of teaching materials and methods are determined by students ' learning needs .

  2. 研究了Apriori算法、BP算法以及K-means算法在该系统的具体应用,从而实现辅助教学系统的资源围绕学生的需求来配置,支持学生的个性化学习需要。

    Studies the Apriori algorithm , BP algorithm and K - means algorithm in this system specific application . Realize the auxiliary teaching system resources allocation around the needs of students to configuration , and support individual learning needs of students .

  3. 儿童学习需要动力。

    Children need an impetus to study .

  4. 从经验中学习需要时间和耐心。

    Learning from experience is something that takes time and patience .

  5. 在对系统的理论基础有了一定的理解和认识之后,本论文结合《C语言程序设计》课程的教学和学习需要,设计和开发了C语言程序设计学习支持系统。

    After understanding the theory of the system , combining the teaching and learning need of C program design , we devise and develop the learning support system for C programming language .

  6. 作为北卡罗莱纳州立大学(NorthCarolinaStateUniversity)的前统计学教授,古德奈特明白潜心学习需要怎样的投入,也知道它可以帮助人们取得怎样的成就。

    As a former professor - of statistics at North Carolina State University - Mr Goodnight understands what a commitment to learning entails , but also what it can help people to achieve .

  7. 语文学习需要接触大量的语文材料。

    The Chinese study needs to contact the massive languages material .

  8. 英语学习需要奋斗,但很值得。

    Learning English is struggle but it 's worth it .

  9. 工科学校大学生英语学习需要的调查

    The survey of English Learning Needs for College Students

  10. 作为一名学生,我想获取有助于学习需要的资料。

    As a student , I want material that supports my learning needs .

  11. 学习需要评估在护士在职教育中的应用

    Application of learning needs assessment in nurses continue education

  12. 现代成人学习需要具有终身的特点、开放的特点、自主的特点、功利的特点;

    Adult learning requirements have lifelong , open , independent and utile characteristics .

  13. 医科大学研究生英语学习需要分析

    Need analysis of medical postgraduates ' English language learning

  14. 满足基本学习需要的行动纲领

    Framework for Action to Meet Basic Learning Needs

  15. 真正的学习需要精力、激情和热切的愿望。

    You see , true learning takes energy , passion , a burning desire .

  16. 学习需要评价,没有评价的学习是盲目的学习。

    Learning needs assessment , there is no evaluation of the study is blind study .

  17. 评价病人学习需要。

    Evaluate client 's learning needs .

  18. 深入以及正确的设计和学习需要分析可为移动学习资源的建设提供方向,提供基础。

    In-depth and right learning requirements analysis provides the direction and foundation for M-learning resources building .

  19. 你是否同意小班教学更能让老师明白和了解你的学习需要?

    Do you agree that teaching in small classes also allow teachers to understand your learning needs more ?

  20. 工作室内部组织的学习需要更高效,最好能以单次指导或者在线学习的方式完成。

    In HopeStudio setting a course may be much shorter , completed in a single instructor-led or online session .

  21. 关于构建满足小学教师继续学习需要的培训模式问题,给出了基于学习需要分析的教师继续教育流程图,具体操作包括设计培训目标和设计培训过程。

    Training objective setting and training process design are the two critical practical steps in improving the effectiveness of continuous education .

  22. 为了学习需要我还用生命周期偿还金来支付了笔记本电脑的费用。

    Necessary in order to study the life cycle of me also to pay for reimbursement of the cost of the laptop .

  23. 第四个变迁是在身体心理素质学习需要内容上培养自己的情感智力,提高自己的抗挫能力。

    The last is about psychological quality , a college student should train his emotion and improve his ability of facing failure .

  24. 方法:采用自编研究生专业英语学习需要问卷进行调查,采用百分率统计进行分析。

    D candidates and150 master candidates using self-compiled Postgraduates'Need for Medical English Learning Questionnaire and the results were analyzed using descriptive statistics .

  25. 学习需要既是学生学习的起点,又是教师课堂教学设计活动的基础,了解、分析学生的学习需要是我们进行优质高效课堂教学的必要前提条件。

    Learning needs is both the starting point for the learning of students and the basis of teachers ' classroom instructional design activities .

  26. 本文认为,提高大学生综合素质的一个重要途径是丰富大学生的学习需要内涵。

    To improve a college student 's compound quality , the author 's opinion is that an important way is enriching his learning content .

  27. 因此,在美的汉语教师不断改进自己的教学方法,来迎合学生的学习需要。

    Therefore , the Chinese teachers in the United States continue to improve their teaching methods to meet the learning needs of the students .

  28. 文中探讨多层次多示例学习需要解决的关键问题,并针对这些问题设计多个算法构成一个完整的框架。

    We discuss the problems should be solved in multi-layer multi-instance learning , and designed a complete framework composed of several algorithms for these problems .

  29. 文章从英语学习需要适应现代化社会发展和社会交际需求的角度出发,提出重视语言学习中的跨文化交际因素。

    In this paper , the author emphasizes the importance of cross-cultural communication factors in English language learning to meet the needs of modern society development .

  30. 英语写作变得越来越重要了。由于工作或学习需要,越来越多的人用英语写作。

    Writing in English is becoming increasingly important throughout the world , for more and more people need to write in English for occupational or educational purposes .