
  • Famous aphorisms;Quotes;Catchphrase;pearls of wisdom
  1. 那位老学者的文章里总是有很多名言警句。

    The old scholar 's writing is always full of tags .

  2. 名言警句是中华文化的重要组成部分。

    Famous aphorism is an important component of Chinese culture .

  3. 励志格言。我喜欢把这些名言警句打印出来,摆放在我的电脑桌上。

    Motivational quotes . I like to print them out or put them on my computer desktop .

  4. 如果这三位历史名人还活着,他们会加盟联络家网站吗?让我们从他们以前充满智慧的名言警句中去寻找答案。

    If those three celebrities were alive today , would they join linkist . com ? Let us find out from their past great wisdom .

  5. 还有一些是呼吁辛勤工作的(对外我们关注客户的价值,对内我们在乎自己的进步),还有一些名言警句(个人与目标的统一)。

    Others range from the plodding (" External we focus on customer value and internal care about own value-added ") to the gnomic (" Unity of Individual and Goal ") .

  6. 我们从他的文章中所创造的成语、名言警句以及修辞学(比喻)方面的独特表现,可以看出他在语言学方面所作的巨大贡献。

    From his creative idioms , famous sayings and epigrams , as well as rhetoric ( that is , metaphor ), we can see he made a great contribution to Linguistics .