
mínɡ shēnɡ dà zhèn
  • 熟语achieve sudden fame
  1. 一夜之间,这支乐队名声大振。

    The band became a sensation overnight .

  2. 那个政治家成功的演讲使他名声大振。

    The politician 's successful speech carried him forward .

  3. 普罗克斯迈尔对于他不同意花的政府开支总要取笑一番,他因此而名声大振

    Proxmire has made himself quite a reputation out of ridiculing government expenditure he disagrees with .

  4. 电影中,LadyGaga饰演艾利·坎帕纳一角,这位年轻姑娘像LadyGaga一样名声大振。

    In the film , Lady Gaga plays the role of Ally Campana , a young woman whose rise to fame is much like Lady Gaga 's.

  5. EdgarHoover&他因为让联邦调查局成为了世界知名的执法机构而名声大振,也因掌握了很多当权和离任的美国官员的机密而臭名昭著。

    Edgar Hoover , famous for making the FBI into a world-renowned law enforcement agency and infamous for the files he kept on Americans both in and out of power .

  6. 哈利来到霍格沃兹时,他在魔法世界早已名声大振了。

    Harry Potter arrived at Hogwarts with a reputation already in place .

  7. 这事能让我们学院名声大振。

    This stunt is really going to put the Academy on the map .

  8. 2001年,艾玛因在《哈利波特》中饰演赫敏·格兰杰而名声大振。

    Emma soared to fame in 2001 playing Hermione Granger in Harry Potter .

  9. 事实上,门多萨不久便名声大振,致使汉弗莱斯与他反目为敌。

    In fact , Mendoza soon became so successful that Humphries turned against him .

  10. 这些节日礼品的创意设计,使这位设计师名声大振。

    The original design of these festival gifts has Brought this designer great fame .

  11. 她最近的独唱专集使她在流行乐坛名声大振。

    Her latest solo album has made her very famous in the world of pop music .

  12. 诗人因此名声大振,家庭也变得十分富有。

    The poet , thus meeting with fame and fortune , also secured happiness for his family .

  13. 卡拉丁在70年代因为出演电视剧《功夫》名声大振。

    Carradine became famous in the 1970s when he starredin the television series " Kung Fu . "

  14. 这原本是一家穷得叮当响、苦巴苦结勉强糊口的小吃店,现在名声大振、顾客盈门了。

    From being a poor , struggling , little hand-to-mouth enterprise , it had become celebrated , and overcrowded with customers .

  15. 三部曲发表以后,他名声大振,在很短的时间内即被捧为名流,引起各国文学界的瞩目。

    In the short period of time since the publication of the Trilogy , Auster has attracted international attention and been elevated to celebrity status .

  16. 近来,由于外界认为冰层消融将为更多资源开发扫清道路,开放贸易路线,北极理事会因此名声大振。

    More recently , it has gained prominence amid expectations that melting ice will clear the way for more resource development and free up trade routes .

  17. 的确,任何到访亚洲的人都会认识到,西方在金融和经济能力方面的声望严重受损,中国却名声大振。

    Indeed , any visitor to Asia will recognise the west 's reputation for financial and economic competence is in tatters , while that of China has soared .

  18. 当在交谈中谈到兰州时,我们总是会想到因新加坡唐人街小饭馆而名声大振的中国拉面。

    When Lanzhou is mentioned in a conversation , we would invariably think about the ' pulled ' Chinese noodles made famous by an eatery in Singapore 's Chinatown .

  19. 泰勒的演艺生涯横跨70多年。1944年,年仅12岁的泰勒因出演《玉女神驹》而名声大振,她前后共获得了5次奥斯卡提名。

    In a career spanning seven decades , Taylor first gained fame in 1944 ` s " National Velvet " at age 12 and was nominated for five Oscars .

  20. 阿诺德是能源市场上著名的“法师”,2007年,他入选福布斯美国400富豪榜单,成为美国最年轻的亿万富翁,从此便名声大振。

    The celebrated necromancer of the energy market rose to fame in 2007 , when he gate-crashed the Forbes 400 richest Americans list as the youngest billionaire in the nation .

  21. 正是由于团队的合作,杰克曼十年前凭借在电影“X-战警”中扮演“金刚狼”在好莱坞名声大振。

    It was as part of a team that Jackman got his big Hollywood break a decade ago , when he began playing " Wolverine " in the " X-Men " films .

  22. “采访食人兽”就是这样一部纪录片,跟随镜头去了解佐川一政——因为臭名昭著的食人罪行而名声大振,他被法官判为精神病人,而后无罪释放。

    Interview with a Cannibal " does just that , with the infamous case of Issei Sagawa - propelled to fame through his crimes , he was deemed insane by the courts and thus released without charge .

  23. 拉胡里因执笔法国球星齐内丁·齐达内的自传而名声大振。由于新书将在两周内问世,拉胡里目前已不再露面,据称该著作已交由安保人员负责。

    Lahouri , who made his name with a biography of French footballer Zinedine Zidane , is currently in hiding and security guards are said to be protecting his work , which is due out in about two weeks .

  24. 如果你有机会当众演讲,而你的竞争对手没有,那么你就会名声大振,还可能得到更多商机。

    For example , if you get a chance to speak in front of an audience and your competitor is not willing to do that , you will be better known for larger audience , thus it may even spark new business opportunities .