
míng shí
  • name and reality;concept and entity
名实 [míng shí]
  • [name and reality] 名称和实际

  • 名实相符

名实[míng shí]
  1. 以X名义这一汉语语法格式及其相关表述涉及话语身份名实之间的关系。

    The Chinese format of " Yi X Mingyi " and its relative narratives are related to the relation between the name and nature of speech identity .

  2. Lipsey勋爵作为一名实实在在的工党人,从二十世纪七十年代早期起就要么在政治工作面上忙碌,要么也从事着相应的工作。

    Lord Lipsey , a Labour man to the core , has been at or near the political coalface since the early 1970s .

  3. 古代痿证名实考

    Textual Study on the Nomenclature of Wei Syndrome in Ancient Times

  4. 中国名实论与西方指称理论之比较

    A Comparison of the Chinese Mingshi Theory & the Western Reference Theory

  5. 种群思想及其认识论意义&从名实之争对生物分类的影响说起

    Population Thought and Its Epistemology Meaning & Debate between Realism and Nominalism

  6. 从名实之争看先秦诸子对语言与客观事物关系的探讨

    Pre-Qin philosophers ' ideas on relationship between language and objects

  7. 从名实之争到言无定论&语言与思维关系的研究

    Nominalism , Realism and Linguistic Arbitrariness & On the Relationship Between Language and Thinking

  8. 中医学的科学定位&科学、哲学、人、中医、名实

    Scientific definition of TCM & Science , Philosophy , Human , Name and Reality

  9. 事物命名问题,与名实问题有交叉却又有所不同。

    Things named problems cross , but different the issue as name and reality .

  10. 没有法律,自由也同样名实具亡,就是无法无天。

    Without law , liberty also loses its nature and its name , and becomes licentiousness .

  11. 在科学研究的方法上,他运用了耳食与目治并重的检验法、名实考证法、图谱法、实用功能性分类法等多种科学研究方法。

    On the scientific research , he utilized the methods of the theory combining to the practice .

  12. 在熟人社会,调解是名实分离的。

    In the old acquaintance-society , the term " mediation " is not in consistent with its essence .

  13. 一点儿也没错,根据植物学家,部分常见的“浆果”根本名实不符。

    Indeed , according to botanists , some popular @ berries @ are not true berries at all .

  14. 先秦语言学的讨论是从哲学上的名实之辩兴起的。

    The debate on linguistics before Qin Dynasty began with the concept on existence and consciousness in philosophy .

  15. 她头脑过于简单,分不清事物的名实关系,而对人的名号看得分外认真。

    Her mind was too simple to separate things from professions , and she did attach importance to a name .

  16. 东周时期的道德虚伪与周礼的名实分离

    The Moral Hypocrisy and the Separation between the Name and Reality of the Zhou Ritual and Music System during the Eastern Zhou Dynasty

  17. 荀子的名实观主要是对孔子正名主义的继承,同时也受到名辩学派的影响。

    Xunzi 's " Fame " and " Object " viewpoints is inherited from Confucius 's fame-correction and also influenced by the school of fame-arguers .

  18. 诸多语义三角理论都试图解决名实争论遗留的问题。

    After the discussion on name and its referent , the theory of semantic triangle emerged , many of which tried to solve the problem left .

  19. 本文探讨歌仔册中「相褒歌」的定义、说唱形式及名实的分辨。

    In this article , I probe into the definition of banter duets , sio-po-kua , the form of sbuochang narrative singing , and its denomination .

  20. 聋校教育的实然角色与应然功能之间出现了巨大的鸿沟,形成名实不符的乱象。

    There is a huge gap between the real role that the deaf school education plays and the " ought to be " role it should play .

  21. 约定俗成意义确解及荀子的名实象似语言观有名无实[象征性]的部队

    An Actual Interpretation of the Meaning of " Being Conventionalized " and Xun Zi s Linguistic Idea of the Iconicity Capital Name and Entity ; token forces

  22. 当然,不使用真名实姓也为一些别有用心的人开了一扇方便之门。

    Of course , it also inevitably opens the door to those who try to find some fantasy on line due to the convenience of unrevealed identity .

  23. 其中,女儿和寡妇是绝户财产名实合一的继承者,夫亡子幼家庭中寡母则以无名有实的间接方式继产。

    On this problem , daughter and widow in a family with no descendant were successors worthy of the name , widowed mother succeeded property through nameless way .

  24. 文章从学科属性、历史根源及客观现实等方面剖析了历史地理学科命名上的名实不符问题。

    The problem in the name of historical geography has been studied in this paper , from the characteristic of study , the trace of history and abjective reality .

  25. 名实问题本身是名称和事物,或概念和实质之间的关系问题,其内在要求就是名实相符。

    Idea-Reality problem refers to the relationship between name and object , or between concept and essence with " Idea in consistence with Reality " as its internal requirement .

  26. 一点儿也没错,根据植物学家,部分常见的浆果根本名实不符。简告诉我,那新开的夜总会名不符实。

    Indeed , according to botanists , some popular @ berries @ are not true berries at all . Jan tells me that the new disco is not much cop .

  27. 对比研究还为我们在立法过程中提供了几点启示:首先,我国需要建立一个名实兼备的国防医学法律体系。

    The comparative study also gives us the following hints : First , China needs to set up a legal system of national defense medical sciences whose name matches the reality .

  28. 通过对《西游记》各篇章结构的分析,发现百回本《西游记》的神魔故事中隐含着一个完整、系统的名实论思维体系。

    A study of the textual structures of A Journey to the West reveals that there is a complete and systematic name-object thinking system in the ghost story described in the novel .

  29. 近来,“封建”名实问题因冯天瑜先生《“封建”考论》问世而成学界热门论题。

    Recently , the project of the term and concept of feudalism becomes a hot academic topic again because of the press of Professor Feng Tianyu 's work , Approach of Feudalism .

  30. 随着人们认识的提高,语言与现实开始被区分开来,这种进步集中地表现在不同国别中所进行的名实关系的争论。

    Language and reality were separated along with people 's improved knowledge about language , which could be expounded in the disputation on the relationship between name and its referent in different countries .