- 名emeritus professor;honorary professor

Sebastian Thrun , the inventor of Google 's self-driving cars and an honorary professor at Delft University of Technology , in the Netherlands , said " almost every established industry is not moving fast enough " to adapt their businesses to this change .
Some internationally recognized scholars have been awarded the title of honorary professor by the RUC
Charles Perrow , emeritus professor of sociology , Yale University , is the author of the next catastrophe .
Dennis Dresang is professor emeritus of political science at the University of Wisconsin .
Prof Gazzaley and Larry Rosen , professor emeritus of psychology at California State University , Dominguez Hills , have a book coming out called The Distracted Mind : Ancient Brains in a High-Tech World .
The best profile to have , says Philip Zimbardo , psychologist and professor emeritus at Stanford University , is a blend of a high level of past-positive , a moderately high level of future orientation and a moderate level of selected present hedonism .
Rank is at associate or full professor with possibility of an endowed chair .
Perhaps I could introduce Mr. Lake Kirby , an emeritus professor from Washington University ?
Professor Emeritus of Computers and Information Systems at the Faculty of Management , Tel Aviv University .
Isamu Shimizu , Professor Emeritus , Executive Director of TLO of Tokyo Institute of Technology , Japan ;
Continue to engage sb . as a professor emeritus ; renew the employment of sb . to be an honorary professor
What an honor ! I am extremely grateful to your generosity in conferring me an Honorary Professor of the Law School .
Willard H. Whitcomb , emeritus professor of entomology at the University of Florida , has been singing the praises of spiders for decades .
Last month , Lewis Wolpert , emeritus professor of biology at University College London , said happiness could peak as late as 80 .
Robert Yeats , a professor emeritus of geology at Oregon State University , who is an international earthquake expert and researcher on both New Zealand and U.
Harvard Business School professor emeritus John Kotter , whose speeches cost up to $ 85000 , has formulated an eight-step process for leading -- rather than just managing -- change .
In recognition of these efforts , in2006 , she was appointed a distinguished honorary professor at Sichuan University , Chengdu , and a visiting professor at Beijing 's Qinghua University .
In addition , 106 well-Known intellectuals and scientists from various fields in China have contributed to the teaching and research at the RUC as honorary professors , resident professors , or part-time professors .
Nobel Prize laureates , such as Professors Chen Ning Yang , Tsung Dao Lee , Ilya Prigogine , Sheldon Glashow and Robert Mandel have been conferred Honorary Doctorates , or Honorary Professorship by the university .
Tianjin Medical University has established a broad cooperative relationship with more than 50 universities and research institutions in foreign countries and has invited 108 world-renowned medical experts as honorary professors or resident professors in various disciplines . 36 international academic conferences have been successfully held
The writer is emeritus professor of history at Brown University and author of the presidents , recently revised and published by Penguin
Bred and coiffed by Betty Chu , professoremeritus at San Jose State University , the rabbits tour across the state fordisplay in shows as part of the Northern California Angora Guild .
According to Robert Park , a professor emeritus of physics at the University of Maryland in the US , the magnetic waves aren ` t nearly powerful enough to break apart DNA , which is how known threats , such as UV rays and X-rays , cause cancer .
Mr Vogel , a professor emeritus at Harvard University , has written a meticulously researched book that concentrates mainly on the story from the mid-1970s to the1990s .
Mourning with deep grief for the passing of Professor Wu HSIEN-WEN president emeritus of the Chinese society of Oceanology and Limnology