
  • 网络honorary doctorate;Honorary Doctoral Degree
  1. 汇丰主席葛霖(stephengreen)由此被剥夺了存在的主要理由,成为一个空头司令:在这儿进行签名售书,到那里领取名誉博士学位。

    Stripped of his main reason for being , chairman Stephen Green became a minister without portfolio ; a book tour here , an honorary doctorate there .

  2. 该学院不久前授予了布什名誉博士学位。

    The institution recently gave the president an honorary doctorate .

  3. 他刚获得了人文主义文学名誉博士学位。

    He received an honorary doctorate degree in Humane Letters .

  4. 今天获得希伯来大学颁发名誉博士学位,我深感荣幸。

    I am deeply honoured to receive this honorary doctorate from Hebrew University today .

  5. 所获颁的名誉博士学位,来自一所因拥有出色研究和创新能力的大学,让我倍感荣幸。

    I am especially honoured that the award comes from a renowned university with outstanding strengths in research and innovation .

  6. 她是美国第一位获得普利策奖的女性,第一位获得耶鲁大学名誉博士学位的女性和第一位获得美国国家文学艺术院正式会员资格的女性。

    She is the first woman writer who was awarded the Pulitzer Prize , an honorary Doctorate of Letters from Yale University and a full membership in the American Academy of Arts and Letters .