
xíng gōng
  • A temporary imperial palace;imperial palace for short stays away from the capital;temporary dwelling palace of an emperor when away from the capital;temporary dwelling place of an emperor
行宫 [xíng gōng]
  • [imperial palace for short stays away from the capital;temporary dwelling place of an emporor] 古代京城以外供帝王出行时居住的宫室

  • 行宫在碧霞元君祠东。--《登泰山记》

行宫[xíng gōng]
  1. 寥落古行宫,宫花寂寞红。(元稹《行宫》)

    A deserted old travelling palace , | flowers in utter loneliness blush .

  2. 哈里和马克尔选择订婚照在露天拍摄,就在肯辛顿行宫外的洼地公园(SunkenGarden),而威廉和凯特,恰恰相反,他们在圣詹姆斯行宫的内部拍摄。

    Harry and Meghan chose to have their engagement photocall outside , at the Sunken Garden at Kensington Palace . William and Kate , on the other hand , did theirs inside , at St. James 's Palace .

  3. 目的:探讨对不明原因原发性不孕患者行宫腔内人工授精(IUI)失败后治疗方法的合理选择。

    Objective : To determine an optimal insemination technique for unexplained infertility patients undergoing IVF or ICSI following failed intrauterine insemination ( IUI ) .

  4. D组:19个周期,IVF-ET开始后口服强力霉素100mg,每日两次10d,取卵日抽吸输卵管积水,胚胎移植前一日发现宫腔有积液者立即行宫腔积液抽吸;

    D : 19 cycles and deoxycycline was given after IVF-ET ( 100mg , bid × 10d ) . Hydrosalpinx was aspirated on the day when ovule was taken and if there was fluid in cavitary uteri the day before embryo transplantation , fluid was aspirated immediately ;

  5. 多囊卵巢综合症行宫腔内人工授精的结局

    Outcome of Intrauterine Insemination for Infertile Patient with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

  6. 女王本周驻跸于行宫。

    The queen is in residence at the Palace this week .

  7. 旧日行宫外的围护结构已经完成

    The " envelope " around the old hunting lodge wascomplete .

  8. 从那里能够看到一座奢华的总统行宫。

    It is within sight of a luxurious presidential palace .

  9. 出寺向东走,咱们来到了观澜阁&乾隆行宫。

    The temple go east , we came to the Mission Hills Club-Qianlong .

  10. 他计划拆掉曾经的狩猎行宫

    He planned to destroy the old hunting lodge .

  11. 用上游精子行宫腔内授精的临床评估

    Evaluation of intrauterine insemination with " swim-up " sperm technique in treatment of infertility

  12. 行宫保留但被全新的建筑包围

    The chateau was preserved , but it was enveloped in this new building ,

  13. 是个好地方我可以在此建造夏日行宫

    Here is the perfect spot for my semi-palace

  14. 但最终她选择了复仇,她摧毁了行宫并在一怒之下飞走。

    She chooses Revenge , destroying the pleasure palace and flying away in a rage .

  15. 皇太后的花园及行宫是从不曾凋谢的一支带露玫瑰。

    Empress Dowager of the palace and gardens from the withers not a dewy rose .

  16. 谁能明白云彩如何铺张,和神行宫的雷声呢。

    Also can any understand the spreadings of the clouds , or the noise of his tabernacle ?

  17. 他命令他们建立一个虚幻的行宫,回应阿米达发出的信号。

    He instructs them to respond to a sign from Armida by building an illusory pleasure palace .

  18. 保留旧日的狩猎行宫

    keeping the old hunting lodge

  19. 戴维营&美国总统行宫

    Camp David-Presidential Retreat Site

  20. 方法53例剖宫产术中大出血常规处理方法无效后,对其行宫腔填塞纱条治疗。

    Methods Intrauterine packing with gauze were applied to 53 massive hemorrhage cases after routine methods show no effect .

  21. 方法:在超声扫描导向下,经脐带血管行宫内胎儿输血术,治疗胎儿贫血、预防死胎。

    Methods To prevent neonatal anemia and dead fetus , we did blood transfusion from cord vessels under USG guiding .

  22. 康熙6次南巡,有4次都以江宁织造署为行宫。

    Emperor Kangxi lived in the office of Jiangning Zhizao four times during his six inspection tours to the south .

  23. 王后的行宫外正聚集了一群人,珊莎听见他们兴奋地交谈,像是一大群蜜蜂嗡嗡作响。

    A crowd had gathered around the queen 's wheelhouse . Sansa heard excited voices buzzing like a hive of bees .

  24. 人绒毛膜促性腺激素可能提高排卵机能障碍妇女接受枸橼酸氯米芬促排卵行宫腔内人工受精的妊娠率

    Women with ovulatory dysfunction undergoing ovarian stimulation with clomiphene citrate for intrauterine insemination may benefit from administration of human chorionic gonadotropin

  25. 安布希曼加的皇家蓝山行宫由皇城、家墓地和一组祭祀建筑群组成。

    The Royal Hill of Ambohimanga consists of a royal city and burial site , and an ensemble of sacred places .

  26. 仅北京到杭州的途中,就建有行宫三十余处,还有黄布城,蒙古包等不计其数。

    Only between Beijing and hangzhou , there were more than thirty xanadus and countless yellow cloth cities and Mongolian tents .

  27. 1985年,在北戴河金山嘴发掘出秦行宫遗址,为北戴河源远流长的历史提供了确凿的证据。

    In1985 , at the Beidaihe Jinshanzui discover the Qin palace ruins , in order to Beidaihe long history of providing conclusive evidence .

  28. 他以黑暗为藏身之处,以水的黑暗,天空的厚云,为他四围的行宫。

    He made the dark his secret place ; his tent round him was the dark waters and thick clouds of the skies .

  29. 肯辛顿行宫发布了在4月23日出生的王室新成员——路易王子的第一张照片。

    Kensington Palace has released the first photographs of Prince Louis , the newest member of the royal family born on 23 April .

  30. 一九九四年十二月,避暑山庄及周围寺庙(热河行宫)被列入世界文化遗产名录。

    In December 1994 , summer resort and its surrounding temples ( jehol temporary imperial palace ) was inscribed on the World Heritage List .