
cháng pǎo
  • long-distance race;long-distance running;long distance run;robe
长跑 [cháng pǎo]
  • (1) [long-distance race;robe]

  • (2) 长距离赛跑;田径运动项目。指5000米以上的各种赛跑

  • (3) 长距离跑步;锻炼身体的一种方式

长跑[cháng pǎo]
  1. 已经有50名选手报名参加春季长跑。

    Fifty competitors have entered for the spring long-distance race .

  2. 对世界中长跑训练方法的比较研究

    Comparative Research on Training Method of Middle-and Long-Distance Race in the World

  3. 肯尼亚的长跑运动员在田径界获得了巨大成功。

    Kenya 's long distance runners have taken the athletics world by storm .

  4. 我跑完长跑后疲乏极了。

    I was a tired man when the long race was over .

  5. 长跑之后,那个运动员正在喘气。

    After the long race , the runner was panting for breath .

  6. 每到冬季他都参加长跑。

    Every winter , he does long-distance running .

  7. 由那些耐力最好的运动员赢得长跑的胜利。

    Long-distance races are won by the runners with the greatest endurance .

  8. 这次运动会,我参加了五千米长跑。

    I ran the5000-metre race at the sports meet .

  9. 他们大多选择长跑。

    Most of them choose long-distance running .

  10. 在中长跑比赛中,非洲选手囊括了所有的奖牌

    African runners swept the medals in the distance events .

  11. 有竞争力的长跑运动员喜欢保持低体重。

    Competitive distance runners like to keep their weight low .

  12. 2019年全国举办的越野长跑活动达481次。

    The number of cross-country running events held in China reached 481 in 2019 .

  13. 近年来,长跑活动在中国的吸引力逐渐攀升。

    Long-distance running events have experienced a growing popularity in China in recent years .

  14. 驼鸟在这样干燥炎热的地带为什么能疾速长跑,我永远也理解不了

    How ostriches could bear to run so hard in this heat I never succeed in understanding .

  15. 是的,参加马拉松或者半程马拉松需要长跑,很早起床,牺牲周末时间,和挑战性的锻炼。

    Yes , training for a marathon or half marathon involves long runs , early mornings , weekend sacrifices and challenging workouts .

  16. 在长跑方面有多牛呢?威尔森·基普桑生于1982年3月15日,是一名肯尼亚长跑运动员。他参加的赛事从10公里长跑到马拉松级别的都有。

    Wilson Kipsang Kiprotich ( born 15 March 1982 ) is a Kenyan athlete who specialises in long-distance running , competing in events ranging from 10 km to the marathon .

  17. 热情的人们同样热爱他们所做的事,而不是考虑钱位权如果我们不能把热爱的事作为正式职业,我们也可把它当作业余消遣:比如有国家元首喜欢画画的,有修女参加马拉松长跑的,有行政官员手工制作家具的。

    Enthusiastic people also love what they do , regardless of money or title or power . If we cannot do what we love as a full-time who runs marathons , the executive who handcrafts furniture .

  18. 长跑锻炼对老年人PBMC产生IL-2能力和对外源IL-2的反应性的影响

    Ability of PBMC to Produce and Respond to IL-2 in Aged Joggers

  19. 但研究人员确实找到了支持长跑运动员、滑雪者或部署在亚北极地区士兵预防性服用维生素C的证据。

    Explain that the researchers did find evidence to support vitamin C prophylactic use among long distance runners , skiers , or soldiers deployed to sub-artic regions .

  20. 《美国周刊》报道,JoshCharles和他爱情长跑多年的女友SophieFlack结婚了。

    Josh Charles married his longtime girlfriend Sophie Flack last Friday , Us Weekly reports .

  21. 可能是因为我刚结婚,所以也希望Penny和Leonard的六年爱情长跑能够有个好结果!

    Maybe because I just got married & so come on Penny and Leonard , it 's been six years !

  22. 长跑对老年人血浆PGI2、TXA2、LPO及脂蛋白的影响

    Effects of long distance running on plasma PGI_2 , TXA_2 , LPO and lipoproteins of the aged

  23. 本周一消息,来自中国的NBA全明星中锋姚明与十几岁时相识的女友经历了八年的爱情长跑后,将于今年8月完婚。

    China 's All Star NBA centre Yao Ming will wed his teenage sweetheart in August , after an eight-year courtship , it was reported Monday .

  24. 长跑运动员MoFarah显然用了冷冻疗法,大多数一流的运动俱乐部同样如此。冷冻疗法究竟是什么样的呢?

    Mo Farah apparently uses cryotherapy , as do most top-flight sport clubs . What 's it actually like ?

  25. 中长跑组在第一、第二周和第三、第四周、第五周、第六周相比较,组内纵向比较差异均不具有显著性(P0.05)。

    Group of middle and long distance runners in the first , second and third , fourth , sixth week , v week of heavily do not have significant differences ( P0.05 ) .

  26. 低氧训练中优秀女子中长跑运动员CK-MB和心电图∑T/R的变化

    Effects of Hypoxic Training on CK-MB and ∑ T / R in ECG of Chineses Elite Female Middle and Long Distance Runners

  27. 中长跑1500m教学和考核形式的初步尝试

    The Initial Attempt of the Teaching and Check Form for the Middle and Long Distance Race 1500m

  28. 体育迷们应该记得科勋爵与英国另两名中长跑巨星史蒂夫奥维特(SteveOvett)及史蒂夫克拉姆(SteveCram)之间的精彩对抗。

    Sports fans will remember the wonderful rivalry Lord Coe had with Britain 's other middle distance greats , Steve Ovett and Steve Cram .

  29. 在全程的单步时间和步频上,李炎同世界优秀的中长跑运动员SebastianCoe之间没有显著性差异;

    There is no significant difference between Li Yan and Sebastian Coe in terms of single pace and pace frequency in the full distance .

  30. 结果发现,血尿素氮(BUN)是反映中长跑运动员赛前训练运动负荷的敏感指标;

    The result shows that the BUN index is the sensitive index for reflecting training load of the training period before the competition of the elite athletes of middle-distance race ;