
cháng dí
  • flute
长笛 [cháng dí]
  • [flute] 管乐器,管身有指孔和吹孔,音域从中央C往上三个八度,外形大体与我国竹笛类似

长笛[cháng dí]
  1. 她在校管弦乐队里吹长笛。

    She plays the flute in the school orchestra .

  2. 有些器乐段落谱写得非常优美,尤其是竖琴和长笛的部分。

    Some of the instrumentation is exquisite , particularly for harp and flute .

  3. 萨默斯几周前表演了一场长笛独奏,反映平平。

    Sommers performed a flute solo a few weeks ago that got so-so reviews .

  4. 幕间休息时,一位身着白衣的金发男孩用长笛为来宾演奏了一支小夜曲。

    In the interval a blond boy dressed in white serenaded the company on the flute

  5. 在交响乐中间有一段奇妙的抒情长笛独奏。

    There 's wonderfully lyrical flute solo in the middle of this symphony .

  6. 有一天,一个会吹长笛的渔夫带着笛子和渔网来到海边,他站在一块突出海面的岩石上,开始吹笛子,希望用笛声引诱鱼儿跳出海面。

    A fisherman who could play the flute1 went down one day to the sea-shore with his nets and his lute2 ; and , taking his stand on a projecting rock ; began to play a tune3 , thinking that the music would bring the fish jumping out of the sea .

  7. 徘徊在另一条对着单调的高层建筑的小巷,你会听到贝多芬(Beethoven)或莫扎特(Mozart)的曲子,乐器可能是小提琴,也可能是大提琴、手风琴或长笛。

    Wander down another alley toward drab high-rises and you 'll hear Beethoven or Mozart flowing from a violin , or perhaps a cello , accordion or flute .

  8. 你那管花了20000美元的鲍威尔(Powell)长笛的吹孔已经生锈堵塞,因为它在前两年就一直被当作烟筒使用。

    The keys of your $ 20 , 000 Powell flute became rusted shut after it was put to use as a bong for the last two years .

  9. 她在明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市(Minneapolis)的住所附近教学生吹长笛,当她不得不批评学生的吹奏水平时,会尽量注意批评的动机。

    She teaches flute students near her home in Minneapolis , and when she has to criticize their performances , she tries to be mindful of her own motivation .

  10. 我廉价出售了我的乐器,包括我的P.A.系统、长笛和电子琴。

    I sold most of my gear , including my P.A. system , flute , and keyboard , for pennies on the dollar .

  11. Lokyo先生来自河南郑州,是一位经验丰富的长笛演奏专家。

    Lokyo is from Zhengzhou of Henan province , he is a professional flutist with rich experiences .

  12. 该文是作者继对科勒《长笛练习曲OP.33》理论研究之后,从力度、速度、表情记号、技巧安排等方面对科勒《长笛练习曲OP.33》所作的演奏研究。

    33 . It was related on the aspects of the works dynamics , tempo , expression marks and technique arrangement .

  13. 来自佛山,一直想学长笛。

    From fushan , wants to learn flute all the time .

  14. 我们将很荣幸邀请你表演长笛乐。

    If you will play " yazz " flute for us .

  15. 来自合肥幼儿师范学校,爱好长笛和钢琴演奏。

    From Hefei infant normal school , like flute and piano .

  16. 来自中山市,爱好钢琴,长笛演奏。

    From Zhongshan city , like to play piano and flute .

  17. 来自呼和浩特,爱好长笛演奏。

    From Huhehaote of inner mongolia , like to play flute .

  18. 今天下午,当她睡醒之后就吹长笛了。

    She played the flute when she woke up this afternoon .

  19. 来自无锡山北中学,爱好长笛演奏。

    From Wuxi Shanbei high school , like to play flute .

  20. 他在平静而忧郁地吹着长笛,吹得并不高明。

    He is playing the flute quietly , pensively , badly .

  21. 来自中国戏曲学院,就是爱好长笛。

    From Beijing drama institute , very like to play flute .

  22. 来自广州,擅长长笛和萨克斯。

    From guangzhou , to be good at flute and sax .

  23. 轻轻地反复发响亮的声音,比如在长笛上。

    Sound of tooting softly and repeatedly as on a flute .

  24. 来自郑州,爱好长笛和电子琴演奏。

    From zhengzhou , like to play flute and electronic piano .

  25. 擅长手风琴,正准备学长笛。

    To be good at accordion , want to learn flute .

  26. 爱好长笛,竹笛,葫芦丝演奏。

    Like to play flute , bamboo flute and cucurbit flute .

  27. 沈阳音乐学院附中,学习长笛专业。

    From Shenyang Music Institute attached secondary school , studying flute .

  28. 因此,她只是呆在家里吹长笛、看电视。

    So she just stayed at home playing flute and watching TV .

  29. 来自杭州,擅长长笛和古筝演奏。

    From hangzhou , like to play flute and zither .

  30. ‘或听见婚礼长笛的演奏’

    " Or to hear the wedding flute play . "