
  • 网络Yangtze sturgeon;A.dabryanus;Acipenser dabryanus Dumeril;Acipenser dabryanus
  1. 长江中华鲟超声波遥测技术

    Technique of ultrasonic telemetry for Chinese sturgeon , Acipenser sinensis , in Yangtze River

  2. 长江中华鲟繁殖群体资源现状的初步研究

    Present status of spawning stock of Chinese sturgeon , Acipenser sinensis , in the Yangtze River

  3. 在新的上海市长江口中华鲟自然保护区条例出台之前,对该自然保护区的立法进行详细的研究就具有较强的现实意义。

    Before the introduction of the new ordinance , a detailed study of the Nature Reserve legislation has a profound practical significance .

  4. 长江口中华鲟幼鱼趋光行为及其对摄食的影响

    Illumination intensity preference and its effects on feeding efficiency of juvenile Chinese sturgeon , Acipenser sinensis captured from the Estuary of Yangtze River

  5. 长江口中华鲟保护区及临近水域大型底栖动物群落变迁及其与环境因子的相关性研究

    Relationship Between the Community Characteristics and the Environment Factors and the Community Succession of Macrobenthos in Waters Around the Nature Reserve of Juvenile Chinese Sturgeon Acipenser Sinensis and the Adjacent Waters

  6. 初步估算出1999年和2000年人工放流个体在长江口幼鲟种群中的贡献率分别为2281%和0997%。

    Based on the initial estimates , the contribution of culture released juveniles to the natural juvenile stock in the estuary of the Yangtze River is 2 281 % in 1999 and 0 997 % in 2000 , respectively .

  7. 长江中的中华鲟由于水坝建设受到进一步破坏。

    The sturgeon of the Yangtze have been further devastated by the damming of the river .

  8. 发生在中国长江流域的中华鲟伤亡事件每年都在增加。

    Every year , greater numbers of Chinese sturgeon are found dead in the Yangtze River .

  9. 中国水产科学研究院最近的一项调查显示,长江中的中华鲟只剩下来自人工繁殖的。

    A recent survey by the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences found that the sturgeon in the Yangtze were now probably sustained solely by artificial breeding .