
cháng kù
  • pants;trousers;longs;slack
长裤 [cháng kù]
  • [trousers;slacks;pants] 指由腰及踝,包覆全腿的裤子

长裤[cháng kù]
  1. 他的灰色针织毛衫和长裤全都被雨水淋透了。

    His grey jersey and trousers were sodden with the rain .

  2. 你需要一顶帽子,一条长裤和一件厚毛衣来保暖。

    You will need a hat , long trousers and a thick sweater to keep you warm at night .

  3. 毛料上衣配真丝长裤,质地上的差异非常有趣。

    A wool jacket complements the silk trousers and provides an interesting contrast in texture .

  4. 约翰逊穿着休闲,宽松的长裤配淡蓝色高尔夫衬衫。

    Johnson was clad casually in slacks and a light blue golf shirt .

  5. 长款内衣,也叫longjohns或thermalunderwear,是一种上下两件的带有长裤腿和长袖的内衣,通常在寒冷季节穿。

    Long underwear , also called long johns or thermal underwear , is a style of two-piece underwear with long legs and long sleeves that is normally worn during cold weather .

  6. 杰克的方格衬衫与条纹长裤不相配。

    Jack 's plaid shirt didn 't mix well with his striped trousers .

  7. 那穿灰色长裤的男人是店老板。

    The man in gray pants is the shopkeeper .

  8. 她总是穿一条灰色法兰绒长裤。

    She always wears a grey flannel trousers .

  9. 第三步多用V字领、长裤、单一色、和竖线条的服饰

    Step 3 use v necks , long pants , monochromatic colors , vertical lines

  10. 迈耶抱怨媒体是如何津津乐道于女性的着装,以希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton)和她的长裤套装为例。

    Ms Mayer complained at how the media is obsessed with women 's clothes , citing Hillary Clinton and her pantsuits .

  11. own:自己的possibly:可能地,也许wear:穿著pajamas:睡衣,宽长裤也就指望Serena睡她自己的床,最好还穿着睡衣。

    Gossip girl : For Serena to sleep in her own , bed , possibly wearing pajamas . -

  12. 去年3月,格拉斯哥时装设计师丽贝卡•托雷斯(RebeccaTorres)在北京进行贸易访问时发现,买家对苏格兰短裙和格子呢长裤真的很感兴趣。

    On a trade visit to Beijing in March last year , Glasgow-based fashion designer Rebecca Torres found that buyers were really into kilts and tartan trousers .

  13. 尽管天很热,但Kamal却让我穿上了长裤和鞋以保护自己不受蛇的伤害。

    It was hot , but Kamal made me wear shoes and trousers to protect me from snakes .

  14. 打扮漂亮一点。《衣着造就成功》作者JohnT.Malloy穿着衬衣和长裤在曼哈顿乞讨回家的路费,他得到了7美元。

    Look nice . When Dress for Success author John T. Malloy wore a shirt and pants and asked people in Manhattan for money to get home , he collected $ 7 .

  15. KurtaPyjama则是另一种穿起来很舒适的服饰,包括长衫和长裤,布料通常柔软且色彩缤纷。

    " Kurta pyjama " is another comfortable dress , made of long shirt and matching trousers in soft and colourful cloth .

  16. shawty有这些,垮裆汗湿长裤,锐步和吊带,转身……

    Shawty had them , baggy sweat pants . Reeboks with the strap , just turned around and gave ...

  17. 每当金伯利·韦森(KimberlyWesson)脱下定制长裤和系扣衬衫,换上花朵连衣裙,她都会觉得若有所失。

    Each time Kimberly Wesson sheds her customary trousers and button-front shirt to put on a flowery dress , she suspects something is off .

  18. 类似芬迪(Fendi)时装发布会上展示的那种绒面或皮质长裤,现在就可以配上靴子穿;等天气变得暖和一些时,这款休闲裤还可以配上凉鞋穿。

    A suede or leather pair like those shown on the Fendi runway can be worn now with boots , and paired with sandals when the weather warms .

  19. 在伊夫圣洛朗的时装秀上,皮拉蒂展示了自行车风格的长裤,非常适合那样一代男人,他们玩playstation游戏机长大、又希望看起来很会在家里家外闲逛。

    At Yves Saint Laurent , Pilati showed Biker-Style trousers , ideal for a generation of men that has grown up lounging around with Playstation , and want to look hip hanging out inside and outside the home .

  20. 去年3月,格拉斯哥时装设计师丽贝卡•托雷斯(RebeccaTorres)在北京进行贸易访问时发现,买家“对苏格兰短裙和格子呢长裤真的很感兴趣”。但她也发现几家中国供应商的名称听上去颇具苏格兰特色。

    On a trade visit to Beijing in March last year , Glasgow-based fashion designer Rebecca Torres found that buyers " were really into kilts and tartan trousers . " But she also discovered several Chinese suppliers with names that sounded surprisingly Scottish .

  21. 在9月的纽约时装周上,公司的设计师特尔法·克莱门斯(TelfarClemens)将展示可以适合所有人的新系列,包括露肩背心、战壕风衣和带花边的丹宁牛仔上衣及长裤,走秀的是一群中性风格的模特。

    At New York Fashion Week in September , its designer , Telfar Clemens , will show his one-look-fits-all collection of off-the-shoulder tank tops , trench coats and lacelike denim tops and trousers on a cast of androgynous models .

  22. EdgytoGlam从潮流时尚到华贵迷人通过变化发色,从深色头发到甜美的金发,选择优雅的长礼服代替摇滚的夹克长裤搭配,菲姬在2011年的造型更加温和柔软,主要是更加华美!

    By swapping her raven mane for honey blonde locks , and opting for elegant frocks in lieu of rock ' n ' roll separates , Fergie debuted a softer - and majorly glam ! - look in 2011 .

  23. 事实上,尼斯副市长、蓝色海岸地区的政治掮客克里斯蒂安•埃斯特罗西(ChristianEstrosi)就一再表示,海滩上女性遮盖身体是一种挑衅——不管是用布基尼还是大T恤,长裤还是穆斯林头巾——它们暗含着对法国秩序的挑战。

    Indeed , the deputy mayor of Nice , Christian Estrosi , who is a political power broker on the Cote d'Azur , has repeatedly referred to the covering of women on the beach - whether in a burkini or a large T-shirt , pants and hijab - as a provocation , suggesting a challenge to the French order .

  24. 米歇尔身穿耀眼的Sachin&Babi套装,银色衬衫搭配宽松的长裤,还系着一条闪闪发光的腰带。

    Michelle walked onto the stage in a dazzling Sachin & Babi outfit that featured a billowing silver blouse with matching slacks and a sparkling belt wrapped above her hips .

  25. 因其白衬衫而著名的法国设计师安妮·芳婷(AnneFontaine)曾告诉《福布斯》杂志:“除了漂亮衬衫,每个女人还应拥有超棒牛仔裤、黑色长裤、漂亮裙子、完美黑色小礼服和四季皆宜的夹克衫。”

    French designer Anne Fontaine , known for her white shirts , once told Forbes magazine that " besides a beautiful blouse , every woman should have a great pair of jeans , black pants , a perfect skirt , a perfect little black dress and a jacket for each season . "

  26. 桑丘承诺尽快返回他可以和看完唐吉诃德脱下了长裤,并做倒立,以表明他疯狂,他引发的Rocinante。

    Sancho promises to return as quickly as he can , and after watching Don Quixote take off his trousers and do a headstand to indicate his madness , he sets off on Rocinante .

  27. 根据Chubbies公司的世界观,“长裤是工作的时候穿的,”而短裤&尤其是他们生产的短裤,则是运动、娱乐、泡吧或是爬喜马拉雅山的时候穿的。

    According to the chubbies worldview : " pants are for work , " while shorts their shorts are for having fun , or jumping off rocks , or playing beer pong , or climbing Everest .

  28. 现在男性常穿的衣服是衬衫和长裤。

    Nowadays , common dresses of males are shirts and pants .

  29. 他们不得不改变为三个季度或长裤。

    They had to change into three quarter or long pants .

  30. 例:,,,,.上衣、大衣、短裤、长裤、衬衫和短袜等等都是衣物。

    Coats overcoats shorts trousers shirts and socks are articles of clothing