
  • 网络changshan islands;changshan archipelago
  1. 长山群岛开发的限制因素与对策探讨

    The limited factors and countermeasures to develop Changshan Islands

  2. 随后,采用资料分析法、对比法及综合分析法来得出长山群岛的相关研究理论。

    Then , Using material analysis , comparison method and comprehensive analysis to draw ChangShan islands related research theory .

  3. 长山群岛海区现代沉积特征

    Modern sedimentation features in the sea area around Changshan Archipelago

  4. 长山群岛生存与环境支撑系统可持续发展能力研究

    The Sustainable Development Capacity Study of Chang-Shan Archipelago 's Survival and Environmental Supporting System

  5. 长山群岛资源丰富,海岛经济发展较快。

    Changshan archipelago is rich in resources , and the development of coastal economy is very fast .

  6. 辽宁海事局:体制创新加强长山群岛陆岛运输安全监管

    Liaoning MSA strengthens the safety control of the transportation between land and island in Changdao Islands area through system innovation

  7. 由长山群岛组成的长海县,是我国北方重要的海岛县之一。

    Changhai county , which is made up of Changshan archipelago , is one of the important costal counties in north China .

  8. 海岛海域生物资源利用与海洋农牧化生产布局新发展的研究&以长山群岛为例

    Research on Recent Development of Allocation of Marine Agriculture-pastoralization Production and Exploitation of Biological Resource of Sea Area of Surrounding Islands & A Case Study of Changshan Archipelagoes

  9. 并以旅游气候适宜性评价为指导,对长山群岛的各月的体感舒适度进行了定量评价,进而得出长山群岛的旅游适宜期为每年的4-10月。

    Guided by climate suitability assessment , somatoform comfort degree is evaluated from quantitative perspective and a conclusion is drawn that the best period for tourism is from April to October every year .

  10. 为了排除水动型海平面升降影响,本文根据1981&1987年所获得的资料,应用大海岸阶地综合纵剖面分析法,讨论了长山群岛和辽东半岛南部海岸阶地及其所反映的新构造运动性质。

    According to the great synthetical longitudinal profiling of marine terrace and on the basis of regional geomorphic and Quaternary correlation investigated in 1981-1987 , the feature of the neotectonic movements on the Changshan Islands and the southern Liaodong peninsula is discussed .