
  • 网络Cuba
  1. 古巴岛接近佛罗里达。

    The island of Cuba is adjacent to Florida .

  2. 一名61岁的美国人将有望成为在没有防鲨笼保护的情况下游过古巴岛到美国佛罗里达州的第一人。

    A61-year-old American is hoping to become the first person to swim from the island of Cuba to Florida in the United States without a shark cage to protect her .

  3. 这是50年来袭击古巴岛的最强的暴风雨。

    It was the strongest storm to hit the island in50 years .

  4. 他坚持称自己只是为了改善古巴岛上小型犹太社区的上网情况。

    He s he was just trying to improve Internet access for the island 's small Jewish community .

  5. 我们生在父母遗留给我们的一个自由的国度,即使古巴岛陆沉大海,我们也不会同意做任何人的奴隶。

    We were born in a free country that our parents bequeathed to us and the island will sink into the sea before we consent to be slaves of anyone .

  6. 古巴表示,他们是为了保护古巴岛免受恐怖主义袭击。

    Cuba says they were protecting the island from alleged terrorists .