
  • 网络Chinese islands;Islands of China
  1. 一座孤立在海上的中国岛屿将建成一座整合电站,利用风能、太阳能和波浪能为居民提供生活能源与淡水。

    A remote Chinese island is installing a power station that will harness the wind , sun and waves to produce energy and fresh water .

  2. 中国沿海岛屿星罗棋布。

    Islands are scattered all along China 's coastline like stars in the sky .

  3. 但对于守护中国边境岛屿的军人们来说,大海结冰可不是一件好事。

    But for soldiers protecting China 's border islands , sea ice means trouble .

  4. 中国对岛屿的使用有诸多限制,而且仅出让50年产权。

    Islands in China come with many restrictions on their use and just 50 years of ownership .

  5. 在美国新泽西州冲过四年浪后,他搬到了这个中国热带岛屿也在2007年的时候成立了冲浪海南。

    After surfing in New Jersey for four years , he moved to this Chinese tropical island and founded Surfing Hainan in2006 .

  6. 中国沿海岛屿星罗棋布。青岛是一个滨海的城市。

    Islands are scattered all along China 's coastline like stars in the sky . Qingdao is a city on the sea .

  7. 如果日本感觉美国并未保护它的利益(比如在与中国的岛屿争端上),日本或许会对美国产生不满。

    If Japan feels that the US is not defending its interests , say over islands disputed with China , resentment could build .

  8. 中国南方岛屿海南制订了雄心勃勃的计划,要在未来五到十年内打造世界一流的旅游目的地。

    The southern island of Hainan has big plans to turn itself into a top travel destination over the next five to ten years .

  9. 从2009年以来,国家海洋局就着手对中国所有岛屿,包括钓鱼岛,进行一次普测,并准备于2012年3月公布它们标准名称和位置。

    Since 2009 , the SOA carried out a general survey of all Chinese islands , including the Diaoyu Islands , and announced their standard names and locations in March , 2012 .

  10. 近日,一名国家旅游局前任官员建议,将中国南方岛屿省份海南省更名为南海省(普通话中意为“中国南海”),这样就能够突出显示中国对该广大地区的主权。

    South China 's island province of Hainan should be renamed " Nanhai " Province , meaning " South China Sea " in Putonghua , suggested a former tourism official , which would highlight China 's sovereignty over the vast region .

  11. 由于在中国东海岛屿控制权问题上的争端,一些中国消费者抵制日本产品,导致对中国出口下降了15.8%,但日本对欧洲和美国的出口也出现下降。

    Exports to China , where some consumers have been shunning Japanese products amid an international dispute over control of islands in the East China Sea , fell 15.8 per cent , but shipments to Europe and the US were also down .

  12. 日本海上保安厅元旦在有争议的尖阁诸岛(SenkakuIslands,中国称这些岛屿为钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿)附近海域救起了一名落水的中国热气球驾驶者。此人曾试图降落到其中的一个岛屿,但没有成功。

    Japan 's coast guard plucked a stranded Chinese balloonist out of the sea near the disputed Senkaku Islands on New Year 's day after the man tried and failed to land on one of the islands .

  13. 中国声称这些岛屿是其领土的一部分。

    China claims the islands are part of its territory .

  14. 台湾是中国最大的岛屿。

    Taiwan is the largest island of China .

  15. 中日在东中国海争议岛屿问题上争论不休。

    China and Japan have sparred over disputed islands in the East China Sea .

  16. 中国坚持这些岛屿是被苏联在1929年非法夺走的。

    They had been illegally taken over , they insisted , by the then Soviet Union in1929 .

  17. 海南是中国唯一热带岛屿省,碧海蓝天,空气新鲜,环境优美。

    Hainan as the only tropical island in China enjoys clear sky , azure blue sea , fresh air and beautiful scenery .

  18. 菲律宾表示中国在一岛屿进行疏通作业,可能计划建设飞机跑道。

    And the Philippines says China has used a dredge to build on an island where it plans to construct an runway .

  19. 第二个问题在于,这些国家本身全都在南中国海占有岛屿,一些国家还在填海造岛。

    The second problem is that each of these countries has occupied its own islands , and some are doing their own land reclamation .

  20. 热带风暴横扫中国南部岛屿并且向越南中部海岸线移动,中国和越南疏散了数十万人。

    China and Vietnam have evacuated hundreds of thousands of people as a tropical storm swept over a southern Chinese island and pushed on toward the central Vietnamese coastline .

  21. 2012年,这座由中国管辖的岛屿城市中,豪宅的平均价格为每平方英尺7200英镑(约合1.1万美元)。

    Luxury housing on the Chinese island territory averaged £ 7 , 200 per square foot , or nearly $ 11 , 000 per square foot , in 2012 .

  22. 去年十月份在中国东海附近岛屿的船只相撞事件后,两国关系降到最低点。

    Ties between Japan and China fell to their lowest point in years after boat collisions off some small islands in the East China Sea last October , sparking nationalism in both countries .

  23. 中国有一个岛屿星罗棋布的海岸线。

    China has a coastline which is studded with islands .

  24. 中国资源驱动型岛屿旅游经济发展分析

    Analysis of Traveling Economy Development of Chinese Resources Actuation Islands

  25. 原因是日本与中国持续存在的岛屿争端。

    As Japan continues to feud over islands with China .

  26. 中国最大的热带岛屿——海南岛沿岸的水域

    The waters along the shores of Hainan , China 's largest tropical island ,

  27. 日本与中国就东海一些岛屿有另外的争执。

    Japan has a separate argument with China about a cluster of islands in the East China Sea .

  28. 不同于其他省份,海南是中国最大的海洋岛屿和最小的陆地省。

    Different from other provinces , Hainan is the largest ocean island and the smallest land province in China .

  29. 日本称其控制的这片岛屿为尖阁列岛,中国称这片岛屿为钓鱼岛,宣布它是自己的领土。

    The islands are controlled by Japan , but also claimed by China , which calls them the Diaoyu .

  30. 这个由两党人士组成的美国代表团明确表示,中国如果攻打这些岛屿将触发美国履行对日本的防卫承诺。

    This bipartisan US delegation made clear that a Chinese attack on the islands would trigger the security guarantees that America has made to Japan .