
zhōng jǐ
  • Midrib;median ridge;mid-ridge
中脊[zhōng jǐ]
  1. 大西洋中脊TAG热液活动区中热液沉积物的稀土元素地球化学特征

    Rare earth element geochemistry of hydrothermal sediment from the tag hydrothermal field , mid Atlantic Ridge

  2. 颈部SPR术中脊神经后根节段定位的临床解剖学研究

    Applied anatomy of segmental identification of posterior roots in SPR

  3. Ku波段宽带双频双极化微带天线阵行波电吸收调制器中脊宽对频带宽度的影响

    Wideband Dual-frequency and Dual-polarization Microstrip Antenna Array at Ku-band Influence of Ridge Width on Its Frequency Bandwidth of Traveling-wave Electroabsorption Modulators

  4. 基性火山岩具明显的富Fe、Mg、Na,贫Al、Ti、K的特征,微量元素显示形成于洋中脊环境。

    The basic volcanic rock enrich in Fe 、 Mg 、 Na , and poor in Al 、 Ti 、 K. According to the trace element , the palaeo-environment is suggested as mid-ocean ridge environment .

  5. 探讨了识别洋中脊扩张型(MORS)和洋俯冲带上面(SSZ)蛇绿岩(套)在火成岩组合上的差别。

    The difference between MORS – and SSZ – type ophiolites in terms of igneous petrotectonic assemblages is discussed .

  6. 大洋中脊玄武岩的3He/4He值为8~10Ra;

    For 3He / 4He ratio , the mid-oceanic basalts range 8 ~ 10Ra ;

  7. 与洋中脊花岗岩相比,它们不同程度地富集K2O、Rb、Th而贫于Ta、Nb、Zr,显示了碰撞造山阶段花岗岩的地球化学特征。

    Compared with ORG , they have , with different degrees , the enrichment of K 2O , Rb and Th and the dilution of Ta , Nb and Zr , showing the geochemical characteristics of granite of collisional orogeny period .

  8. 进一步的地球化学研究表明,这套玄武岩为洋岛型玄武岩(OIB)和洋中脊型玄武岩(MORB)的组合。

    Based on more geochemical signatures , two types of basalt are recognized , namely , ocean island basalt ( OIB ) and mid ocean ridge basalt ( MORB ) .

  9. 利用有效折射率法、有限差分束传播法对有机聚合物脊型波导进行仿真分析,得出M-Z光波导中脊宽、分支角等对传输特性的影响。

    The transmission characteristics affected by the ridge width and branch angle of the M-Z waveguide are simulated and analyzed by the effective index method ( EIM ) and finite difference beam propagation method ( FD-BPM ) .

  10. 各种扩张速率下的洋中脊被转换断层和非转换断层分成许多段(长10到100km不等),而且这种岩浆活动和构造的分段特性在大西洋中脊表现特别明显。

    The mid-oceanic ridges with different spreading velocities are segmented into 10 to 100 km long by transform faults and non-transform faults . This segmentation of magmatism and structure appears evidently in the Atlantic mid-oceanic ridge .

  11. 大西洋中脊胶状黄铁矿的特征及其成因

    Characteristics and origin of colloid form pyrite from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge

  12. 海底正在从大洋中脊扩张开来。

    The sea floor is spreading away from the mid-ocean ridges .

  13. 大洋中脊热水探测与新型传感器

    Exploration for Hydrothermal Fluids of Mid-Ocean Ridge and Novel Chemical Sensors

  14. 北冰洋中脊海底热水活动研究及展望

    Researches Submarine Hydrothermal Activities on the Mid-Arctic Ridge and Their Prospects

  15. 洋中脊分段性及其拓展和叠接机制

    Segmentation , propagation and overlapping at mid - oceanic ridge

  16. 行波电吸收调制器中脊宽对频带宽度的影响

    Influence of Ridge Width on Its Frequency Bandwidth of Traveling-wave Electroabsorption Modulators

  17. 此外,我们的大桥还会穿过大西洋中脊上方。

    Furthermore , the bridge would cross the mid-Atlantic ridge .

  18. 论中华民族的形成过程大洋中脊的形成过程

    On the Formation of the Chinese Nation THE FORMATIVE PROCESS OF MID-OCEAN RIDGE

  19. 大西洋中脊热液硫化物的矿物学研究

    Mineralogical study of hydrothermal sulfide from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge

  20. 这样,大洋中脊就成为板块分离边界,海底扩张就发生在这里。

    The rifts therefore represent divergent plate boundaries where seafloor spreading is taking place .

  21. 大洋中脊的形成过程

    The formative process of mid - ocean ridge

  22. 带载人平台的云梯车东太平洋中脊地热带

    Aerial ladder platform east pacific rise geothermal belt

  23. 大西洋洋中脊深海多环芳烃降解菌群的优势菌分析

    Predominant strains of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading consortia from deep sea of the Middle Atlantic Ridge

  24. 腭板融合包括中脊上皮层的形成和随后的降解。

    Palate fusion involves the formation and subsequent degeneration of the medial edge epithelial seam .

  25. 西南印度洋中脊热液羽状流中微生物化石的发现及意义

    Discovery of microbial fossils in hydrothermal plume of the southwest Indian ridge and its significance

  26. 对最近几年洋中脊动力学研究之进展给予综述。

    A review of progress in mid & ocean ridge dynamics during recent years is given .

  27. 东太平洋中脊地热带海底正在从大洋中脊扩张开来。

    East pacific rise geothermal belt The sea floor is spreading away from the mid-ocean ridges .

  28. 洋中脊花岗岩标准化的微量元素配分曲线与陆缘弧花岗岩配分型式相似。

    Ocean ridge granite normalized trace element distribution patterns are similar with continental margin arc distribution patterns .

  29. 贝氏体中脊形貌特征研究

    Study on Bainitic Midrib Morphology

  30. 板块以一个由洋中脊、转换断层和海沟相互连接形成的网络为界。

    The plates are bounded by an interconnected network of ridges , transform faults , and trenches .