
  • 网络submarine eruption
  1. 大量来自俯冲板片的水和大离子亲石元素进入亏损地幔楔,使之发生部分熔融,生成的岩浆沿着扩张脊在海底喷发,形成了新的SSZ型洋壳和洋盆,时代为175Ma左右。

    Plenty of H2O and LILE entered the depleted mantle wedge , led to the partial melting . Along the spreading ridges , the magma extruded on the sea floor and formed the new SSZ-type oceanic crust and basin ( 175Ma ) .

  2. 中三叠世安尼期海底喷发的玄武岩,在时间、空间上与区内锡多金属矿床有着密切联系。

    The basalt , erupted in Mid-Triassic , is closely related to the Gejiu tin polymetallic mineralization both in time and space .

  3. 研究表明,它属于海底喷发、水流搬运的火山碎清流沉积(火山浊流沉积),并且可能是印支早期华北板块与扬子板块相互碰撞的一种反映。

    The study indicates that the pyroclastic flow deposits ( pyroturbidity deposits ) formed by underwater eruption and transportation , include two cycles , and might be a reflecting the collision processes between North China and Yangtze Plates during the early Indosinian Epoch .

  4. 事实上,每次海底火山喷发就是对此进行的一个实验。

    Actually , this experiment happens every time a volcano erupts at the bottom of the ocean .

  5. 其他较老年龄锆石是由强烈的海底火山喷发作用从深部基底物质中带出的,并与热水流体一起沉积下来,赋存在石英钠长石岩中。

    Some other older zircons with 206Pb / 238U ages of 932 to 2443 Ma were brought from Precambrian basement rocks at depth by strong submarine volcanic eruption and then deposited in quartz albitite together with hydrothermal fluids .

  6. 海啸由海底地震或火山喷发而造成的巨大海浪横贯大西洋的通讯海底电缆

    A very large ocean wave caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption . cable across North Atlantic