
  • 网络BATLK;submarine landform;submarine geomorphy;seabed geomorphology;sea floor land form
  1. 基于OpenGL的海底地貌三维可视化系统的设计与实现

    The Design And Realization Of 3D Sea Bottom Geomorphy Visualization System Based On OpenGL

  2. 由离散水深数据如何描述海底地貌以及水深数据与属性数据如何关联一直是海洋地理信息系统(MGIS)需要解决的问题。

    The problems on how to describe submarine configuration by discrete bathymetric data and correlate bathymetric data and feature data are basic ones that need to be solved methodically in MGIS .

  3. 本论文主要围绕海底地貌信息的获取理论和算法开展研究,并利用试验数据进行验证,最终基于VC和OpenGL初步开发了多波束海底地形地貌图像联合显示软件。

    This dissertation has a detailed study on the theory and algorithm of seafloor geomorphic information obtaining , which is validated by experimental data . Ultimately , based on VC and OpenGL , a primary seafloor topography and geomorphology display software for multi-beam bathymetric system is developed .

  4. 海南岛东部陆架海底地貌

    Submarine geomorphology of the eastern continental shelf of the Hainan Island

  5. 南海北部海底地貌初步研究

    Preliminary study on submarine relief of the northern South China Sea

  6. 海底地貌分析中等深树的概念和自动建立研究

    The Concept of Tree of Depth Contours and Automated Construction

  7. 厦门港湾海底地貌及其冲淤变化

    Submarine geomorphology of the Xiamen Harbour and its scouring-silting change

  8. 南黄海中部海区海底地貌特征

    Submarine geomorphic features in the central areas of the South Yellow Sea

  9. 台湾海峡海底地貌的探讨

    A study of submarine landforms of the Taiwan Strait

  10. 南海东北部的海底地貌

    Bottom geomorphology of the northeastern South China Sea

  11. 海底地貌制图中拓扑关系的建立

    Establishing topology of submarine geomorphologic map

  12. 基于海底地貌表示法确定主测深线间隔和测图比例尺

    Confirmation of Main Surveying Line Span and Map Scale Based on the Expression of Submarine Relief

  13. 看来,我们对月球表面的了解确实要比对海底地貌的了解要多得多啊。

    We really do know more about the surface of the moon than the total ocean floor .

  14. 渤海海底地貌类型及其区域组合特征

    The bottom geomorphological types and assembly characteristics in the Bohai Sea Chapter 5 marine sedimentation section 2 bottom geomorphology

  15. 地貌基本形态类型的主维分类法。海底地貌

    At present , there are many methods of geomorphologic classification . CHAPTER 5 MARINE SEDIMENTATION Section 2 Bottom Geomorphology

  16. 尽管船舶声纳技术也用得上,但是迄今为止利用船舶器械仅仅绘制出海底地貌的10%。

    Ship-based sonar would help , but ship-based instruments have mapped only about 10 percent of the ocean floor so far .

  17. 研究区海底地貌剖面图、沉积物组成和水道动力系统可为拟议中的渤海海峡跨海通道建设提供动力沉积学和动力地貌学依据。

    The results could provide the well-knit dynamic sedimentology and dynamic geomorphology gist for the drawing up of channel construction across the Bohai strait , which made the paper .

  18. 海底地貌和构造的不断变化不仅仅是海洋本身的变化,它对人类的生存环境也有着很大的影响。

    The ever-changing topography and structure of the ocean floor not only is the changing of ocean itself , but have great influence to the survival environment of mankind .

  19. 采用现场调查资料与历史资料对比的方法,从海岸和海底地貌、水环境质量、海洋生物种类和群落结构等几方面分析了近几十年来福建泉州湾围海工程的环境效应。

    By in situ investigation and historical data comparison , the environmental impact of reclamation on seabed landform , water quality and marine organisms in recent decades in Quanzhou Bay was analyzed .

  20. 论述了激光水下距离选通成像系统的原理,并根据激光水下距离选通成像系统的距离选通的特性和海底地貌的特点,用数字高程图模拟了激光水下成像的多距离图像。

    Introducing the principle of the distance-choice underwater laser system , basing the property of distance-choice and the characteristic of the seabed physiognomy , we simulate the multi-distance images with the DEM image .

  21. 它四季交替分明,沿岸径流多变,海底地貌复杂,具有复杂的天气、气候以及独特的热力和动力学特性。

    Its seasons alternate clearly , inshore runoff change frequently , submarine geomorphology is complicated . Therefore , it has the complicate weather , climate feather and the special thermodynamic , dynamical characteristic .

  22. 低的无机物输入和低的沉积速率,有利于高有机质丰度烃源岩形成;呈斜坡的海底地貌,有利于烃源岩形成。

    Moreover , a low input of inorganic matter and a low depositional rate are of great advantage to the formation of organic-rich source rocks , and the slope seabed landform favors the formation of source rocks .

  23. 应用侧扫声纳技术可以反演海底地貌,同时多波束测深技术得到的水深数据重建数字水深模型,二者结合创建三维海底空间景观。

    The application of technology of side-scan sonar makes it possible to reflect seafloor relief , and depth data got in multi-beam bathymetry can be used to rebuild digital depth model , so that three-dimension seafloor spatial sight is created with combing them .

  24. 水下拖曳系统和锚索系统广泛应用于海底地貌观察、底层水文资料收集、猎潜、扫雷、水雷等方面。

    The underwater dragging system and the anchor cable system are widely used in all kinds of field , such as observing geography at the bottom of sea , the basic hydrology data collections , hunting submarines , sweeping the torpedo and torpedo etc. .

  25. 在众多领域GIS都得到了广泛的应用,但GIS应用于海洋研究还相对较少,尤其在海底地形地貌的综合解释方面,还是一片空白。

    GIS is applied to many domains , but it 's less in oceanography domain , especially in benthonic terrain integrative decipher .

  26. GIS支持下近百年来闽江口海底地形地貌演变海底地貌与大陆地形不同,它一起伏不平的地形为特征。

    Seabed morphological evolution in Minjiang Estuary in recent one hundred years based on GIS tools The landscape under oceans differs from that on the earth . It features with fluctuant landforms .

  27. 结合多波束测深系统特点,提出基于海底微地貌和管道特征的改进IDW算法,能够构建更高精度的DTM,为运用多波束技术检测海底管道奠定基础。

    According to the features of micro-geomorphology of seabed and pipeline , a method based on inverse distance weighted ( IDW ) algorithm to construct seafloor digital terrain model ( DTM ) using multi-beam soundings , which can improve the ability of multi-beam echo sounder on pipeline inspecting .

  28. 海岸正在慢慢地被冲蚀。三亚角外海海底地形地貌及现代沉积

    Recent Sedimentation and Sea Floor Topography Off the Coast of Sanya Cape

  29. 南海北部海底微地貌特征与近代变化

    Micro - geomorphic features and their dynamic change in northern South China Sea

  30. 海底微地貌测量系统

    The Survey System for Detailed Relief on Sea Floor