
  • 网络overseas chinese;Oversea Chinese;chinese overseas
  1. 海外华人为中国内地的经济增长做出了巨大贡献:例如,世界银行(worldbank)的报告显示,2007年,中国收到海外汇款近260亿美元,比世界上除了印度以外的任何国家都多。

    Overseas Chinese have contributed mightily to the mainland 's economic growth : for example , the World Bank reports that in 2007 China received more remittances – nearly $ 26bn – than any other country in the world except India .

  2. 中视国际传媒有限公司(CICC)是中央电视台的商业分支机构,该公司负责将该台和中国省级电视台制作的中文节目向海外华人观众直播。现在该公司也将目光对准了非华人观众。

    China International Communications Co ( CICC ) , the commercial arm of China Central TV , streams Chinese content from CCTV and provincial broadcasters to overseas Chinese audiences - and is now setting its sights at non-Chinese audiences too .

  3. 基于GIS的青岛市人口环境容量失衡度研究更何况,除了中国的庞大人口,不容忽视的还有海外华人的力量。

    THE STUDY OF POPULATION ENVIRONMENTAL CAPACITY NON-BALANCE DEGREE IN QINGDAO BASED ON GIS ; In addition to China 's population , there is a widespread Chinese diaspora .

  4. 海外华人银行业务中心股份有限公司(OCB)及新加坡的莱弗斯城;

    The Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Centre ( OCBC ) and Raffles City in Singapore ;

  5. ThomasChin是海外华人在马来西亚咨询中心的顾问,他表示一般有五个主要问题影响着中国公民。

    Thomas Chin , a consultant at the Advisory Center For Chinese Living Abroad In Malaysia , said generally there are five major issues affecting Chinese citizens .

  6. 从七十年代初期它所制作的电视剧集常年占据着香港电视剧收视率的八成左右,时至今日,TVB的剧集更在内地及海外华人中拥有数目庞大的观众群。

    Since early 1970s , the TV series which TVB manufactured has taken up a portion of 80 % in Hong Kong market . Even until now , the TVB series has a large number of Chinese audience groups both in mainland and overseas .

  7. 经营中餐馆已经成为海外华人的支柱产业,被成为海外华人的诺亚方舟1。

    Running Chinese restaurant becomes a pillar industry for overseas Chinese .

  8. 海外华人华侨民族舞蹈教学现状与分析

    The Current Conditions and Analysis of Overseas Chinese Ethnic Dance Teaching

  9. 关于海外华人研究若干问题的思考&在2002年海外华人研究国际研讨会的小结

    On the Identity of Overseas Chinese On Overseas Chinese studies OVERSEAS

  10. 亚洲金融危机对海外华人金融业的影响&兼论海外华人金融业的发展进程

    The influences of Asian financial crisis upon overseas Chinese financial community

  11. 努力吸引海外华人知识分子为国服务

    Strive to Draw the Oversea Chinese Intelligents to Serve for China

  12. 海外华人华侨专业人才现状分析

    A study of the status quo of the overseas Chinese professionals

  13. 追索与建构:论海外华人文学的身份认同

    Pursuit and Construction : The Identity of Overseas Chinese Literature

  14. 马来西亚华人政治是海外华人政治的一个典型。

    Chinese politics in Sarawak is a typical of Chinese politics overseas .

  15. 浅析影响海外华人与侨居民族互动的因素

    Analyze The Inter-Dynamic Factors Influence Overseas Chinese And Original Inhabitants

  16. 海外华人地域分布变化特征及原因

    On the change of the regional distribution of Overseas Chinese

  17. 海外华人学生汉语心理词典的特点与成因

    Characters and Causes of Formation of Overseas Chinese Students ' Mental Lexicon

  18. 东南亚地区是海外华人企业的主要聚集区,其经济的腾飞离不开华人企业所做的贡献。

    Southeast Asia is the main residential area of overseas Chinese businesses .

  19. 《唐人街》:海外华人世界的成功展现

    Documentary " China Town ": a Successful Unfolding of Overseas Chinese Community

  20. 此举将以扎根于海外华人社区的业务为基础。

    This builds on a business anchored in the overseas Chinese community .

  21. 论海外华人企业以仁为本的员工管理

    On the Humanistic Management of Employees in Overseas Chinese Businesses

  22. 战后海外华人宗族社团的演变及其特征

    Overseas Chinese kinship associations after WWII : evolution and characteristics

  23. 海外华人是世界文化迁徙中的独特现象。

    The overseas Chinese is of the unique in the global diasporas .

  24. 在众多的海外华人中,美国华人是较为特殊的一支。

    American Chinese is a special and important branch among the Overseas Chinese .

  25. 海外华人的这种书写,也间接或直接体现了作家选择与认同的文化身份。

    Oversea Chinese writing is about writers ' choices and culture identities recognition .

  26. 研究为什么海外华人要祈祷和崇拜她。

    To study why overseas Chinese people pray and worship her . 3 .

  27. 多元音乐文化的融合&海外华人音乐

    Overseas Chinese Music , A Result of the Fusion of Multiple Musical Cultures

  28. 其二,为海外华人文学研究开辟了一个新的视角。

    This study provides a new perspective for the overseas Chinese literature studies .

  29. 利利用海外华人智力库,构筑上海人才资源新结构

    To Tap Intellectual Resources in Shanghai by Using the Think Tank of Overseas Chinese

  30. 海外华人三重性及其作用&以马来西亚为例

    The Three Characteristics of Ethnic Chinese and Their Roles : The Case of Malaysia