
yǎ yán
  • well-intentioned criticism;honest advice;standard language;correct expression
雅言 [yǎ yán]
  • [earnest advice] 正言

  • 察纳雅言,深追先帝遗诏。--诸葛亮《出师表》

  1. 《论语》子所雅言章辩义

    An Analysis of the Chapter of " Confucius 's Ya Yan " in Analects

  2. 《书法雅言》正宗观:晚明书坛捍卫传统的号角

    Shu Fa Ya Yan : Clarion Call in Calligraphy Circles of Late Ming to guard tradition

  3. 我们也见到我们的诗体不是出自乡土之音,而是源于博学雅言的艺术试作。

    that of rhyme , we still recognize the origin of our poetic form from artificial experiments with a nonindigenous , really scholarly language .

  4. 本文考察了历史上有关《论语》此章的各种解释,否定了“雅言”为共通语的成说。

    The present article gives a survey on the past studies of the chapter and leads to a conclusion that contradicts the accepted theory .

  5. 孔子的语文教育思想是:语文教学的主要目标是培养学生运用雅言进行言语交际的能力。

    Confucius 's ideas of Chinese education consider that the main aim of Chinese education is to cultivate the ability of using " elegant speech " for language communication .